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  1. Bacle

    Star Wars Andor Series

    So new Andor episode was...kinda brutal, but it gave us a look inside the...inside effects that Andor's heist has had on the Empire and those at it's mercy. Also looks like Syril's desire to get justice for the other corpo's is making him...known by the ISB, and not in a great way either; still...
  2. Bacle

    Star Wars Andor Series

    Andor endorsement from an unexpected source.
  3. Bacle

    Star Wars Andor Series

    I watched the first 4 episodes in a binge, and...this is going better than BoBF did at this point, is likely matching Mando for quality per episode, and already is bringing in Mon Mothma and political shenanigans on Courscant that include the head office of the ISB, and name dropping Sly Moore...