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  1. Aaron Fox

    WarPac vs. NATO Tank and Armored Vehicle Designs/Doctrine

    You've got to acknowledge that in a WW3 scenario, outside of the -if I remember Soviet doctrine right- Cat-C and low-end Cat-B units, NATO was going to find out the hard way that their anti-tank weapons were built upon assumptions that were flawed in retrospect. This is going to be a major...
  2. Aaron Fox

    WarPac vs. NATO Tank and Armored Vehicle Designs/Doctrine

    That only really happens with Leo1 and the Russia Asskisser Brigade, most of the time it is comparing things and try to figure out the winner. Remember, we thought that we had the weapons to take out Soviet armor but after gaining the better monkey models of East Germany and managing to buy...
  3. Aaron Fox

    WarPac vs. NATO Tank and Armored Vehicle Designs/Doctrine

    It's almost entirely due to the fact that physics and geometry come into play. The Soviets learned during the Cold War that composites are spacy and thus hard to put on rounded volumes and due to how the Soviets worked, they dominated what would become '2nd World' or 'Communist' tank design. The...