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  1. Bacle

    We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

    Heh, he lurked here for like 2 years before posting, then started trying to stir shit, and then when they got caught out at lying about things and trying to make this site a 'deradicalization project' they started mass deleting posts and now nuke'd their own account.
  2. Bacle

    We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

    'Perfect is the enemy of good enough.' Guess what, admitting when shit isn't working anymore isn't 'giving up your principles', nor is adapting tactics on a changing social battlefield. However, so much of the Right likes to engage in purity spirals about what 'a true conservative/true...
  3. Bacle

    We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

    No, just not the Tolkien-ish/Epikourus-ish fantasy of victory that you seem to hold to. You assume that I think anyone can stay clean of it of the mud; that is Epikourus's/your delusion about the world. Plato was right about politics, no matter how much you or I dislike what he said. Because...
  4. Bacle

    We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

    See, this all pre-supposes that mass authoritarianism is the only end state that can come from accepting that shrinking the gov just isn't realistic, and that shrinking the gov is the only way to 'fix' the issues plaguing us. This isn't about me worshipping the gov, it's about me not being...
  5. Bacle

    We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

    Thank you for showing yet again why US politics is so FUBAR; even the 'third option' in the Libertarian Party is full of idiots and ideologues. Guess what, radiation don't give a fuck about politics, and guess what can happen when some retards decides to use Chernobyl as an armor corridor and...
  6. Bacle

    We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

    Nice way to snip the convo and smear me at the same time, real clever./s Your example is not really applicable to US politics, because guess what, no one (outside fools) expects a US politican to be even close to what Jesus was, even if they do worship him. And the US electorate is more than...
  7. Bacle

    We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

    Epikouros was as naive as anyone else who think just because they do not care for politics, politics will just leave them alone. It's a mindset akin to just wanting to stick your head in the sand, because it's easier than fighting against the insanity. Plato was right, and this has been proven...
  8. Bacle

    We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

    Because I hate illegal immigration, hate tranny shit, and hate the lies the Dems have been selling for decades about both. And it's not that I think the war was lost long ago, as much as I think the Right has repeatedly lost major social battles because they wanted to grill and pray while the...
  9. Bacle

    We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

    And without national level power, those local moves won't stick or spread, and can be reverse themselves by edicts from DC or rulings by SCOTUS. The car is going to get gas no matter what, the only difference is your idea doesn't even attempt to regain control of the steering wheel. I read it...
  10. Bacle

    We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

    You don't have to concede to authoritarians, but you cannot deny that if you do not wield power, you are at the mercy of those who do. Because without power, it doesn't matter what your ideology/ideological goal is, you won't be able to achieve it. Nice aspirations and all, but lets be...
  11. Bacle

    We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

    The OP isn't wrong in that 'small gov obsession' is no longer truly viable; you can either ride the bull or get run over by it, but the Right does not have the strength force it back in the cage. With how interconnected and interdependent the modern world is, there is simply no way to make the...