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  1. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    Another reason religion has fallen out of favor is because there is a long track record of religions trying to suppress scientific facts and discoveries that run counter to scripture. As well, the idea that you need the threat/reward of a bad/good afterlife to get people to behave has run smack...
  2. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    The point I was trying to make is that there is common ground to be had on many issues. But when people try to use religion to justify anti-LGB laws or policies, or try to refight the issue of same-sex marriage, the make that common ground harder to find or hold. It's more that, adding in the...
  3. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    Uh, no, no it's not, and that sort of mindset is why so few moderates and centrists bother to be active here. This is a board for free speech, not for any one ideology.
  4. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    We have a lot of common ground you will find, when people look beyond the LGB stuff or trying to use religion to justify laws/policies. There a bunch of pro-Life people in the LGBs that would happily work with the Right against Planned Parenthood, if they weren't worried about people trying to...
  5. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    I take it you didn't know about the female athletes bit? It's something I saw an article on years ago, and is not mentioned by the media for reasons that are obvious to anyone aware of the bias of the mass media.
  6. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    At will abortion is one of the biggest mistakes this nation ever made. If a woman cannot prove it is medically necessary to have an abortion, she shouldn't be able to get one, and should just put the child up for adoption. One under-reported fact about abortions is how often female athletes...
  7. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    Ah, good old C&D; not surprised he was for that. This savior baby stuff is...fucked up on multiple levels. We've learned how to grow human organs in pigs, so it also feels very unnecessary. I guess maybe they cannot get the particular type of cells from the pig surrogates, but the concerns...
  8. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    Ah, but if they didn't lump all LGBT folks in with the San Fran loonies, they couldn't act like LGBTs are a dire threat to society.
  9. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    Did you not see these parts in ATP's post? Bolded for emphasis.
  10. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    No, you are the one who has made three mistakes. First, there are religious zealots/fanatics as a separate thing from normal believers. Trying to make it where only fanatics are actually religious, and everyone else is LARPers is a purity spiral issue or 'No True Scotsman's fallacy. Second...
  11. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    Whether it should or not is irrelevant, because there is no way to disentangle marriage from the gov in the US, or in most countries, really. People need to learn to deal with reality as is, not as we wish it to be.
  12. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    As far as I know, in the US, marriage has always had to go through the gov if people want to use it for anything related to gov services or taxes.
  13. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics
  14. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    Doesn't matter, because the reality is in the US marriage is a state institution, has laws and legal codes attached, as well as benefits and tax cuts for kids, biological or adopted. As well, homosexuals can have kids now thanks to our power over the human genome, and artifical wombs are on the...
  15. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    Which is fair, because you are right, the progressives due love to pull that kinda stuff.
  16. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    I'm not sure about solid numbers, I was more trying to point out to ShieldWife that it's not a new phenomenon for some Christians to claim disasters are 'God's Wrath' or 'God's Punishment'. Like, we even have it happening in the Bible with the Flood (Aegean opening into the Black Sea at the end...
  17. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    How much social media do you look at, and for how long? Because I've seen religious people on Twitter say the damn Wu Flu is 'God's Punishment' for allowing 'degeneracy' and 'immorality' to exist or grow in the US and world. And this is hardly the first time I've seen Christians claim a...
  18. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    Then we won't shed a tear if religious fanatics end up being marginalized into political irrelevancy, or if churches lose thier tax free status, because they want to roll same-sex marriage back.
  19. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    Gaslighting is what BG does best.
  20. Bacle

    United States Christianity, History, and US Politics

    And thank you for showing why LGBT folks have every reason to fight tooth and nail against anyone who even hints at wanting to strip away same-sex marriage; because we know it won't end there. It'll end with gays being thrown off buildings like in ME shit holes.