Search results

  1. GooseActual

    Star Wars Creating Your Own Star Wars Fleet

    So I think a minimum of three designs should be submitted for each category or like have every capital ship be a different class, otherwise you could spam Resurgents and TIE Defenders, and that’s not really fun for anyone. So im going to try to adhere to this a bit. Dreadnought: 1x Eclipse...
  2. GooseActual

    Question to my fellow armed service member's.

    It is, but once you are in, you are in... you dont get to back out.
  3. GooseActual

    Togrutas Zygerrians slaver queens Twil’lek bounty hunters winking .... Dathormiran night...

    Togrutas Zygerrians slaver queens Twil’lek bounty hunters winking .... Dathormiran night sisters with dry humor and Eastern European accents. [sighs] Star Wars alien waifus are something else eh? [unzips...]
  4. GooseActual

    Marvel Every Star Destroyer and TIE Fighter in Marvel's Star Wars: Allegiance is a fan copy

    Legality aside, this will just create more bad blood with the fandom, one of the bigger and more dedicated fandoms at that that has be dragged through the ringer a few times these past few years. I feel like Disney’s handling of Star Wars is one ham fisted cluster fuck after another
  5. GooseActual

    MMO World of Warships Discussion Thread.

    So im taking a fairly long hiatus from this game, the meta is garbage right now. Smolensk: Is a god damn cancer. Her stats are above average but not extreme, which means everyone can scream about her not being OP, but she just sucks to fight against. You cant run, shes faster. You cant rush...
  6. GooseActual

    Sexy Starships

    Something about the Marathon class just does it for me. She’s a thicc girl but she know what’s she’s doing.
  7. GooseActual

    Making 'The Squad'

    So when I list characters I’m choosing them for personality and efficiency, not necessarily their skill set and instead transposing them into a stereotypical modern/Vietnam/ww2 squad. And I think im going to try to keep it to just regular people, no supersoliders. The Leader: Captain Lorca...
  8. GooseActual

    Movies The Cuck Movie or "This is What the Left Really Believes"

    This read like the script to the worst porn film ever made.... except instead of watching premium quality family friendly content at the end you get some smug film grad students half assed attempt at rewrite the world in black and white terms to fit their own narrative. Thanks for the review...
  9. GooseActual

    War Film recommendations

    Dunkirk, while not a classic war firm, still was probably the most stressful movie experience I’ve had. Edge of my seat the whole time.
  10. GooseActual

    'Ok' Hand Gesture added to List of 'White Supremacist Hate Symbols' By Anti-Defamation League

    Funny story, I was literally just told to change my screaming Pepe avatar on SB. It must be exhausting to so perpetually offended.
  11. GooseActual

    A modest proposal

    I have a pretty fucked up head, and with selected friends I go on comical drunken rants about the extremes we must go on to survive... But... Not in my most intoxicated, megalomaniacal, thanos inspired, we-need-to-kill-everyone-to-save-everything rant would I ever advocate eating babies. And...
  12. GooseActual

    Military Hangout Club

    I mean I jumped out of planes, can’t really keep that from my mom with the shiny gold parachutist badge I wore on my uniform, she was nervous but as I was one of the guys packing them, she knew we would be ok. Moms gotta worry, it’s in their nature
  13. GooseActual

    'Ok' Hand Gesture added to List of 'White Supremacist Hate Symbols' By Anti-Defamation League

    If everything is Racist.... Nothing is... [cackles]
  14. GooseActual

    Breaking News Violence resumes in Hong Kong.

    It’s my belief the Chinese government is perfectly willing to let Hong Kong get as violent as possible for as long as they can, and only release the police to... keep the pot agitated. HK only works because foreign businesses thrive there, and they’ll look at the violence and think “fuck...
  15. GooseActual

    Books Light Novel Recommendation Thread

    I need to stop posting when I’ve been drinking, I thought you were looking for light reading. Something easy to pick up and down. I’ll show myself out.
  16. GooseActual

    Books Light Novel Recommendation Thread

    The Martian and Artemis are very easy to read (my non reading ass finished both in less than a day each, yet are gripping tales with excellent humor, make complicated science easy and fun to understand and feel like the characters are reacting to abnormal situations like a layman would. Very...
  17. GooseActual

    Crossover All Star Star Trek Crew (using non Star Trek characters)

    Captain: Jacob Keyes (Halo) [tough, respected, capable commander, slightly aloof, not particularly approachable, yet is trusted implicitly by the crew] First Officer: Zoe Washburn (Firefly) [strong, slightly more.... loose with the rules, but tough as nails yet approachable and has an ear to...
  18. GooseActual

    Women in Combat Discussion

    I believe it was injury rates and slower overall time to mission accomplishment IIRC Edit: It should be noted that this was an exercise completed in CONUS so the inclination to save women under fire isn’t something that can be measured in a simulation
  19. GooseActual

    Women in Combat Discussion

    Didn’t the Marines do a study that showed that mixed gender line units performed worse across the board? Yes they did [cant link, VPNs in china got shut down] This isn’t to say FETs arnt useful, but the accompanying issues that would follow adding women to a line unit... I don’t think it’s...
  20. GooseActual

    Series you are currently watching / recommend thread.

    “The Boys” on Amazon prime is a disturbingly enjoyable show. Dickhead superhero’s!