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  1. Agent23

    ISOT Former East Block EU countries as of 2015 ISOTed to 1965

    Plausible, considering they put him into a cushy Eurocrat job right after he shat up Poland. I always thought he was garbage.
  2. Agent23

    ISOT Former East Block EU countries as of 2015 ISOTed to 1965

    I am still wondering how you managed to get that retard elected. And like all eurocrats, he gets upgraded to a higher position. Anyway, the Baltics probably get crushed and we all end up begging the downtime NATO forces in the West as well as France to come in and guard us from the bear. East...
  3. Agent23

    ISOT Former East Block EU countries as of 2015 ISOTed to 1965

    It is not a separate county anymore, so no.
  4. Agent23

    ISOT Former East Block EU countries as of 2015 ISOTed to 1965

    Probably invade outright, since they will be shocked and scared out of their pants. The distance is IIRC around 600 km to Moscow and spitting distance to St. Petersburg. So yeah, the Baltics eat it, and hard. The rest, though, might be a much tougher nut to crack if they pool their resources...
  5. Agent23

    ISOT Former East Block EU countries as of 2015 ISOTed to 1965

    Don't think so, most other countries will be farther away and not be as much of a direct threat to the USSR proper, and in Poland's case they should be coming with significant military assets.
  6. Agent23

    ISOT Former East Block EU countries as of 2015 ISOTed to 1965

    I am pretty sure they will, and also point the USA to places where they can put their SLBMs. Although ultimately none will probably be placed in the baltics and those places might be finlandized.
  7. Agent23

    ISOT Former East Block EU countries as of 2015 ISOTed to 1965

    See here, this piece of paper says we are in NATO! Also, you can have access to all our uptime military tech.
  8. Agent23

    ISOT Former East Block EU countries as of 2015 ISOTed to 1965

    Um, most of the various debit/credit cards we use are issued by local banks, and at least in my case we have local payment processors. My cards won't stop functioning and my accounts won't disappear if my country gets ISOTed. The money will become a lot less useful, though. Also, all the...
  9. Agent23

    ISOT Former East Block EU countries as of 2015 ISOTed to 1965

    Former East Block EU means countries that were part of the old East Block before it fell and of the European Union as of 2015. So, the Baltic countries, Czech Republic,Slovakia, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia.
  10. Agent23

    ISOT Former East Block EU countries as of 2015 ISOTed to 1965

    This will exclude East Germany as it was rolled back into Germany proper. The event happens on January 1st for both the source and destination timelines. What happens?