Newt Gingrich learns that you can’t mention George Soros on Fox News


On Fox News, there was a discussion about the recent BLM/Antifa riots and Newt Gingrich said that George Soros and his funding of left wing politicians was a major problem. The reaction he received was a little strange and awkward.

Of course he’s right, these riots receive a lot of big-money high powered support, from Soros and likely others who are similar, which is something that should (but probably won’t) be looked into.

I was just reading r/politics on Reddit and the people there are acting as though Newt Gingrich literally advocated for the Holocaust.
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On Fox News, there was a discussion about the recent BLM/Antifa riots and Newt Gingrich said that George Soros and his funding of left wing politicians was a major problem. The reaction he received was a little strange and awkward.

Of course he’s right, these riots receive a lot of big-money high powered support, from Soros and likely others who are similar, which is something that should (but probably won’t) be looked into.

I was just reading r/politics on Reddit and the people there are acting as though Newt Gingrich literally advocated for the Holocaust.

The issue for the right wing is that talking about George Soros' influence on left wing politics would also necessitate acknowledging the Koch brothers' influence on the right wing. Money in politics is the source of a lot of the problems we're dealing with right now, but it's also big business that a lot of people in politics profit from; nobody wants to kill the goose that lays golden eggs.
The issue for the right wing is that talking about George Soros' influence on left wing politics would also necessitate acknowledging the Koch brothers' influence on the right wing. Money in politics is the source of a lot of the problems we're dealing with right now, but it's also big business that a lot of people in politics profit from; nobody wants to kill the goose that lays golden eggs.
I'm completely ready to discuss the influence of the Koch brothers in politics. I think that it is negative in many ways, though I do prefer them to George Soros both in how they earned their money and how they spend it.

Though, regarding our recent riots - are there numerous cities around the nation that are being ravaged, burned, looted, with people assaulted or even murdered as a result of Koch funded radicals? Are Koch brother funded politicians deliberately aiding and abetting said Koch funded rioters? No? Then the influence of Koch brother money in politics isn't really on topic.
Jew here we hate George Soros too, like a lot and he's currently banned from Israel.

Judging us for Soros is like Judging Christians for Judas.
Unfortunately, there is an increasing current even in more mainstream conservative circles that brings up, cautiously, awkwardly, fearfully, the “Jewish matter”.

Because Jewish involvement in leftist causes is undeniable, Jewish animosity(at least written) towards Christianity is known in the Talmud, and perhaps even more inflammatory, Jewish animosity for, or hate for Whites/Europeans is strongly perceived to exist. And you can find dozens of alleged quotations(from Jews) on the internet from the far right confirming these suspicions.

As things go on, many conservatives have begun to accept these premises, reluctantly and in whispered tones.

I find that most unfortunate, but people can’t forget what they observe. Or the patterns they see.

True or not.

As the west becomes more Balkanized, many White right wingers will begin to form a more...20th century opinion on the Jewish people.

I don’t think that’s a good thing. But it is happening.
There’s really no good reason to bring up Soros’ ethnic heritage. Soros is a billionaire leftist who got rich from various financial shenanigans and uses that money to fund all kinds of extreme left wing causes. Bringing up his Jewishness is either a tactic to blame other Jews for Soros’ actions, which is wrong, or to dismiss and/or attack Soros’ critics as being antisemitic, which is also wrong. Judge him by his actions, which is what I think people on the right do.

On the right side of the political aisle, I’m certain that the people who hate George Soros would hate him just as much if he weren’t Jewish. In all likelihood, 99% or more of the people on the right who don’t like Soros are fans of someone else who is Jewish like Ayn Rand, John Stossel, Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman, Ludwig von Mises, Bill Krystal, Mark Levine, it any number of other Jews on the rightish side.

The only people who dislike Soros but would like him if he weren’t a Jew would be someone like Ilhan Omar or Louis Farrakhan, who like Soros’ political activism but not his ethnicity.
All the same, I’ve noted a quiet increase in anti Jewish sentiments, even on sites like freerepublic or the The

I think it might be, in part, a consequence of the whole "antisemitism" thing. Much like Holocaust denial is partly a consequence of the attention Holocaust gets, while many other genocides and pogroms are ignored (Nazi genocides against Poles, Serbs, Russians etc.; Communist genocides against Ukrainians, Poles, Croats etc.). Basically, banning people for antisemitism serves to legitimize antisemitism as it leads to a conclusion that if something is being suppressed by force, there must be some truth to it.
The issue for the right wing is that talking about George Soros' influence on left wing politics would also necessitate acknowledging the Koch brothers' influence on the right wing. Money in politics is the source of a lot of the problems we're dealing with right now, but it's also big business that a lot of people in politics profit from; nobody wants to kill the goose that lays golden eggs.

*logs onto Youtube*

*searches for "Fox News Koch Brothers"*

Someone needs to inform Tucker Carlson and Lou Dobbs of this new policy.

*logs into Fox News*

*searches for "Koch Brothers"*

Some other recent (non-death related) articles.

Certainly doesn't seem like a forbidden thing to talk about... They might not talk about it as much as CNN or the New York Times but Fox News supposedly isn't CNN or the New York Times ideologically or editorially.

Looks like not mentioning George Soros has little to do with being 'Fair and Balanced' so to speak.
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Well, the truth is that different demographics are disproportionately represented or underrepresented in various endeavors and the left loves to use that fact to call people bigots or silence dissent. There should be no taboo against telling the truth in the proper context but people should also be judged by their individual actions and not of their group.

Women are underrepresented in STEM fields - must because of the sexist Patriarchy! Men are over represented in prison it’s because men suck, it’s toxic masculinity. Black people are over represented in many sports, must be because they’re awesome. Black people commit crimes are a higher rate than other races - must be a conspiracy made up by racist white people to persecute them. Jews are over represented among Nobel Prize winners, must be because they’re awesome. Jews are over represented among the movers and shakers in communism - HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT NAZI!!!

We see group differences in a billion different ways and they can only be brought up if it serves the leftist narrative of their favored groups being persecuted and their disfavored groups being evil. Otherwise bribing up those differences is forbidden. But, you know, if we just treat a person as an individual then it’s not that important whether or not people who share some demographic designation are this way or that way more or less often.

Jews are usually left wing and they also tend to be disproportionately common among the ranks of rich movers and shakers who use their resources to push left wing agendas. We could discuss why that is, but people should only be judged by what they do, not what other people of their group do. People are going to notice that, and as I said, people shouldn’t be condemned for speaking the truth. But Cherico, just as my example, neither created communism nor did he invent the Polio vaccine, and it would be absurd to blame or credit him with either thing.

Really, it’s showing of how successful the left is with their identity politics that we are even spending so much time talking about George Soros’ ethnicity when his pawns in the streets are burning down our cities and his pawns in city halls are letting them walk free.
This is a good time to remind everyone that FNC is a more insidious version of their liberal rivals, with the exception of Tucker Carlson and possibly Hannity. They have obnoxious people like Chris Wallace as hosts. Their polls are slanted similarly to the liberal networks. The "good" hosts get a slap on the wrist every time they say some uncomfortable truth. Paul Ryan is on it's board.
To sort of 'toss my hat in' for the whole 'jews' thing. I've worked with some of the most stereotypical 'jewish' people in NYC, rich long Island types that seem to be the 'every single time' sort of jew. Honestly they're about as Jewish as I am Gaelic. Technically yes, but not really.

It's probably just a rich, upper middle class liberal thing, and they happen to be Jewish for the most part.
I don't care what you look like, I care what decisions you make.

If you're funding the terrorists rampaging in America's streets, that makes you a problem. If you're doing it specifically to enable their violence, that makes you a criminal.

Ethnicity should neither subject someone to extra punishment, or exempt them from punishment.

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