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  1. Large_Farva

    Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

    The producers may also have wanted to fill out the fleet and show that there had, in fact, been more ships that had been in service over the previous century than just the Constitutions, Oberths, Mirandas and Excelsiors. It's kind of a big jump to go from those to the Galaxy class without...
  2. Large_Farva

    Transgender Athletes in Sports

    Still a level playing field, the advantage in limb length and muscle mass is counterbalanced by the hydrodynamic dick drag. Your first sentence is something that I've seen people say before and it's just not something that I can buy into. The changes that transition wreaks on the body isn't...
  3. Large_Farva

    Movies Geezer Teasers, Action Movies with Old A-Listers

    No comment on the accuracy of the claims of dementia. But given the nature of the movies it's not hard to see why someone in Willis' position might do them. Get paid a million bucks to show up and do a day's work? Sign me the fuck up. He still gets to be an actor and make bank without having...
  4. Large_Farva

    Crysis 4 might actually be a thing after all...

    I don't think there's any need to tie it to the story of the first three games. The Far Cry series was started by Crytek before being sold to Ubisoft, and it's been generally quite good with making games that are at best loosely connected to one another. A new Crysis could very well take the...
  5. Large_Farva

    Business & Finance The Gizmodo Media Group Journalists (Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Lifehacker, and The Root) are Going On Strike

    I feel uniquely qualified to discuss this topic, as someone who's read the AV Club and Jalopnik(an automotive blog) for years - long before they became part of Gawker (subsequently the Gizmodo Media Group...subsequently G/O Media). The sites have been bleeding talent and quality for a long...
  6. Large_Farva

    What if, instead of launching an all-out invasion of Ukraine, Russia would have launched a more limited invasion?

    Probably would have incited the type of full-on war that we're seeing right now. I'm guessing that Russia was providing as much aid as it could in materiel and 'advisors' without blatantly convoying stuff across the border. Try to step it up and it becomes explicit that they've got military...
  7. Large_Farva

    The Tomahawk and Knife Thread

    I'm thinking it's just a stylistic choice and there isn't a specific name for a throwable tomahawk-style hand axe with an edge along the top and a flattened point on the back of the blade. Where did you get 'vaegach' from?
  8. Large_Farva

    The Tomahawk and Knife Thread

    I might be a dumbass - and I'm not trying to be a dick - but is that a name on the sheath that I can't make out? I feel like this is a dumb question though, because if it was a logo you'd have started there.
  9. Large_Farva

    The Tomahawk and Knife Thread

    While the pic you provided is both extremely clear, well centered and beautifully lit, I'm unable to identify the cutlery that you photographed.
  10. Large_Farva

    What if, instead of launching an all-out invasion of Ukraine, Russia would have launched a more limited invasion?

    I think most of the people watching the invasion kick off expected more-or-less what you outlined. It would make sense - Russia had been making noises about 'peacekeeping' in the separatist regions to 'denazify' the areas and prevent crimes from being committed against ethnic Russians. Hit...
  11. Large_Farva

    Humor/Comedy Celebrity Cringe Thread

    I'm pretty sure that Whoopi Goldberg just likes to be a contrarian shit-stirrer. Which is great. People need to do that more, get the general public acquainted with ideas that are outside of their wheelhouses. Especially with the idea that you can just laugh things off if they're sufficiently...
  12. Large_Farva

    Books Worst books you've read?

    For me it would be Freehold, by Michael Z Williamson. I got it via the Baen Free Library. It's nominally a MilSF book, but I never got the chance to find out, because it was one of the very few books I've ever just quit reading. I'm not one of the people who demands that authors keep politics...
  13. Large_Farva

    Based Corporations and Celebrities

    The film apparently stays pretty close to the book, which was written by a guy who'd both grown up and worked on ranches, and caught the gay. It's just that Brokeback Mountain (which was written decades later) really was 'The Gay Cowboy Movie', so a cowboy being a closeted homosexual doesn't...
  14. Large_Farva

    Are there any other forums with a conservative lean where alternate history is discussed? If so, which ones?

    Try emailing site staff, maybe? Either that or sign up for an email account with a different service, then use that to try and register. Don't know how well it'll work, since they're trying to cut back on trolls/agent provocateurs. Lol holy fuck what a bunch of fuckin' boomers. "What would...
  15. Large_Farva

    Boomstick's and shooty shooty bang bang's - The GUN Thread!

    You do realize that you aren't obligated to keep it in your wallet though? Just because it uses 'credit card' as a descriptor in its dimensions, doesn't mean that you have to keep it by your Visa. Plus, it's probably too fat to put into your wallet, even though it has the same footprint as a...
  16. Large_Farva

    Images Clothes & How You Dress ?

    Your own sartorial choices are far more colorful than my own. The last few articles of clothing that I bought online were a brown waxed 4-pocket belted motorcycle jacket from Walker and Hawkes Mens Belted Waxed 4 Pocket Motorcycle Waterproof Jacket - (It's not bad, it's about as cheap as you're...
  17. Large_Farva

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Nah, he's clearly doing The Hustle (*Doot do doot, do doot do doot doot* Do the hustle!)
  18. Large_Farva

    Culture Pedophilia a Legitimate Thought Crime?

    You're not going to find anyone outside of actual pedophiles arguing that sex with prepubescent children should be ok. The USA Today article didn't suggest that it should be, despite the fact that certain people have 'congenital condition' inextricably linked with 'this should be fine' in their...
  19. Large_Farva

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Is that Nork soldier in the back doing a little dance?
  20. Large_Farva

    Are there any other forums with a conservative lean where alternate history is discussed? If so, which ones? General Discussion. It's not great, but it's someplace to look. It's huge, and its size means that it moves like lightning compared to SB and that you can find people whose interests in history are both varied and studied (though they are not necessarily the same posters - there are a...