Recent content by Admiral Chekov

  1. Admiral Chekov

    Chekov's Donbass Thread

    Patrick Lancaster interviews people in rebuilding Mariupol New blocks of flats already built in Mariupol by teams of builders from all over Russia
  2. Admiral Chekov

    Chekov's Donbass Thread

    No doubt, prose and verses will be written about events in Ukraine. Some of them will be translated to English (especially those, that fall in line with the Western media's viewpoint). Quite possibly, you'll come across those works. But, while reading them, remember - Donetsk and Luhansk were...
  3. Admiral Chekov

    Chekov's Donbass Thread

    Patrick Lancaster reports the 06.12.2022 Donetsk shelling in English on YouTube:
  4. Admiral Chekov

    Chekov's Donbass Thread

    This has been happening since the US-funded Kiev coup in 2014. Look up my posts with photos and videos in Donetsk thread on SpaceBattles, if you want. More of the same, basically. I only regret that I haven't started earlier. I started posting around the end of 2020. Got banned in 2022, for...
  5. Admiral Chekov

    Chekov's Donbass Thread

    No doubt, prose and verses will be written about events in Ukraine. Some of them will be translated to English (especially those, that fall in line with the Western media's viewpoint). Quite possibly, you'll come across those works. But, while reading them, remember - Donetsk and Luhansk were...
  6. Admiral Chekov

    Chekov's Donbass Thread

    On December 6th, 2022, Ukrainian army shelled Donetsk. Hits included a large shopping center, Donetsk's main Christian Orthodox church, largest sports stadium (Donbass Arena), a large indoor market, City Youth Center. 8 civilians reported killed, at least 11 people wounded. It is believed that...
  7. Admiral Chekov

    Chekov's Donbass Thread

    Uncensored video of the Bakinskih Komissarov Square shelling:
  8. Admiral Chekov

    Chekov's Donbass Thread

    Some info worth keeping in mind... Source: Russian Foreign Ministry site (English version)
  9. Admiral Chekov

    Chekov's Donbass Thread

    Despite 8 years of Ukrainian army shelling civilian targets in Donetsk (including direct hits on the main post office building), Donbass Post continues exemplary work. DPR has issued hundreds of high quality stamps over the years. Now that the republic has joined Russia, it will switch to...
  10. Admiral Chekov

    Distant voices?

    "It can feel nice to fall ill once in a while: you don't have to do homework, friends come to visit, and relatives try not to upset you... But a day or two passes, and all of this becomes unbearably boring. One boy, who was often ill, invented a whole country that spanned his bed. Ships sailed...