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  1. Argent

    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    So just saw the movie and overall I liked. It has been a decade snice I read the book. But overall from what I remember it stayed pretty close. I am happy that they split the movie. It was a long movie and they only did half the book. That was the big strength of the Sci Fi mini series. You...
  2. Argent

    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    I think that it never crossed that line for me. The movie took itself to seriously for me to be a campy cult classic. For me movies that a campy fun should be more like Sharkando. Ones that know what they are and do not try to be something else.
  3. Argent

    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    The Special effect are poorly done even considering its age and the acting was so so. I will say the costumes and other set choices where well done. Not to mention they chose a good sound track.
  4. Argent

    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    The trailer gives me hope that this will trun out decent. While the 1984 movie is meh I did enjoy the Sci-Fi Channel mini series. This looks like they put some effort into and the stlye of the Preveiw makes me think Dune.
  5. Argent

    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    I like the logo and it gives me hope that at least the new Dune will look pretty if nothing else.
  6. Argent

    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    Not much is known about it right now. It is still mainly only known to the land of movie buff and people that follow entertainment news. The frist previews just hit the theaters over Christmas so expect more people to be talking about it soon. So for the poll. It is great that people are...