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  1. GoldRanger

    Sweden is a shithole

    Hey, at least there *is* some backlash. For now.
  2. GoldRanger

    Sweden is a shithole

    The left is ridiculously anti-Semitic. People like "the Squad" in the US and Corbyn in the UK check virtually all the antisemitism boxes, including beliefs and statements on Jews controlling the media, the banks, the government (The Israeli lobby in the US in is brought up a lot even though it...
  3. GoldRanger

    Sweden is a shithole

    That about sums up the kind of "moderate" prevalent in Muslim society. They have a different standard of "moderation" than someone who grew up with a Western upbringing. However, acknowledging differences in culture is considered racist these days...
  4. GoldRanger

    Sweden is a shithole

    The left has the mentality that if you criticize a group as a whole, that must mean that you necessarily criticizing all the individuals within the group. They have a collective mindset as we know, they can't fathom that one can like and respect an individual while at the same time disagreeing...
  5. GoldRanger

    Sweden is a shithole

    The Muslims won't merely trash it. They usualy handle these things a little bit differently.
  6. GoldRanger

    Sweden is a shithole

    Eagerly waiting for an equivalent Muslim drawing. Maybe draw Mohammad as a woman, THAT will go over great, I'm sure.