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    Asia-Pacific Military Coup in Myanmar

    “Bro it’s not a civil war at all who cares about burma literally nothing interesting is happening there” Nosiree nothing to see here just trained soldiers being engaged by dirt poor hunters not...
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    Asia-Pacific Military Coup in Myanmar

    As if to underscore that Myanmar has already been on the brink of serious civil war for a while now: And they've got this capability seemingly just from looted equipment in Myanmmar. Which of these...
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    Asia-Pacific Military Coup in Myanmar See, the UN agrees with me.
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    Asia-Pacific Military Coup in Myanmar

    When only the government is doing the shooting it's just protests being wrecked. When both sides are doing the shooting... Too bad liveleak is a shell of it's former self so I won't be able to go...
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    Asia-Pacific Military Coup in Myanmar
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    Asia-Pacific Military Coup in Myanmar

    Tell me, didn't Syria's civil war start with protesters being fired on en-masse?