1. Buba

    The Byzantine Empire from 1070 (minus the Italian city of Bari) is moved to 1700 AD while the equivalent territroy from 1700 AD is moved to 1070 AD

    A mixed bag. Compared to Ottomans the 1070 ERE is weak! It is no replacement. A minor irritant for Austria. On the other hand there is the psychological factor - the ROMANS ARE BACK. Constantinople is Christian again. And France can into Jerusalem ... IMO yes. Up to more or less "single season...
  2. Buba

    The Byzantine Empire from 1070 (minus the Italian city of Bari) is moved to 1700 AD while the equivalent territroy from 1700 AD is moved to 1070 AD

    1700 Russia under Peter "Differently Competent" Romanov - the army will starve before reaching the Danube. Should - given some time - subdue the Crimea. Ex-Ottoman lands: Egypt - goes independent under the Maluks, maybe thinks about expanding into Syria. Or internal tensions/civil war preclude...