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  1. Abhorsen

    United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

    Do I know how SNDR works? Yes, it's in the name. Store Now, Decrypt Later. Especially with quantum decryption, you just know that that the NSA will take full advantage of this snooping opportunity.
  2. Abhorsen

    United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

    No. The whole agency is built to provide capabilities which are used against Americans. The huge archives of data for SNDR (store now, decrypt later) are a prominent example of this.
  3. Abhorsen

    United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

    Weirdly, I mind the CIA the least out of all of them. They are pretty good at staying outward facing. They 100% do fucked up shit and can't stop terrorism to save people's life, but in terms of hunting down terrorists afterwards or just fucking over another country, they are the best available...
  4. Abhorsen

    United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

    Honestly, the backlash against the FBI actually resulting in legislation is one of the biggest whitepills of my life. It's a huge sign that should be pointed to everytime someone says Conservatives are Dems driving the speedlimit. Nope, they are finally turning it around here.
  5. Abhorsen

    United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

    Well, they clearly are, but shouldn't be. Then why do they constantly violate the constitution? It's because they are quite fine putting every human in a cage if it means 'safety' for America. They are the runaway paperclip machine that produces security instead, not realizing that they are the...
  6. Abhorsen

    United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

    The problem is that you never notice the real enemy in the room. The US government is an American's greatest enemy. It is responsible for more damage and more freedom loss of and to Americans than Russians, Ukranians, the CCP or ISIS could ever hope to do. Saying that the NSA defends from...
  7. Abhorsen

    United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

    The media isn't something I'm concerned too much about here. This would actually help kill them off. And second, we don't care about the regressive left, we care about the silent local majority. They a) aren't seeing this through the media, but in first person, and b) will eventually suffer...
  8. Abhorsen

    United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

    Arresting them would require a huge amount of force, and would spark more problems as they want to get arrested and they'll try to make it a violent arrest, which sparks more. I don't see a solution.
  9. Abhorsen

    United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

    * I should say rise up violently. The problem is violence. Sorry for the lack of clarity, I'll edit. Not less worthy, less sexy. The murders aren't planned ahead of time and so can't be stopped, and breaking up a riot isn't something informants and other glowies can stop. The only way to stop...
  10. Abhorsen

    United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

    So honestly, people are pretty gullible when it comes to news. They have a lot of faith still among the average politically tuned out crowd. It sucks, but it's true. Now your second point has real bite to it, but it also explains why they don't have a manifesto either: What the leaders want...
  11. Abhorsen

    United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

    Eh, I don't think they care about being obvious, nor are they competent enough. Their fan base, all 34 of them, buy everything that's said and don't believe in false flags. I use my mom as my typical barometer of politically unaware default liberal, and she'd react much more strongly to...
  12. Abhorsen

    United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

    Translation: quasi socialism. And their social conservatism is more fascist than Christian. Also, they don't have any substance because they are legit. It sounds weird, but hear me out. If it were a government false flag, they'd be trolling for violence and terrorist plots to up their arrest...