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  1. Husky_Khan

    Marvel Every Star Destroyer and TIE Fighter in Marvel's Star Wars: Allegiance is a fan copy

    There was a similar case brought up by George RR Martin on his blog a long time ago, where he was talking about why he personally disapproves of fanfiction: Turned out that it's a super convoluted story but the threat of a lawsuit by a fanfic author...
  2. Husky_Khan

    Marvel Every Star Destroyer and TIE Fighter in Marvel's Star Wars: Allegiance is a fan copy

    It's been over a year... has Disney still been stealing fan art? The answer is Yes. Are they doing it for animations now as well? That answer is also yes!
  3. Husky_Khan

    Marvel Every Star Destroyer and TIE Fighter in Marvel's Star Wars: Allegiance is a fan copy

    In case you were wondering if Star Wars still steals fan art for official use... Star Wars does still steal fan art for official use. This time it focused on how Fantasy Flight Games stole cover art for its Star Wars RPG book.
  4. Husky_Khan

    Marvel Every Star Destroyer and TIE Fighter in Marvel's Star Wars: Allegiance is a fan copy

    Whelp, the theft keeps on coming. They also messed up the Star Destroyer designs... oh well. It's not just Marvel Comics f'ing up though and being "inspired/lifted totally," but officially commissioned Star Wars posters for the upcoming movie.
  5. Husky_Khan

    Marvel Every Star Destroyer and TIE Fighter in Marvel's Star Wars: Allegiance is a fan copy

    Hence I said... kinda… ;) It was meant to be a humorous aside. :P
  6. Husky_Khan

    Marvel Every Star Destroyer and TIE Fighter in Marvel's Star Wars: Allegiance is a fan copy

    Update Video: Kinda clickbait. They didn't copy the Millennium Falcon...
  7. Husky_Khan

    Marvel Every Star Destroyer and TIE Fighter in Marvel's Star Wars: Allegiance is a fan copy

    Yeah that's what one of the creators said in the video to the Youtuber when he was messaged. He just says he wished that Marvel would contact him or get some sort of recognition originally since that's what the people who did a Halo comic did when they asked him if they could use one of his...
  8. Husky_Khan

    Marvel Every Star Destroyer and TIE Fighter in Marvel's Star Wars: Allegiance is a fan copy

    The video only mentions the legality of it once. I think none of the videos mention it more then once. That wasn't the point of the video.
  9. Husky_Khan

    Marvel Every Star Destroyer and TIE Fighter in Marvel's Star Wars: Allegiance is a fan copy

    Title is a bit misleading. TLDW, Star Wars has stolen lots and lots of artwork from fans for their comics and has been doing it for a long time to the point it's so pervasive that entire fleets of ships and almost every vessel in whole comic series are copied from fan art. No credit or...