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  1. Bear Ribs

    Anime & Manga RWBY General discussion thread.

    I have trouble believing the creators followed Monty Oum's plans for ten seasons mostly because he had a history of never actually making or sticking to a plan even ten episodes long, much less ten seasons. If they're still using his "ideas" I imagine it's more like a scribbled drawing on a...
  2. Bear Ribs

    Anime & Manga RWBY General discussion thread.

    I think this is the first time I've seen somebody say something positive about Dragonball Z's pacing.
  3. Bear Ribs

    Anime & Manga RWBY General discussion thread.

    You could certainly make a show about that and I'd be willing to give it a shot as well, but it wouldn't be RWBY. Given the base premise of the show is teenage girls in improbable outfits doing spin-kicks and flips while swinging around even more improbably weapons, you have to have a source of...
  4. Bear Ribs

    Anime & Manga RWBY General discussion thread.

    I don't really see the anime fandom and Harry Potter fandom as particularly separated myself. The people that loved Naruto and wrote fanfic about him wrote fanfic about Harry Potter and Ranma Saotome too. I also feel you're putting the anime boom far latter in time that it was. Toonami got...
  5. Bear Ribs

    Anime & Manga RWBY General discussion thread.

    Well obviously I can't read their minds when I say they "wanted" something. Jaune to me is conspicuously different and out-of-place compared to the rest of the cast and I can't help but feel he's intended to be that sort of character and was shoehorned in for such purposes, or perhaps to be the...
  6. Bear Ribs

    Anime & Manga RWBY General discussion thread.

    I agree. Escalating the threat too far past the original premise is risky in writing, it can be done but has a high chance of opening up gaping plot holes by making previous storylines irrelevant because of the change in scale. That said RWBY actually needs Salem or similar. Without an...
  7. Bear Ribs

    Anime & Manga RWBY General discussion thread.

    Pretty sure they were aping Harry Potter there. The film series ended in 2011 and RWBY was released in 2013. At that point "magical school" shows and stories were extremely in fashion after what a juggernaut Harry Potter proved to be. Lots of them were planned around the same plot, start in a...
  8. Bear Ribs

    Anime & Manga RWBY General discussion thread.

    I've said before that the winning strategy to making a good Star Wars film is to have George Lucas do the worldbuilding and have an intern with a cattle prod zap him if he tries to touch the dialogue. I feel pretty much the same about Monty Oum who was a treasure when it came to tightly...
  9. Bear Ribs

    Anime & Manga RWBY General discussion thread.

    I wouldn't be so sure of that. My own prediction is that the show is going to kill off both Yang and Weiss, then Sun Wukong will join the team with the two surviving girls. Team RBS will let them cash in on a lucrative Arby's advertising contract.
  10. Bear Ribs

    Anime & Manga RWBY General discussion thread.

    It's not possible to write a "Battle School" story without making the school staff horrible. The experienced teaching staff who have years of experience in dealing with such things will otherwise handle all the problems and the students you're using as focus characters will have no adventures...