Hi , I wanted to say I'm a big fan of your fan fic One Big Jump that you have written in SB . I wanted to know if you are going to post it either on FFN or SV because I have left the SB for personal reasons . If I may , I have a few questions for the moment . Since Earth is now united and they start retroengineered BT , Goa'uld and other civilisations , are they going to massively upgrade the fusion reactor by using new catalysers like grav-fusion processes , magnetic based one but also maybe upgrading the hyper-component part . I mean their jump drive are better surely with higher understanding on subspace and hyperspatial they could create more powerful efficient energy source .
Are they going to have the Daedalus technology ? I have the feeling they will have something like the alternative travelling Daedalus class when they will get to Pegasus galaxy . That's for it for the moment and please keeping continue writing good story .
Are they going to have the Daedalus technology ? I have the feeling they will have something like the alternative travelling Daedalus class when they will get to Pegasus galaxy . That's for it for the moment and please keeping continue writing good story .