Shitposter in Chief Mediates Friendlier Relations between Israel and the UAE

Bahrain has decided to join the 'winning' side of history by making a great deal and normalizing relations with Israel.
Earlier this week, I was talking to my brother about the Israel/UAE deal, and said to him: "If it wasn't the UAE the first to do it, it would have been Bahrain'. And I wake up tonight after a post-work nap and find out Bahrain had recognized Israel...
Huh, this is one of those cases where Trump being outside the general consensus on a topic and basically throwing up double birds to the experts actually proved beneficial. Instead of being stuck on fixing the "Middle East Question" the way every other president the past twenty five years has (get Palestine and Israel to agree to a deal, and then build out through that), the Trump administration got a relatively big win. I do find some joy in seeing all the old Obama security people (Ben Rhodes, Tommy Vietor and Jeffrey Goldberg) squirm as they see Trump pulling off what they never could, and I am also glad Israel looks like it will be more secure overall.
To quote Joe Biden, 'This is a big fucking deal'.

That it's TRUMP doing it is...Huh. Dunnow how to respond really. The man must not be the Trumpian, New York asshole, blowhard, foot-in-mouth and insult-machine in finer negotiations that he is at literally all other times...Or the diplomatic service (and...Jared Kushner, I guess?) have really stepped up to the plate to compensate.
Whatever the case, seems like a win. The cynical part of me really wonders why Bahrain and the UAE going this route held-off until an election campaign-time...But diplomacy taking time is an old trope, so maybe I'm just being overly-suspicious...Maybe. Even if electioneering did play a role, the effect is at least positive. Plenty of other things where that's not the case.

Is there appetite for it in the Persian world? At this point, I think they're the larger string-pullers and financial-backers for Hamas than the Arab states. But, there again, the answer might be 'no'. Iran's kind've gone shittastic in recent years over where it was earlier and the mullahs might just be feeling more pressure to bribe the citizenry over flexing international muscle via the glorious jihad-sponsorship that got their wonder-boy blown away and their pariah-status at least partially returned when they oopsie'd a passenger-jet.
Or alternatively that style works in the Middle East, better than the conciliatory style used previously.
Or alternatively that style works in the Middle East, better than the conciliatory style used previously.
Yeah the arrogant big man who’s says what’s on his mind and doesn’t take the bullshit is legitimately a real way of doing politics and may be getting more respect than this passive polite bullshit The West has been obsessed with for a while now.

Maybe just maybe different cultures have different ideals of how politics should happen.
Yeah the North Korean stuff didn't pan out as of yet and its business as before it seems. The memes of Trumps peace process were nice though.

It makes me legitimately wonder if the foreign policy establishment in Washington actually knows anything and isn’t just there to make money and write articles for Foreign Policy magazine.

At a certain point, if the establishment is this inept, the stated function it is inept at is a cover for its real objectives.
Yeah the North Korean stuff didn't pan out as of yet and its business as before it seems. The memes of Trumps peace process were nice though.

Credit has to be given. At least he tried.

But this one's much closer. No pot was shared but peace is being attempted.

In other news, the Palestinians announced a day of rage following the agreements. Israel, of course, is horrified at this completely unprecedented declaration, and is trembling with fear of the consequences.
You have a big fucking wall blocking them and they've exhausted their rage in blood and money. How much foreign support is there for their cause?
It makes me legitimately wonder if the foreign policy establishment in Washington actually knows anything and isn’t just there to make money and write articles for Foreign Policy magazine.

At a certain point, if the establishment is this inept, the stated function it is inept at is a cover for its real objectives.

People who subscribe to the 'end of history' ideology, modern progressivism, or the like, are incapable of pushing an effective peace process forward.

They simply do not recognize that different people have sufficiently different values than they do, and as a consequence, cannot be reasoned with on those terms. Some people only respect strength, and part of that strength is the willingness to act.

Bush wasn't willing to fight a war to the knife, but he was willing to fight.

Obama went on a bloody apology tour.

Trump? Trump not only changed the rules of engagement to crush ISIS in a matter of months, he took on Soleimani in particular. He struck at the leadership.

Trump is strong.

That's something that gets a respect that the endlessly-appeasing establishment types never could.

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