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  1. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    FTFY. They were racists, but they started world wars because they were socialists. It started with Bismarck.
  2. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    That would have been as bad as their current situation, considering the West is now ruled by the worst and most diabolical variant of Communism imaginable. Free trade zone, yes, but that is all.
  3. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    There actually weren't. Late Roman Army had to recruit cripples to make up numbers.
  4. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Yes, suspicion. Which you presented as a fact. Point is that it was a government-mandated environmentally protected area since 13th century, and in 1783 it was officially declared a "protected site to be preserved for its beauty". If that isn't a national park, I really do not know what is...
  5. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Liquid propelled rocket was developed in USSR and Germany at the same time as Goddard. And there is no evidence Von Braun stole Goddard's designs, btw. Goddard only believed so due to some similarities. There is however evidence he had read works on liquid-propelled rockets by Konstantin...
  6. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    1) Thanks to the Nazis. 2) And that was consequence of US being a) isolated from the war and b) benefitting from all the scientists that Nazis had chased away. You really have a lot to thank Hitler for. 3) India protected certain areas by royal decree 2 000 years ago. European monarchs did the...
  7. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Yeah, that is bullshit. Rome had literally all of that, and it all went down the gutters. And just like you now, Romans also believed it would all last forever. And frankly, Austria-Hungary was superior to the modern-day US when it came to rule of law. Stop living in 1790s and look at what is...
  8. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Yes, they have. It is also irrelevant. Prove that these changes have affected fundamentals of human nature and historical trends. United States are "just like any Old World Euro power". Your American exceptionalism is dumb as rock. You know what is the only thing truly exceptional about the...
  9. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Then prove it. No, it is not. You just don't want to see what is really going on and are holding tight to your rose-tinted glasses. Rome no longer exists because it got subjected to mass immigration. Mass immigration to France only started after Second World War. Give it a century or two...
  10. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Yes, they have changed. And they also have not. As I said: details change, substance stays the same. Same shit in a different package. Cyclical history is a fact. It is "constant progress" that is wishful thinking. US society today is absolutely similar to that of Rome. In fact, every...
  11. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Such as? Because there is nothing that has changed about human nature itself. Why? Because that sounds like wishful thinking to me. And Rome has had its own share of French revolutions. So why would France be a good model but Rome not?
  12. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    You got the dressing right but completely missed the point. Yes, US are facing a different sent of issues than Rome did. That doesn't mean US aren't going to collapse, or that all lessons of Rome are irrelevant. History doesn't repeat but it does rhyme. As I said: details have changed, but...
  13. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Collapse doesn't happen because of knowledge or lack of. Collapse happens when civilization gets out of the step with reality, which can be caused by external causes, or internal ones. Collapse of Rome was not pre-ordained, true - at least not that it will happen the way it did. And neither is...
  14. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Except you can. The only thing that is different is that collapse of modern civilization will be far worse than what has happened to Rome. It is rather unclear in fact if there will be anything left to salvage, or we will be forced to start from nothing. But collapse it will, especially since...
  15. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Uh, no? Romans, when they were on the upswing, actually admired Greek culture... until they absorbed it. They may have believed themselves superior, but they did not believe their culture was superior, especially not to the point of expecting their enemies will simply accept their culture, be...
  16. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    This. Issue with the "continent" I think is not so much that Anglo-Saxons had unique culture, but that Britain was less influenced by the Roman Empire. Romans ended up worshipping Emperors as Gods. So on the continent, there was always this tendency towards absolutism - be it monarchical...
  17. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    I am not conflating "West" with "Christendom", but you cannot act as if events in the West had absolutely no impact on Christianity as a whole. Catholicism after all is part of Christianity. If there had been no fall of the Western Roman Empire, if pope did not become as powerful as he did and...
  18. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    If you want to understand that, I would suggest reading Henri Pirenne's Muhammad and Charlemagne. But to sum it up, in the Roman era, Church was pretty much connected to the state. Emperor was head of the Christendom and essentially the Church - no different from Roman head priest. But...
  19. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    "Astonoshingly well" is only a descriptor you can apply to Swedish Democrats and AfD because standards you are using are pathetic. And they are pathetic because of everything I have noted - and because of the fact that humans are easy to control. Much like dogs, we have an inherent "desire to...
  20. Aldarion

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Honestly, parties don't matter. Rule has always been about power, and power is in the money (banks), mass media, education and deep state. You can vote however you like, but the Cathedral will never allow any candidate who goes against them to succeed. Even Trump was neutered long before he lost...