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  1. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    What if Vader landed his TIE Advanced on Yavin 4 after the Death Star blew up?
  2. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    It's a good idea for a crack one shot fic.
  3. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    TCW is canon. Just not Legends canon. Disney canon can have it for free. @DarthOne makes a good point. TCW literally contradicts 80% of the previous canon. It was so bad that they had to make a special canon classification just for it. And it's ironic how TCW is a kids show, but you...
  4. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    D'Asta family of Serenno owns one of the biggest merchant fleets in the galaxy. Dooku is likely familiar with them and he can easily negotiate a deal where Jedi get to hitch rides on D'Asta cargo ships that are heading to the destination the Jedi is going. Jedi get their transportation...
  5. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    This is actually canon in Legends. Jedi Master Kai Hudorra became a gambler after Order 66 and ended up buying a casino and running it himself. He would have remained undiscovered had that turncloak, the slimy bug called Beyghor Sahdett, not betrayed him and Dass Jennir.
  6. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    You have a point, but the TCW only exacerbated these problems. Unlike the Clone Wars multimedia project, which alleviated them. TCW was one of the, if the not the most, biased and unrealistic part of Star Wars.
  7. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    This is why some people (me included) consider TCW to be part of Disney canon. The Clone Wars multimedia project was much better than TCW.
  8. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    Speaking about Vader and Palps, I surprised that people haven't considered the Gentis coup. With Palps severely weakened by the Aorth-6 bioweapon, Vader was basically in charge. What if Vader wasn't maimed and in a suit, would he have taken the opportunity and killed Palps (or just let him die)?
  9. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    On the subject of Anakin winning the Mustafar duel, I remember seeing a youtube vid of the RoTS video game's alternate ending. Anakin kills Obi-Wan and then kills Sidious when he comes to retrieve him. Emperor Anakin Skywalker of the Galactic Empire.
  10. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    144 (2 full fighter wings of 72) is the bare minimum. Executor class SSDs could carry thousands of fighters and bombers. In my fic, I set the number at 40 wings of 72, which totals up to 2880 fighters (the SI's flagship is my fic an Executor class) And the time travel part isn't crazy...
  11. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    Obviously. The Trade Federation and other corrupt corporations will be decried as evil leeches, while the other parts of the Separatists like the Valahari, Colicoids, Kaleesh, Jabiimi, and other species/systems that simply wanted freedom from a corrupt Republic and more free trade without...
  12. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    That's why the Jensaarai were perfection. Jensaarai isn't the Blade of Mortis used as a last ditch one shot kill against Abeloth? Grogu meets Oteg. Memes ensure. I've been working on a (Legends) Imperial Officer SI . . . Where the SI makes alliances...
  13. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    yeah. They kinda messed up her characterization a bit
  14. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    Makes sense. Based on your numbers, a crew of about 5700 with 600 Marines gets decimated down to 1700 crew in fighting shape, another 300-400 wounded in varying degrees, and about 200-300 Marines. So bridge takes the worst hit and gets vented out to space? Totally understand. On the other...
  15. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    Engineering perhaps? There's still the problem of rank, as a Venator has a crew of over 7000. Thus, there's going to be a lot of people who outrank Claudius. Thankfully, Natasi Daala is nowhere to be found. :LOL:
  16. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    You're welcome. I don't think that really possible because if the whole command crew were killed that means the entire bridge got annihilated a la Executor. Though maybe . . . Hmmm. . . maybe he was taking a leak when the B-wing crashed into the bridge. An Immobilizer 418 or an Enforcer class...
  17. BlackDragon98

    Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    First I presume this is a Legends story (I hate Disney Star Wars). Secondly, I have a host of ideas for you. You can use them as you please (my gift). Claudius Panteer would command a Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser. (It was used extensively by Republic militias and human fleets during the...