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  1. Aldarion

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    Yeah, I remember how in Thrawn Trilogy, titular character brought the New Republic nearly to its knees with... what, half a dozen Star Destroyers?
  2. Aldarion

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

  3. Aldarion

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    Yes, at least on surface. Not sure they have a powerful enough hive mind to affect Warp.
  4. Aldarion

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    Everybody in the setting has their own deities and religion, and they are not immune to corruption. More interesting question would be how Vong psychic bullshit would interact with Warp.
  5. Aldarion

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    To be fair, ISD is like 1% of volume of Imperial battleship.
  6. Aldarion

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    In the long term maybe, but considering the amount of biomass on Earth-like planet, that long term may well be centuries.
  7. Aldarion

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    Preemptive Exterminatus. But yeah, most of the cruel stuff Imperium does is fully justified by the setting itself being crap.
  8. Aldarion

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    So are Tyranids, except Tyranids take and consume the entire biomass of the world. But "stronger with each taken world" is precisely one of the reasons why Tyranids are so difficult to handle.
  9. Aldarion

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    Per-ton firepower is equalized. Yuuzhan Vong are an alien menace from Star Wars EU, which invaded the galaxy for... reasons. In this scenario, they screw up somewhere and end up transported to Warhammer 40k Milky Way galaxy, somewhere in Segmentum Ultima. How does it go?