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    Netflix The Witcher TV Series on Netflix

    They already race swapped the famously North African Mycenean kings with White Myceneans and the famously blonde Achilles with a West African Actor. Netflix's quality control went to the trash heap years ago.
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    Netflix The Witcher TV Series on Netflix

    British actually. Most of the actors are. The show is like a snapshot of London and Upper Class Hollywood. Diversity my ass. Woke, thieving, unimaginative, brainless idiots!
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    Netflix The Witcher TV Series on Netflix

    I couldn't watch more than 15 minutes before I stopped. The overweight character using modern sign language, in a FANTASY show. Set in MEDIEVAL FANTASY POLAND! I said cyka blyat these piźda mati writers.
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    Netflix The Witcher TV Series on Netflix

    But not at all canon. It's another cheap, unimaginative bullshit Hissrich and her incompetent writers shoehorned in.
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    Netflix The Witcher TV Series on Netflix

    Yes. Apparently they felt the need to create an African Elf ancestor for Ciri and completely retconed the Old Ones, the Conjugation of the Spheres, the creation of the Witchers. These writers and the showrunners need to be blacklisted. There was a time when writing, directing and showrunning was...
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    Netflix The Witcher TV Series on Netflix

    Just as predicted really. Fucking atrocious intersectional bullshit. I'm looking with hope for Cavil's Warhammer 40k Mini-series. Michelle Yeoh complains a out type casting into a grandmother role but honestly she is that old. She can't force people to cast her as the young action protagonist...