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  1. Agent23

    ISOT Blood Angels Legion in Star Trek.

    More non-argument spam. :)
  2. Agent23

    ISOT Blood Angels Legion in Star Trek.

    Responding to a nonsense argument you threw at me... My point stands, most people do not give a crap about all the BR spinoffs or Trek Online, or the Temporal civil war.To any remaining fans they are the crappy noise interfering with the signal. Yeah, you need to learn cause and effect. A few...
  3. Agent23

    ISOT Blood Angels Legion in Star Trek.

    After the 1 bn flop of Piercings of Power and the worsening situation for Amazon I kinda doubt they will be receiving the same levels of funding and I am pretty sure that a lot of their projects will be canned indefinitely. Even if they pull a one season disaster I won't care, since the...
  4. Agent23

    ISOT Blood Angels Legion in Star Trek.

    You are clearly spamming, no one likes any of that shit, ergo no one will care for it in vs debates or bring it up.Your post is whataboutism.
  5. Agent23

    ISOT Blood Angels Legion in Star Trek.

    Nice attempt at sophistry there, but you fail, somebody who is into shit is not the same as someone who is aware of the existence of a septic pit close by. The skatologist wants to know about it to fulfill his dirty fetishes, the normal person wants to avoid it. Keep trying though, you might...
  6. Agent23

    ISOT Blood Angels Legion in Star Trek.

    For something aimed at a casual crows both STD and Pukard underperformed massively. The existing fans dropped them, the "Mythical Wider Audience" doesn't care about them. So, yeah, only someone still dedicated to the franchise would give a fuck about dumb crap like the TCW.
  7. Agent23

    ISOT Blood Angels Legion in Star Trek.

    Nothing GW had done even comes close to the stupidity that Bad Robot has pulled.
  8. Agent23

    ISOT Blood Angels Legion in Star Trek.

    Maybe because: a) We all actually know the TNG/DS9/VOY era, as opposed to the ENT/STD temporal cold war crap. b) STD and Pukeard are garbage and people can not stand them. Seriously, I have no idea what is going on with Bad Robot's overpriced, unwatchable fanfiction, Trek ended with These are...