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    The Americas The Tyranny of Trudeau's Canada

    Red is libs, blue cons, light blue bloq, orange NDP, purple PPC and green Greens NDP and PPC are the big losers here, ultimately
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    The Americas The Tyranny of Trudeau's Canada Looks like he'd need majority support to actually have the measures come into effect and he has it already, making no confidence kinda pointless without the votes to...
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    The Americas The Tyranny of Trudeau's Canada

    I thought there was one last fall, and only need to come every 4 years?
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    The Americas The Tyranny of Trudeau's Canada Looks like it was some apolitical road rage because they were blocking the road? Not sure if this is a good look for the convoy or not, since it was just someone...
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    whats the people on this form opinion on Tim Pool and his news channels and podcast

    I don't keep up with him at all, just heard about him mostly from you folks. What are his democrat positions, thought he was pretty good
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    Alec Baldwin shoots 2 on set of western, 1 dead

    Fair enough, set sounded like a fucking nightmare either way
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    Alec Baldwin shoots 2 on set of western, 1 dead

    Well, he didn't hire them, the production company that was overworking everyone to the point where a bunch of people who just walked off did. And then after hiring non-union workers to replace them and multiple misfires the day before they decided to keep fucking shooting the movie.
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    United States John Deere replaces striking employees with office workers!

    Or, alternatively, you could be a fucking accountant or whatever pissed the hell off at your boss messing with you this badly after fucking over the people who actually know how you do this shit, and you're angling for pto
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    Breaking News January 6th Stop the Steal Rally & Capitol Breaching/Storming

    Lmao it really is civil war 2, with lazily recolored bad guys
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    Warhammer Warhammer General discussion thread: Now with 100% more Space Marines

    I hope they release more spacemarine free sets, piety and pain looks super cool and I like the idea of collecting a smattering of all factions
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    And so it begins....

    I checked it out and this is another page garbage
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    Cyberpunk 2077 Not a lot of option to play on PS at this point, whoops
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    How's the weather?

    Ridiculously hot, for a place with normally insanely cold winters
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    Economics Land Value Tax

    If I remember correctly something similar happened in Cuba. Corps valued everything super low to pay less taxes, then the government nationalized them for what they said they were worth, pretty funny at the end of the day despite the circumstances
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    You should try posting some of your videos, I saw one when you posted it on SB before they just deleted the threads
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    Culture I'm not Starefire?

    i prefer stuff that just has it happen without comment, watching mr robot rn and the most they've commented on it was having the mc's boss say he was gay as he was inviting him over for dinner, just so her was aware
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    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    I see all the lefties coming out of the woodwork to gloat about successfully stealing the election, disgusting
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    What is your favorites 'Christmas' film and why?

    Tokyo Godfathers is fucking fantastic