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  1. Agent23

    All-female reboot you would like to see

    I agree, although IMO the OP kinda-sorta wink-wink-nudge-nudged us into listing lesbian porn parodies we wanna see. :D
  2. Agent23

    All-female reboot you would like to see

    Just watch Anime. And yeah, New Dune is actually decent.
  3. Agent23

    All-female reboot you would like to see

    IIRC there was a porn parody of 300 back in the day, maybe even more than one.
  4. Agent23

    All-female reboot you would like to see

    Anno also "recycled" the God-Warriors from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. I am surprised Gibi didn't go after him for that.
  5. Agent23

    All-female reboot you would like to see

    JoJo. Code Geass has a ton of gender-bender material already, female SuzaxLulu ftw. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. The Mask. Punisher. Demolition Man. American Pie Friends(basically might turn into Sex and the City, but hey, we can try) Conan,LotR,Battlestar Galactica(both old and new)...