The Unified Theorem (Insert, Warcraft, Science is Golden)

Chapter 7 - The Hereafter Does Wait for Some People (II)
A/N: Since so many people seem to hate this part of the story so much, I've decided to get it all out of the way.


"Master Hywel – or Wayland, may we call you Wayland?"

The Young Master blinked. "I'm willing to reciprocate whatever compromise between formality and familiarity best fits our degree of acquaintance."

Surprisingly vague for an otherwise earnest person, but not unreasonable when you weren't sure what approach to take yourself.

"Master Wayland then." Mason nodded. "I'll be blunt – those few among us cursed with the wisdom of experience have discerned some of your vision. With respect to its likely impact on our world as we know it, we have gathered here to give it all due mind. However, that's where the problem lies – we've little besides due mind to give. The knowledge, the expertise, the manpower, tools, facilities, infrastructure, what you call 'industry,' all the things you'd need to make your vision reality simply don't exist."

"Well," Mason's son hedged with a glance to his father. "'All' might be a bit of a strong word."

"Oh, you don't have the means to make good on your breakthrough," Madam Tayer said with a scoff. "Your father, at least, clearly knows it."

"Which is why," Master Mason grunted. "We believe the only option is to do it all ourselves, even if we need to set the foundation stone by stone. We know you've enriched yourself fine, Young Master, from our various individual arrangements, Light knows we certainly have as well. But we've reached the limit of what can be done this way, we feel. So we called you here to ask if you can see yourself working as part of a proper guild."

Madam Tayer refused to leave her point unfinished though. "What he means is that demand already far outpaces the supply of your mortar, for one, seeing as it's exclusive. That's just one of many problems."

"We're each our own snag as things currently stand, essentially," said Master Blacksmith Keyton. "In every area that matters."

"Also, even if alchemists start growing on trees and come up with ubiquitous uses for your new oil off-shoots, all the oil goes to the soap and lamp makers anyway," Tayer added, which Beran scowled at but did not refute.

"I'm sure the Young Master already had ideas for that though," Zidar said, turning to look at him expectantly. "Am I right?"

"… Sadly no," Wayland Hywel admitted with casual humility.

The looks around the table made it plain that Orsur was not the only one who'd gone, at some point, from extreme underestimation to extreme overestimation when it came to their golden goose.

"I've explored both steam and internal combustion," Wayland elaborated. "The former spawns ravenous elemental spirits, and our alchemist of mutual acquaintance has informed me that Dalaran has long since confirmed much more trouble about internal combustion – oil-based engines, I mean. As in, it can break permanent tears into the Firelands."

Everyone sat back at that.

"At this point I'm just running face-first into the Arcane, and all my attempts to get a consultation with a mage have been stonewalled." That added a pall of scowling resentment on top of the uncertainty. "I don't suppose we have an enchanter here? I'd planned to try looking one up again the past few days, but I was otherwise diverted by other developments."

Just two weeks ago I would have been able to get both.

"I might know someone," said cook Burch, surprisingly. "Well, leastwise I might know someone who knows someone. My supplier from the Sparkling Pestle should definitely have someone she gets her enchanted vials from. Can't speak to how many middlemen might be involved though. Them mages are picky."

"I can attempt to collect some tomes on the topic," said Melissa Blackthorn. "It might be harder than usual, however, with that Dalaran toady kissing up to the nobility lately. You can feel the smell of approaching overenthusiastic magic policing a mile away."

Everyone expects the Dalaran Inquisition.

An awkward silence descended on the room. Orsur couldn't blame the others, he didn't expect their dream of being the first ever engineers' guild in the history of humanity to be kneecapped either, starting out. It's really our own fault though. We should have had someone put the idea forward first, getting ahead of meddling nobles be damned.

Hywel, though, didn't seem at all undone. "Mister Tarren. What was it you wanted to bring up?"

With clear reluctance on his face, Mark Tarren stood and leaned forward to hand Wayland a scroll. "My father offers his firstborn son as an apprentice if you are at all willing to pass on your knowledge of 'engineering,' if indeed it lives up to the name."

This is news to me, Orsur thought in carefully hidden astonishment. The firstborn son in question was Mark himself, right there.

"Excuse me?" Keyton broke in with clear affront. "We're here to see about creating the world's first ever engineering guild but your father's already trying to poach?"

Oh, someone actually deigned to say it? Also, it's just mankind's first guild, the gnomes are a whole nation of them.

"Certainly not, and I'll be thankful not to hear any more slander aimed at my father, sir. I'll remind you this here enterprise is his brainchild every bit as much as yours."

Par for the course for the folk outside the city, to cheerfully barge through everyone else's business. Points for pretending erudition so well, though.

Wayland Hywel gave a small, exasperated sigh.

The ratcheting tension immediately stalled in the face of shared chagrin.

Not bad.

The lad not even of majority age beheld the full grown man offering, not at all wholeheartedly, to become his apprentice. "I assume you've been learning under your father up to this point."


"By your speech, I might hope you know your numbers and letters as well?"

Young Mark looked affronted. "Of course!"

"What about builder tools? Pencils, paper, rulers, compasses, triangles, water level?"

Tarren lost some of his hostility. "I've passing or better familiarity with them, yes."

"Hammer, screw, screwdriver, spanners, sandpaper, how many kinds of wrenches can you name? Also, have you ever used an anvil?"

Tarren suddenly didn't look sure of himself anymore and slowly sat back down. "I'm familiar with the first few, but do you mean different size wrenches? I'm afraid I've not had cause to use an anvil, no."

"Alright. What do you know about lightning?"


"… Just about what everyone else does, I imagine."

Somehow, Orsur doubted that 'it's the anger of the spirits of the air made manifest' was the answer Hywel was looking for.

"That's pretty much what I expected. If you think you can stomach eventually studying under someone years your junior, it's not impossible." The Young Saint was uniquely expressive. "That said, while you might have the intellect, only deeds can speak to your creativity and, more importantly, I'm afraid you don't have the foundation."

Wayland Hywel managed to be both kind and free of condescension even when telling someone how inferior they were. To their face. Somehow.

"Engineering is the creative application of science, mathematics and verifiable evidence for the purpose of making, building or innovating… well, practically anything. Devices, machines, buildings, methods of doing all the aforementioned, creating entirely new materials, even reforming entire organisations if you can think abstractly enough. I don't claim to be a master of everything, but I do have enough going on that I can't spare time teaching the basics. At least for another few years."

Orsur carefully memorised the very thoughtful looks everyone else exchanged while that display unfolded. Nobody seemed indulgent or mistrustful, despite their fresh disappointment of learning their divinely blessed benefactor still had some limits. Certainly no one looked amused. At least not at Hywel.

"You'd be better off doing a… actually, do you even do those here? Apprenticeship tours, let's call them. When someone goes around learning the fundamentals of several different trades without actually becoming bound to any? Or anyone, for that matter?"

Here? As opposed to where?

Mason Zidar looked thoughtfully at Mark. "How many trades would that be, exactly?"

"Construction, blacksmithing and natural philosophy are all a must, but I'd strongly appreciate something highly reliant on manual dexterity as well. I suppose I could ask my father to teach him a bit, cobbling demands enough from the hands, but I'm loath to burden him right now. Jewelcrafting especially comes to mind. And definitely clockwork. The skills needed there would be extremely useful, I don't suppose I can prevail upon anyone already here for this?"

"I don't see why we shouldn't," Zidar said, at once giving his endorsement and looking meaningfully at Jace Brakelond. "Our own clockwork expert should be able to think of someone, I'm sure."

"As readily as I'm sure Master Zidar is eager to take the lad on himself." The other man replied with a pointed look back at their host. His reply to Hywel was considering though. "I am tentatively open to the notion. I'll bring it up with my friend as well, when I next meet him. That said, we'd still need something discernible in terms of future business to make such a personal and time investment, even if we find ourselves lacking the palpable projects we hoped to see today."

Orsur was seriously beginning to wonder what they all had even been hoping for here. They hadn't even told the boy or his father what the agenda was, how was Hywel supposed to prepare… Actually, what was he even supposed to prepare for? A job interview? New business deals? A pitch to make him guild leader, maybe, three years short of majority age? Orsur supposed them treating their golden goose with deference and respect now was laudable, but they still seemed to fall short of treating him like an actual person.

Wayland brought up his bag from beside his seat and rifled through it briefly, before pulling out a… folder? It looked like a very large envelope or book cover, only black as coal but flexible as paper. Opening it, Wayland looked through several papers before handing one to the clockmaker. "Do you think making that is within your friend's capabilities?"

Ah. The Golden Saint to the rescue once again. What a shame that this will only enable more of this foolishness in the future.

Brakelond skimmed the paper, then looked taken aback and read through them more carefully. "Silver wire?"

"The physical specifications must be very exact. I'm particularly invested in the thickness and purity."

"… This is extremely long wire, what you're describing here. I'm assuming you've not gone completely mad and want to make silver fishing line, no offense master Slipknot but I doubt you consider silver sturdy enough for the job."

"Maybe in a lure," Gavin replied, not entirely unserious. "But somehow I don't think that's what you're talking about."

"I've not concocted a means to rapidly duplicate documents." By which did Hywel mean he knew of such a way? Other than copying by hand? Or magic? "So I'm afraid you'll have to share this one. Though, while Master Brakelond goes over that, perhaps the rest of you can give your thoughts on what I mean to use it for." Thus saying, Wayland produced a second, thicker folder which he passed on to the other side of the table.

Orsur tried not to look too disappointed, but it became harder and harder as time went on. Those looks on their faces were not the sort one easily suffered watching in silence. Becoming mankind's first engineering guild was already a tall order, never mind the dangers of malicious rivals and even nobles likely wanting to take them over in the future for their own ends. But what he was seeing now made it look as if these people were seeing something even bigger looming over their future.

"I believe this to be in my friend's capabilities," Brakelond said. "May I keep this to show him?"

Wayland looked apologetic but firm all the same. "I'd rather err on the side of discretion for this. You can verbally convey whatever you can memorise, but I want no writing of this circulating, for now. I'm not just saying that because it's not written in code. You'll understand once you've read the rest, I hope."

He certainly could stoke curiosity.

And isn't it interesting how the young lad has thoroughly taken over the meeting? Orsur glanced at Zidar. Not that our host seemed to go out of his way to stop him.

Finally, the pressure of the stares on their side of the table saw the document given over into their hands. Orsur reluctantly passed on eavesdropping on the ensuing whisper storm in favour of leaning over to read along with the others. By the time Zidar decided to rise from his chair and stand over them to do the same, he was thoroughly engrossed.

No, that term was not strong enough. He knew no term strong enough to describe what he was experiencing right now. He had been closer to his mind breaking, back in his youth when he still had to use his coin as much as his knives to get from one market to the next. But he'd never been rattled so much by a document, never mind one outside his specialty. That he more or less understood what was written was as amazing as the contents were unbelievable.

Flow equations, motive forces, lodestones, magnetism, the interactions that could be had without them even touching, the most surreal of mathematics...

Water plus copper equals… lightning?

No, it was even deeper and simpler, somehow, water was just the most immediately available source of motive force. What really happened was that Wayland Hywel had figured out how to pull lightning out of rocks.

Wayland Hywel had figured out how to make lightning without magic.

But why? For what purpose? Orsur thought dumbly. And even the Church agrees with the mages of Dalaran that lightning is under the ultimate claim of the spirits of air, am… Am I looking at sacrilege?

But that was just page one. The rest was entirely given to practical applications.

They were…

Magelights without the mage, heating, cooling, refrigeration – he'd never heard of that word before – self-driving machinery, mechanical forces beyond anything anyone could dream of, plumbing without having to demolish a chunk of the neighbourhood to build a water tower, never mind build piping over half the capital, with this you could actually harness the springs further down the mountain, all of that on demand, in the home even.

Material purification. Mass production. Automation.

The telegraph.

Bloody hell, the world will be unrecognizable in less than fifty years!

"I'm keeping the wireless applications back for now, until I've managed to properly assess their impact on the mystical elements that have so inconveniently impaired my other projects. We wouldn't want the air spirits to decide to kill us all for being too noisy, for example."

Zidar leaned heavily against Orsur's chair. "Young Master. Please. Don't joke about such things. Not all of us have hearts as steady as yours."

"I've seen it happen."


"What do you mean?" Asked Melissa Blackthorn, her composure finally cracked. "What did you see? A vision of the future?"

"Are we ushering in the world's destruction?" Keyton joked. Badly.

Wayland shook his head ruefully. "No. It was something in the far, far past, the world was far different, before the here and now, you'd never have heard about it. And it had nothing to do with electricity or air elementals, it was… well, he fancied himself a god and he thought humanity was too loud. Didn't turn out the way he'd hoped, but mankind had a hard time for a few centuries."

What are you talking about? How can you talk about it so blithely? Orsur looked at the others. Is seriously no one going to follow up on that?

Apparently not.

Finally, Smid Keyton sighed and scratched his shaggy hair. "Fuck me. Alright, fine. Let's turn the whole bloody world upside down, why not?

"Don't complain about getting exactly what you wanted." Melissa Blackthron sighed and cradled her perfectly powdered forehead. "Alright. Alright, clearly we underestimated the investment we would need, and which we would be thoroughly willing to put into this."

"Clearly," Keyton grunted. "My forge is looking a mite inadequate right now."

"The guilds will riot," Slipknot said, and why the hell was he being so gleeful all of a sudden?

"I can try to shoulder the financial burden for this, to start with," Melissa went on as if she hadn't been interrupted. "But I'm no longer under the illusion that my coin will be enough. Even if I try and fill in the void that Master Kelsier so inconveniently dumped in our lap, that will still take considerable time. I'd much rather not have the distraction."

Well damn, that's a lot less backhanded than I expected, but... "So glad to know I only rate as a distraction," Orsur couldn't help but snipe back. That woman's oh so dignified grousing always made her so unattractive, it was a real shame. "You really shouldn't do that, I'm not out of business yet."

Blackthorn favored him with a gimlet eye. "That's a different tune than the one you sang before, or so I'm told. Have you come into a sudden windfall in the past few days?"

"That's all down to how this meeting goes, now isn't it?" Orsur admitted, feeling remarkably unashamed as he finally got to unload some of his frustration. "I know well the sorts of games of passive-aggressive one-upmanship you play, woman. But I'm telling you now, for the first and last time, I don't play games. Not when lives are on the line, I'll remind you."

Blackthorn stared at him for a long time. He stared right back.

Finally, she broke eye contact and daintily rubbed her nose. "Fine. You've made your point. Much as I enjoy competition, if we're to seriously enter this enterprise I'd at least it be of a healthier sort than this."

"I'd rather not have competition at all," Orsur groused, finally giving voice to the one, major misgiving he had with these people he'd expected so much better of. "Competition is for competitors, not business partners and certainly not guild mates. You don't see me trying to poach anything, do you?"

Mark Tarren glared at him.

Madam Tayer scoffed at the sight. "Don't you glare at him, boy. Your father was far out of line, and you just as much for not making a proper judgment call, you're bloody well an adult, you should know better."

Tarren turned stony once again. "I'll be sure to let him know you said that."

"Please do."

"After you leave, which I hope will be after we've thoroughly dined and wined," the poor cook still sued for peace, poor man.

"Forget the food, we really do need to think of the other guilds!" Keyton bemoaned loudly. "The other builders will love us, but I'm a blacksmith and I can already see the disaster coming. All the other blacksmiths will hate us! They'll think we want to drive them out of business, and we will, the ones that don't change fast enough! And… and the weavers! The thread spinners, the seamsters, Madam you know what I'm talking about, you must."

Madam Tayer did, indeed, know. "And what do you want me to do about it? I'm just one woman with a few friends and understudies. And if I'm reading things right, I won't even need more than that. Why should we even care, exactly? They can bloody well suffer the consequences of our actions like every other person."

Harsh, but true. If life was fair we'd all be dead. "Competition is the lifeblood of commerce. Sometimes, you even win."

"Forget the guilds, what about the highborn? I don't want to think what the nobility will have to say about this, or… the king!" Tarren snapped, even as he said what they were really dreading the most. "They'll eat us alive. We'll have to set up elsewhere, we can't do this in the capital without something going wrong, surely?"

"It has to be here," Zidar groaned as he collapsed back in his chair. "This is where all the business is going to be, everyone with a title will want their homes renovated with… wiring and... and new plumbing! We'll need to bring everyone we know into this, how will we ever vet so many people?!"

The Light passed over them like a wave of youthful inspiration.

Their tirades cut off. Their hearts calmed. Their minds cleared. Their all too justified nerves settled at the back of their minds, present but distant enough that they could no longer interfere with reason.

When Orsur managed to look at their saintly benefactor, Wayland had his chin his hand and was watching them with undisguised fascination. Then the lad looked right at him. "Master Kelsier. You said you were having trouble. Please tell me about it so I don't need to do any more guessing, hmm?"

Woodenly, Orsur complied. He laid it all out, evenly and concisely. The Light… didn't make his troubles seem any less monumental, but he no longer felt like they were insurmountable. He felt… brave.

No one interrupted him. No one looked at him with disdain or suspicion either, for a wonder. Some were even looking at him with sympathy again. He hated to see it, but was also grateful even if he didn't show it. While it lasted.

"And so I'm practically bankrupt," Orsur finished. "The increased tariffs and contract poaching by the court was already straining my operations, all my other business peers can attest to it. But now, not only have I incurred a historical loss, but half my agents all over Alterac have suddenly been arrested. I haven't engaged in any of the things they're accusing them and me of, but with communications cut off I can't categorically confirm that my agents are as clean. I'm expecting the magistrate's next summons any day now, to talk about all the new 'irregularities' again. I know the people to solve this, but I can't bring them on my payroll if I don't have one."

"Well," Zidar said awkwardly. "Well, I sympathize, surely, but this isn't exactly what I usually mean when I say that everyone has problems."

"Of course not," Orsur said darkly. "Friendship should never mix with money, I know that well enough."

"Still," Slipknot ventured. "You can hardly fault others for doing the same as you."

Why the hell are even the fishermen this jaded?

"I don't really get it, though," Tarren said, his confusion so blatantly fake it was painful. "You seem to have enough for bribes." Of course, why wouldn't a bloody milkdrinker from the arse end of the hinterlands think he knows everything? "Or will you claim you've not been greasing palms with all this in and out of the magistrates office while-?"

"Do you want an honor duel to the death?"

Tarren shut his fool mouth.

Orsur glared him down with a look. "You have a lot of experience with bribes, is that it?"

Tarren had the audacity to glare. "I'll thank you not to insinuate-"

"Insinuating is a damn sight better than what you just displayed, boy."

"Didn't you pay yourself a thousand gold while leaving everyone off with a pittance," Madam Tayer suddenly threw in.

What is she -? "That's not…"

"You even let go of your bodyguards."

This is why none of you managed to climb any higher in your guilds, your management skills are only less shit than your judgment! "My people are unjustly courting the gallows, woman, what do you expect me to do!?" Orsur was glad for the Light's blessing their benefactor had cast, because he was sure he would otherwise have wanted to throttle that hag. "Oh blast it, forget it, if you won't even let me finish answering your own questions, there's no point in me saying anything else."

"Actually, maybe you should," Blackthorn finally lived up to her name, though Orsur, bizarrely, still wasn't sure who she was stabbing. "There seem to be a lot of unresolved feelings. I, for one, am dying to know everything you kept back. Your reputation is not of such an untalkative man, especially during such an event. What has been on your mind, really?"

If your brain suddenly exploded, would it even mess up your hair?

Across the table, Wayland Hywel caught Orsur's gaze. The man felt like the sun came down from the sky to sear his mind clear while he listened to the Young Saint talk about demons and dragons over butter cake. He blinked heavily several times, feeling dazed.

His eyes… were they golden just now?

"We should do it."


Everyone looked at Wayland Hywel in absolute surprise.

All the pleasantness was gone from the young man's face. All that was left was total, calm, unvarnished judgment. "I feel the need to explain something, because clearly no one here understands. When someone in a leadership position gets paid a 'fortune' right after a disaster that leaves the entire enterprise in shambles, odds are good he won't see any of the gold. That coin is, at most, a 'retention boon'. It's how you incentivize the one in charge to stay on and see the fallout all the way through. Because otherwise there's nobody left with access to or understanding of the records, the contracts, the accounting, nothing. All of that needs to be managed, leveraged, and in this case, presented to the court and arranged to be unwound in an orderly manner."

Orsur clenched his fists and pointedly didn't look at any of the others. How was it that the only one who actually understood anything was a child?

"Now, the security always should be the last to go, in my opinion. But in this case, they apparently were the last to go. Clearly, Master Kelsier stopped paying them because at this moment they are more a burden than help to his priority of saving the people actually essential to his business. None of this is invalidated by the fact that he paid money to do all this work to himself. That money is a financial and legal necessity to wind it all down, and even the most honest magistrate will recognize and encourage this. Now, perhaps he did have to pay bribes, but honestly, are we going to pretend Alterac isn't overburdened with obstructionist third son bureaucrats?"

No one said anything.

"As galling as it is, paying to grease palms is a necessity in this city. Overall, it seems to me like Master Kelsier is only looking to afford those people of actually relevant skills he needs to help him avoid messy court complications that could land him and all his innocent people in the dungeons, or worse. Somebody needs to swear to the court that all his accounting is honest and true. That he's doing this himself instead of paying someone else is, honestly, more nobility than I've seen from all the king's court."

That… well… curses, now he was getting all misty-eyed.

"Master Orsur. You're asking for a loan, if I'm understanding right."

Orsur nodded stiffly. "That's right. I'm willing to put up my share of the guild ownership as collateral."

"Yeah, we won't be doing that." Wayland Hywel decided, putting a sudden and final end to the absolutely farcical pretense that anyone was in charge there but him. "If we're seriously going to form a guild together, there won't be hanging threats. We won't be doing handouts either. We can just offer a contract of remuneration to be doled out in portions over the next year. I expect that's what you're doing yourself with your essential employees, while this mess is dealt with?"

"They-" he cleared his throat, felt a bit cloggy there for a moment. "My people are more interested in stable employment than to cut and run with a quick and dirty paycheck."

Wayland nodded, then gravely stared down everyone else. "Taking responsibility for a collapsing business is no small matter when the courts could have you de-handed or hanged. We'll need to see if we can pay for the legal defense of the agents as well. Call it an investment, this won't be any different than co-opting any other business fallen on hard times, which I assure you we'll be doing a lot of in the future. To be honest, I expect this to be the first of many challenges coming our way if you're serious about this enterprise. Call it our trial by fire if you wish. I'm now putting this matter to a vote."

There was a long silence.

Then Melisa Blackthorn, of all the devils, leaned back in her chair and said. "I second the motion."

That… that's it?

"Thank you, milady." Wayland nodded. "Everyone, please be ready to vote by the time we disperse. In the meantime, now that we're done with the histrionics, let's see what we can do so everyone comes out of this ahead. I have a few ideas that should turn out lucrative for each of you individually while our main enterprise gets off the ground."

That's it?

They talked forth. They talked back. They ate food. They drank wine. They talked back and forth some more. Their saintly patron spoke of miraculous medicines, spinning wheels, canning, punch cards, ways to make cotton almost as fine as silk, wool almost as soft as cotton but still wick sweat and heat, brocades, soda, baking soda that had the master cook salivating, blow torches, spot welding, steel forging methods never before seen, uses for copper that could make it more valuable than silver, a miracle metal you could only smelt by mixing it with an invisible underwater rock – what in Heaven? - he didn't stop until he had something that could make each and every one them rich even if they grand plan never found its wheels.

By the end of the day, the prospect of future profit had well and truly soothed whatever wounds anyone and everyone had suffered at the cruel hands of facts and common sense.

They voted aye to take on all of Orsur's legal expenses for the next year, with just one absentee and Tarren abstaining on account of lacking his father's authority.

That's it?

That's all it took? The greatest trial of his entire life… His problems were all solved, just like that?



I need to-

He needed…

… I need to know what you call prayers when you're just giving thanks.

"-. .-"

"-so I suppose this is the best framework we can devise, for now," said Zidar when they at last finalized their preliminary guild charter. "This should give us the sort of formalized, professional arrangement that prospective clients will take seriously, while still letting us procure all the materials, products and services unimpeded. Well, relatively speaking. We'll need all of that for the sort of multi-layered and complex projects and renovations we're expecting now. Especially if we're going to pool enough funds to finance assembly lines – while we can expect them to pay for themselves within months, initial investment should still be considerable."

"Not to mention this will spare us having to seek noble patronage," Orsur said idly. "Having one holding our leash would rather put us at risk of losing other nobles as clients."

"All of whom will want everything," Zidar grunted.

"'Specially with how tense things are right now," Keyton scowled. "Feels like all the orders I've been getting have been for swords, knives and more knives! What are they even preparing for? Those aren't proper war arms."

It was a rhetorical question. Everyone knew what was going on that the king's purge had only made worse instead of better.

"And they so love their vanity," sniffed Madam Tayer. "But we need to use it fully if we're to hope they don't impound us and pass a law to forbid anyone but the nobility from owning such scalable means of production. It won't be easy on the nerves though. What do you want to bet they'll want everything to look the same even after the work?"

"Lightning lines may be possible to install unobtrusively," Mason tried to be optimistic. "But plumbing can't, especially if they want hot water, we'll need to do a lot for that, it will probably take fake walls and higher flooring to conceal things. We'll need mass production running as fast as possible, at least for the woodwork, they'll want fine, identical flooring, wainscotting, panelling… practically every known trade expertise will need to be involved."

"We'll need a foundry before I can commission the proper gear work," Brakelond noted, crossing his arms. "I hope your peers will pull through, Keyton. One blast furnace probably won't be enough."

Keyton gave Brakelond a deadpan look. "You don't say."

"We may need to look outside the country as well," Blackthorn mused, swirling her wine glass. "And that might be our biggest hurdle, especially for clients who want certain magical effects or enchantments integrated. I've been hearing stirrings about Dalaran imposing tariffs on their side. There's already been a wave of renegotiated contracts with harsher terms."

"Truly?" Brakelond frowned. "Why would there be tensions with Dalaran? Do we need to see about divesting ourselves of the Auction House as well?"

"I'm not sure," Melissa admitted. "If we did, though, we'd hardly draw too many eyes after how many others have already done the same. It all depends on how quickly we can grow our guild auxiliaries."

"Well, I'm certainly relieved that so many high-placed experts didn't gather just to tell me my inventions are too troublesome," Wayland Hywel jested before he left the others to grumblingly draft copies to all the paperwork required. The tall young man came over to Orsur then instead. "Master Kelsier. A private word, please."

"Of course."

As soon as they were nearer a corner, Orsus felt the air… do something and suddenly he couldn't hear anything from the others, and even looking at them was hazy like... like looking through steam? Or hot air from a fire?

This was not the Light's work. He'd seen enough to know that much.

"I need to know what all was in that shipment you lost. Please be thorough."

Oh no… Orsur complied. Wayland Hywel just looked down at him until he got to the alchemical shipments. Then he began asking very specific questions.

When he was done, Wayland rubbed a hand over his face. "I'm hiring myself out to help with your ledgers."

What? "I'm… not sure I understand."

"There was an ambush on Duke Angevin's retinue just two days out via the Valley pass, you heard about it yes? They set up a rockslide which they would have set off using an alchemical mixture which, in my admittedly fudged estimates, would amount to just about the same ingredients as your shipment."

Orsur's heart sunk to the bottom of his stomach. "Oh."

"We'll have to confirm it with Narett, but I'm quite strongly inclined to that conclusion. I can't begin today, there's another obligation I have to discharge first. But from tomorrow or at least the day after, I'll be able to stick with you at least for the next month or two. Officially I'll cross your T's and dot the I's, I can do that much. Unofficially, I'll try not to do too terrible a job as a bodyguard. I hope you'll let me vet the people you mean to hire on as well, I've developed my skills there some too."

"Yes! Yes, of course." What was happening right now? Was Orsur such a loose end that a literal Saint thought-

"Do you already use double entry bookkeeping?"


"That'll make things easier. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to finish my business, and hire a carrier to let my family know, I also need to have the things I got on my errands delivered…"

What did I do? What did he do, who had he offended?

"Anyway, let's draw up a contract for that too." The air wall dispersed. "Master Keyton! And Master Slipknot as well since you're here anyway, if you could please witness this here little thing."

Little thing, this is my life! A literal saint divine couldn't see a way forward for him except being escorted everywhere by a walking divine intervention. Wayland Hywel had just offered to drop everything just to prevent him from getting his fool self killed, why was this happening? The king's own men had – Jorach had said – no, Jorach wouldn't set him up, surely? They had history – and there was no point – blast it all, since when was he an easy target?! It was ridiculous!

Keyton and Slipknot both gave them odd, searching looks when they saw what document they'd drafted, but they exchanged a look and didn't ask questions before adding their signatures without comment.

Orsur parted with the others feeling at once elated and alarmed.

Half-way home, a man at the corner of Well and Fowler revealed himself as a moneylender. Orsur actually considered the shady offer until the interest rate was implied. Instead, he detoured and mentioned the man off-hand while dropping some wine with the 'brave crownsmen' of the guardhouse a neighbourhood over. The Gilnean Sweet was wasted on such thugs, but sometimes your only option was to lean on the resentment of the rival officer for not getting as much bribe money. It was probably too much to hope that the usurer would have his hands cut off, but at least this way it wouldn't be just the honest merchants having a hard time.

He reached his neighbourhood uninterrupted after that, finally. Dare he hope for an uninterrupted sleep?


Orsur almost stumbled and gaped at the bird. It was a raven. A raven had just cawed. Not like a real caw, it said 'caw' as if it was a human saying it.

"It's making fun of us," said the wife of the most distant neighbour he still bothered to stay familiar with, where she was putting clothes up to dry across the fence. "It spent the past few days waging a one-fowl war on the entire flight of pigeons loitering around the market. We, of course, all yelled encouragement, and then tried to make it feel welcome after it actually won, if you can believe it. Now it likes to haunt people and say 'caw' at us."

"Caw," the raven said, fluffing its feathers and then flying off to say 'Caw' at… a raggedly cloaked thug. One who looked up to glare and shoo the bird away, thus revealing his face. The face of the guard sergeant from the neighbourhood where the moneylender had been.

What the devil? Orsur thought, pretending nothing was wrong as he nodded in goodbye to the woman but took a detour through the next side alley. What is he doing here? Was he in on the swindler's doings? Is he angry I tattled on him? But he can't have already found out, and to do this in broad daylight… Orsur took off his cloak, turned it inside out and put it back on with its hood up before peered around the next corner. Thuggish disguise, but you can't completely hide that posture and the armour beneath the cloaks. There's a whole squad here, doing… not the worst job of staking out a place I've ever seen, damn. He withdrew to the shadows. My home is being watched. Do they mean to arrest me? But then they wouldn't need to dress up like ruffians.

Withdrawing further, he retraced his steps and left a different way than he came, hoping nobody would think to ask the woman about him. He… wasn't guilty of anything so he didn't need to resist arrest, but after what Master Wayland told him, his gut instinct was yelling loudly to go quietly anywhere but their direction.

He wandered the streets on a circuitous path as he tried to reassess his situation. When he was one street away from his favorite inn, he detoured right through the place. Casually informing the innkeep that his erstwhile guest might come over in the following days after all – good thing we settled on this as the meeting spot for the morrow – he then borrowed one of the rooms.

Once there, he turned all his other clothes inside out as well, turning from red and blue to the grey and black of chimney sweeps. He also attached a fake beard and moustache he always carried just in case, and put on a pair of very thick spectacles. One should always maintain good habits, and two-faced clothing remains one of the best.

Orsur went down to the den and sauntered as if he belonged there, just as two of the same guards came in, their hair more tussled than windswept, they must have had more than a cloak to take off to look presentable again. Whatever they want me for, it's not legal, especially if the sergeant won't risk showing his own face.

Orsur looked at the door and weighed the risk of exposure from making a run for it, against the likelihood that the guards would want to cause a scene. His disguise felt more and more thin the more he waited. The Survivor's Bag of Coins hung heavy on his belt. The day had given him little hope that he could trust sense and reason to prevail anymore. If either man had any brain in their head they might still see through-

"Whoa, now!" came the bombastic voice right as the guard Sergeant's roving eyes turned to him. "Good man, what's with that face? You look like you're contemplating murder!"

Who-? Oh confound it, of all the people he could possibly have run into, it had to be him. "Blindi." It wasn't even his real name, nobody knew what it was, the same way nobody knew where he lived, if he had family, what he did for a living, nothing. Oh, Orsur did not have time for this! "Still not sober?"

"Sobriety is for hops guzzlers!" The man got in his face and looked right at him as if his eyes weren't both cataract-white. "What's with the raincloud?" The booze breath almost knocked Orsur off his feet. "Want to talk about it? Shared woe is lessened you know! Come on, come on and let this old man buy you a drink!"

The old fogy talked as if he wasn't the terror of drinking establishments everywhere. "I'm afraid I'll have to pass." He was already in trouble for crimes he didn't commit, no way would he also be caught consorting with the man that had driven half of the purveryors of spirits in Alterac city out of business over the past fifteen-some years. "I just came out of an important meeting and-"

"Pssh, and that's more important than spilling your woes over a pint?!" The man stomped all over his refusal, hooking an arm around his neck and all but dragging him through the throng of patrons, to which the guards rolled their eyes and looked away in disgust, well now!

"You know, on second thought why not?" Orsur changed tune, feeling only slightly guilty at taking advantage of the old timer. The ruinous scale of the man's bar brawls was exceeded only by his bizarre ability to evade reprisal. The few places that didn't immediately throw him out these days only refrained because they feared noble retaliation. They thought he was some sort of spy. "My day's been a real killer, I need to unwind – but it's too stuffy to stay inside. I'll take your offer outside, and only a sip!"

"Only a sip he says, kids these days, lily-livered and stomach made of wafer!"

Whatever you say old timer.

The next five-some minutes were spent indulging Blindi's bombastic grousing and pretending to drink beer while subtly maneuvering them farther and farther from the door every time the drunkard stumbled into him. Not for the first time, Orsur wondered why those hapless nobles kept hiring this tippler to play Greatfather Winter every Winterveil. Unless they were looking for a reason to execute him? But surely it couldn't be that hard to confect something, they did it for everyone else just fine. Half of the highest nobility were killed that way just last year, and now look! It was the ultimate source of the mess he was in right now.

"Thanks for the drink, Blindi, but I really have to go now, have a good day!"

"Definitely better than yours, boy!" I'm forty. "Ridiculous lad, can't stomach an honest mug's mirth, what's the world coming to?"

Orsur almost let loose his barbed tongue that he was so careful not to unleash except on the truly deserving, but even disregarding that he was on the run, one thing stopped him – the old drunk somehow seemed to know everyone. If he wasn't some sort of spy for the nobles, he must have dirt on those nobles and the ability to survive whatever they've thrown at him in response. Also, as insufferable as he was, he had just helped him dodge… potentially mortal danger.

He wandered the city until he was sure no one was following him anymore, then checked into a room at the grungiest inn he could find that still offered individual rooms. He wasn't low enough to lead trouble to anyone's door, nor was he desperate enough to resort to a flophouse where he would have a dozen innocents and no walls between him and knives.

He trapped his door and spent a tense, sleepless night listening to every voice and creak, intersped with peering through the cracks in the dirty curtains. He was almost ready to breathe a sigh of relief when dawn broke, only to spot cloaked figures stepping up to cut off both ends of the alley below.

I definitely lost all my trackers before, Orsur thought grimly. That they still found me means expertise they never showed before, or magical aid.

Pondering his options, Orsur changed back to his better clothes. The din from below became suddenly unnaturally muted, footsteps were heard coming up the stairs, all attempts to move silently up to his door failed badly.

Orsur grabbed his night bucket and threw it at the door just as the thug smashed through it. The man went down in a shower of piss and shit, cursing just as the trap triggered, giving the next two a full dose of powdered mustard as well, right in the eyes.

More curses, screams-


Splinters and shards flew around him as Orsur jumped out through the window.

The drop was long. The ground came at him fast. He palmed a coin from his Survivor's Bag of Coins and tossed it down.

A pillow of wooly counterforce broke his fall just enough that his ankles didn't outright sprain.

He snatched the bouncing coin out of the air, then he was running – flick, toss – the thugs ahead were blown away one after another, the ones at the next bend got the same, beyond those were four – so many, just for me? – so he skid to a halt, turned the way he came and almost managed to make it out the opposite way before he was herded to a dead end – flick coin at the ground.

The counterpush threw him up just enough that he was able to grab onto the ledge and pull himself onto the roof. Barely.

"Hnngh!" Sharp pain made Orsur clutch at the side of his neck. Agh, please, Tyr, let it just be a torn muscle, don't let it be the veins!

"The fuck?" "Where is he?!" "He's on the roof!"

Move, move!

Orsur scrambled to his feet and stumbled the next half a dozen steps, seeing grey from the pain in his neck every time he tried to turn his head. Fuck, I'll never live down scaling Ravenholdt Manor, will I? His legs still worked enough to let him cross the next three roofs, then it was one more coin flick and he landed on the main street. None of his pursuers were in sight, but…

Can't stay here.

He managed to sprint, duck and power-walk all the way to the main city district, reaching the next to last street before the market square when the crossbow bolt smashed into his back.

"ACK!" He only didn't fall because a wall was in the way. This is because I wouldn't let you throw my agents under the bridge, isn't it? Orsur thought dazedly at… he didn't even know. He dug blindly through the Survivor's Bag of Coins as he half-ran, half-stumbled out of the last street straight into a knife through the gut.


The steel was cold, but it burned.

"Finally out of tricks, you bastard?" The killer thug hissed as he pushed him back into the alley and out of sight.

Orsur felt the cut. He tasted blood. It wasn't the sergeant. He spat in the man's face anyway.

"Ugh!" The smug 'thug' shut his eyes in disgust.


The coin shot up the same moment Orsur's other hand pulled out his hidden knife and stabbed the man down through the neck.

The guard's face slackened in shock. He clung to his knife like a lifeline as he fell. The steel burned even colder on the way out. Somehow, Orsur still grabbed the man's crossbow. It was loaded.

He unloaded it in the face of the next thug who caught up from around the last corner.

His legs failed him just as the sergeant himself caught up with him.

"Finally out of tricks you b-"

The coin fell just behind him.

The force blast hurled both of them through the air, out of the alley and into the open where the morning crowd was just thin enough that people managed to get out of the way. Orsur skid to a halt in the middle of the road, rolling to his back in full view of every stall and their throngs of customers. He felt when the bolt drove deeper in him, could feel his life leaving him even without actually feeling the blood gushing out. He looked at the nearest person and desperately gurgled out a- "H-help… Murderers!"

Finally, the screams came. Shrieks of shock, mothers covering their children's eyes and ears, the nearest men jumped onto the 'thug' to hold him down, loud and louder calls came for "Guards, Guards!"

Got you, you bastard!

It was a shit last thought, but it was his.

Death was a distended view of screams, confusion and more confusion, darkness oozing from the ravenous maws of some strange devil beast one fourth the size of the world, a tunnel of many colors ripping through it, wings flapping, a large, dainty hand reaching out to pull his soul away from the ravenous eldritch darkness trying to suck him in… Then his next great adventure in the arms of a beautiful shining angel was jarringly thwarted by the raven from the day before.

The black bird landed on the angel's shoulder in a flutter of wings and annoyance thick enough to blot out the great swirling vortex of heaven. "This is why I don't bother with anything less than proven mettle."

Below, someone in the squirming and yelling man pile finally uncloaked the thug and discovered the sergeant getup beneath.

How could I be killed by someone so sloppy? Orsur wondered in dismay. Don't I even merit a proper assassin? Perhaps Jorach really had done all he could for him if this was the best that could be rustled up. But still, they were so incompetent! I've had to walk around the city over very long hours in order to stay atop the mess I'm in, why didn't they come for me before? Why didn't they wait to corner him the next night, even, why do this in broad daylight? If it was a cover-up, it was the sloppiest he'd seen. Even the proper ones didn't often work. Even if everyone heard the official story, the truth always showed up soon after from a dozen different sources. Even if his last gambit failed, everyone will know the truth within days regardless, no matter what the kingsmen say about Orsur from here out.

"It's never about fooling the people," the raven said in disdain. "People are too smart for that. The point is always to warn them 'this is what I say is truth and right, and you had better not say otherwise or step a toe out of line like this fool or else'. Your king's heralds and town criers aren't there to inform or persuade, they're there to humiliate. To make everyone party to the lies, the same evil."

"And so valor is almost impossible to find in Cities such as this," the Angel spoke, what a beautiful voice!

"Not much good sense either," the raven sniffed, glaring at him. "When the gods send you portents, you're supposed to heed all of them!"

But what did I do?

Suddenly, Light erupted from the ground in a great wall around the scene of the crime… just in time to stop the crowd from dispersing like the corrupt guard sergeant's newly summoned compatriots had nearly succeeded in doing. Cries of surprise turned to awe and hushed amazement. Orsur's murderer was struck silent just before he might have completely talked his way out of the situation. When had it all happened?

How much time did I just miss?

"Is it the priest?" people wondered.

They didn't wonder for long.

"The Young Saint," came the murmurs and pointed fingers as the tall young man in question became visible over the gathered throng. "It's him!" "Surely not…" "He's real?" "I thought he was made up by them nobles to keep us quiet!"

The murmurs continued on and on as Wayland Hywel walked up to stand next to Orsur's dead body. The Light was bright upon his face, shining from a mighty symbol centred on his brow, bright but not at all blinding. He looked over the gathered people. Looked at the guards. Looked very closely and long at the foul murderer. Then he looked down at Orsur again and went to one knee to lay a hand on the gaping wound in his stomach.

"Your-you-citizen!" the murderer was visibly shaken and afraid, but still had the gall to speak up, here, now, how dare he? "You are interfering in an official Crown investigation. This man has… been convicted of fraud, larceny, and was suspected of several counts of murder, most recently that of a bailiff. He was not content with resisting arrest, but instead brought great harm to the officer and his protective detail, even killing two before finally being brought down for the safety of all. This was the last straw in a long life of disregarding all honourable duties. His idea of profit was to ruin the poor. He made his business out of jeering language, swindling, and extortion, tarnishing the whole course of his life with an evil reputation. He was prepared to allow no one's innocence among his competitors, but launched wrongful charges against all, and was at the height of happiness when something lamentable occurred in another's fortunes. He toiled most of all to undermine any other honest business by clever, underhand investigations, and even lashed out at harmless characters whenever he could find some treacherous opportunity to-"

"Have you no shame?"

The Light came down with the force of all Heaven's judgment on them both, bright and terrible.

Wayland Hywel didn't look up from the wound.

Haedobard Menag fell over dead, his mind seared blank, his spirit burned to cinders, his soul sent screaming into the ether to be pulled down into the ravening maws of-


The angel's sword came down. The soul was cut loose of the seeking tendrils, free instead to be sucked up through the vortex in the sky to whatever came after.

"Not even for scum such as that."

The maws screeched in outrage and unquenchable thirst but went wholly ignored.

The Light began to glow from within Orsur's injury, then a column of golden brilliance erupted through and around it, enveloping it, enveloping the Young Saint, enveloping them where they hovered on angel wings, latching on them, infusing them, rising further and further up like a great spire to pierce the swirling clouds, demanding.

What is happening?

"There are debts owed to me, val'kyr. By you and your high god."

The raven squawked.

In delight.

"I'm not that easy!"

That doesn't add up…

The angel descended from the sky. From where his soul was held like a babe in her arms, Orsur saw the precise moment when her form became visible to all. The people looked upon at them and felt awe. Many fell to their knees. More were brought to tears. Prayers rose from all in sight, hushed and reverent.

"You would spend it on this one?" Her voice resonated loud and clear as a bell. "He is nothing, no one, barely a wisp on the winds of fate."

Am I truly so worthless? But then why-?

"Yet you would still ascend him."

"Even so he is barely worth my debt, never mind my lord's."

"Then I'll just have to call that debt in bits and pieces as we go along."

"You are bold, Prophet. But how clearly do you see the consequences that will result from this?"

"Clearly enough." Wayland met the angel's eyes, unafraid. "Valor is but one part of worth."

The angel gazed at the man. The man gazed back. The multitudes knelt all around them with baited breath.

The raven pecked the angel's ear.

"… As you wish."

The angel held Orsur out. Knelt next to his body, her wings unfurled above him like a baptism shroud. Lowered him over it, into it, taking all the Light the Young Master gave to weave together the loose threads of spirit, body and mind back through his soul.

Orsur Kelsier came back to life with the sweetest gasp of breath he'd ever experienced in his entire existence. The next one was even sweeter, and the next. And the next after that and the next after that and-

"Come on, Master Kelsier, up you go."

He obeyed, rising to his feet when tugged, putting one step after the other when directed, once again he realizing the truth a little too late. "We're going the wrong way," he rasped, pointing to the proper street. "It's that way."

"Then that's where we'll go, good man."

The crowd parted before them, knees bent and heads bowed.

"The guild," Orsur stumbled through his words, but where his body was still so sluggish that Wayland literally had to hold him upright, his mind was clear. "The others, are they – was anyone else-?"

"They're fine, as life goes. You were the only one aggrieved. They did choose your name for the guild, in the end."

The Wheel Everturning.

The words had much more meaning now than a day ago.

The guard at the far end of the market square stared at them, frozen in fear at their approach. "… Y-your… Worship? We-I-I must request that you-"

"Next person who gets in my way I'll call the Light to judge like the dirty sergeant over there."

The guard swallowed dryly, eyes glistening while his breath rattled in his chest, then bowed his head humbly and stepped aside, falling to his knees in prayer like all the rest to let them pass.

"Come on, Master Kelsier. Let's get you home."

Chapter 8 is available on Patreon, Ko-fi and Subscribestar.
Chapter 8 – The Dark Triad
A/N: Some things were just never going to go well.


Chapter 8 – The Dark Triad

"-. July 12, Year 580 of the King's Calendar .-"

"His Royal Majesty, Aiden Perenolde, by the Light's Mandate King of Alterac, Master of Alterac Keep, Ruler of the Valley, and Defender of the People True, formally invites Wayland Hywel to Court, on this day of July 12, Year 580 of the King's Calendar, there to finally determine his character, his role in recent events that have so affected the peace of the City, and, by grace of the Light and the Good, what place might be found for him in the Realm."

What a nice invitation, except I got afforded no title, no accompaniment, no period of preparation, and my 'place' was yet to be determined so this wasn't even the king commanding the plebe to come over or else.

I was being addressed as a foreign interloper.

I need to get my family out of the country.

"Very well. I will be ready momentarily."

The sergeant rolled up his scroll "We are to escort you."

"And I will be ready momentarily."

"I'm afraid we were ordered to escort you there without delay."

There were six crownsmen. The sergeant was one, three were holding back the crowd filling every inch of street and window I could see, and the last two walked purposely forward in an obvious plan to flank or surround me up until they bumped into an invisible wall.

The Shield of Light shimmered into view to bar the street from one edge to the other just long enough for them understand what knocked them on their ass.

Unfamiliar, bold and arrogant, these men could only have been purposely selected from those who'd been nowhere near today's happenings.

Still, the leader only gawped briefly. He looked between me and his guards. Surprisingly pointedly for someone who'd just seen me create an impenetrable forcefield on a whim. "Why you…Young Sir, I must insist-"

"Your fellow sergeant murdered my business associate in the middle of the public square." I said flatly. "I will have none of you at my back. You can decide alternative arrangements while I see about my arrangements."

The sergeant turned visibly indignant – falsely – and opened his mouth-

I flexed my hands and a shimmer of gold passed over me as Aegishjalmur activated for but a moment.

The sergeant's words caught in his throat. The offending guards drew back. Around us, the people looked upon the sight we made and muttered angrily on my behalf with all the religious outrage of an angry mob.

The Helm of Awe was otherwise known as the Helm of Terror. The mind protection was just a side effect.

The sergeant turned pale and closed his mouth. "… Very well. We will wait here."

I turned around without another glance and passed through the gate and out of sight, thankful that it was as tall, solid and gapless as the fence wall circumventing the whole property. Orsur Kelsier had a healthy love of privacy which I could appreciate.

Duke Lionheart was waiting for me just inside, still in his surprisingly effective sellsword disguise. Having sent his captain ahead – under very vociferous protest – with his wife and sister, the duke had escorted me back to the city with part of his detachment, arguing that he needed to drop off the prisoners personally to make a point. I didn't mind the time it gave me to teach him the basics of Light magic, at the time, but now…

I conveyed to the spirits to form a sound muffling screen around us and finally nodded at the man.

He looked at me grimly. "I heard."

I set about collecting precisely nothing because no way was I going to bring anything important along. Instead I sat down on the bench and looked at the flowers. Master Orsur's gardener still kept tending them despite being let go, so the marigolds were quite vibrant.

Truly, Alterac City was infuriating.

One moment you're pleasantly blindsided by a business proposal guaranteed to solve all of your problems. Next moment you're spending your literal favour with Heaven to resurrect people in the middle of the public square. Based entirely on a shot in the dark that bringing people back to life should be possible somehow for that conveniently hovering angel over there.

I'd watched the process very closely. If I got to witness it another dozen more times, I might even be able to replicate it. Just as soon as I figured out a way to keep souls from moving on in the first place. Say about a decade or five.

Give or take depending on what would result from the doom waiting for me in the direction of the vulture's nest known as Alterac Keep.

Richard sidled up to me. "It was you up on the mountain, yes? That made me see those things."

"I don't know what others see in a Soulgaze." That, at least, was consistent with the fictional ability I named it for. But I was finding my version to vary quite significantly in utility, never mind depth of insight. "I just know what I see, and what I saw was enough to make me come down to meet you instead of skirting past."

Richard was silent.

Then he stepped in front of me and went down to one knee. "Holy One. Please teach me your ways."

I blinked, startled. Richard just watched me, humble, dignified and completely serious.

"My ways." Not my skills, not my abilities that he'd already made a good head start on during our two days of travel, not my knowledge or anything else specific. "Are you… asking to become my disciple?"

"Is that not the way of prophets?"

Incredulity, thy name is Wayland.

"Is it truly so unbelievable? Now?"

Incredulity, thy name is also I didn't reincarnate into this world to become a cult leader! "… How does the Light feel about this?"

"Like what I saw in that vision is the highest cause there can ever be."

"… Alright, I can't do this blind anymore." I conveyed to the spirits to make the sound muffling screen around us extra muffling. "What did you see?"

Richard described what he saw in my soul in excruciating, sharp detail. He was a very enthralling speaker.

A way with words isn't all he's got, I thought dumbly. "I… am forced to concede that your assessment is correct." I had my work cut out for me, didn't I? I mean… the scope of your commitment is what determined how strongly the Light responded to you, but getting independent verification of how much I had stacked against me was…

Holy hell.

Later. I'll deal with that later. "Are you sure you can handle it though?"

"I believe you can teach me how."

"Don't answer so unthinkingly. And don't put all the onus on me either. My enemy is a nigh-infinite army of demons from beyond the stars."

Richard's face slackened. "… What?"

I paused. That word had barely come out, weak and breathless.

Now why would he react like that? He himself just finished describing the burning legion and orcs and Sargeras glaring down from space while every dragon – oh. "I'm afraid that the components of that allegory you so vividly described aren't allegories themselves."

"… Oh," Richard said numbly, looking at me with… I didn't even know. "Fuck."

I drove Richard Lionheart to profanity.

Curse the devil, this was all Sargeras's fault.

And curse the universe too, for not giving me the time I need to see this poor man or my poor self through this revelation. "Some trials defy teachings," I grunted, acutely aware of the doom gaining on me like a pack of hyenas. "I'm about to undergo one myself. Before that though…" I put my hand on Richard's head and called the Light to carve.

My hand flashed gold for a moment, and when I withdrew it the Aegishjalmur glimmered clearly on Richard skull, before fading out of sight beneath his hair and skin.

Richard looked shaken, but tried to hide it even as he put a hand over his brow. "I… have never felt a blessing like this."

My 'blessing' is my way of keeping your head from being messed with. "It's only a blessing in a manner of speaking. One I'll have to do to your captain too, at some point." And however many other people Richard could keep topped up.

"… That'll be a task, convincing him."

No it wouldn't be, that man was exceptionally loyal and biddable for someone so lacking in morals of his own.

I stood up and considered the home. The front yard. The flower patches. The home said much about the owner. It would be a shame if anyone got any bright ideas.

I set about circumnavigating the property, channelling the Light down and around me, grounding it, infusing it as firmly as I could with every footstep. With my awareness steadily growing along with my Spirit, I had a new sense of my surroundings now. One that reached deep enough into the house to find the man who'd crashed to sleep the moment he sat down. I'd had to carry him to bed.

I overlaid my spirit over his and called the Light to Judge. Both of us. It was the same thing I'd done that killed the murderous guardsman, equal opportunity smiting made blasts of Light very potent. But since Orsur Kelsier had actual ethics and I invoked Protection instead of Retribution this time, it only gave me a sense of his character. Nothing as thorough as our Soulgaze from the meeting, but enough.

"Boldness is impatient. Courage is long-suffering." Orsur Kelsier was no Spartan, but it wasn't like those ancient people from Earth had a monopoly on wisdom, especially when they were nowhere as memetic in real life. Besides, when it came to the Light, an incantation worked best when it fit you too. "Boldness cannot endure hardship or delay, it is ravenous, it must feed on victory or it dies. Boldness makes its seat upon the air, it is gossamer and phantom. Courage plants its feet upon the earth and draws its strength from the Light's holy fundament."

The Light expanded in front and behind me, into the earth, above me and higher to enclose the entire property in a golden dome. It faded quickly, but its presence did not diminish. It was still there, ready to repel anyone that did not fit the anchor's notion of Worthy Guest. It wouldn't last more than a month or two without me, probably not even if I managed to convince a priest to come and pray for it every week, but short-term solutions were still solutions.

It was the same way I'd designed defences back home, though I was beginning to think that might not be secure enough, the longer I went without having Soulgazed our farmhands. For one, their names were a bit on the nose, especially the last two. For another, Howard, Bart and Barney were paid employees, so not technically guests. The Light didn't care about technicalities like that, but I still wanted to be sure.

My powers are making me paranoid.

Of course, since the king's thugs had eschewed the principle of distinction to murder my new associate for the high crime of having too much of a conscience for the crown's cover-up, I was feeling quite entitled to my paranoia.

I made sure to explain to Richard everything I was doing, if only so he could explain it to the owner when he woke up.

There came loud and angry pounding on the gate, because of course they'd assume I meant to turtle in.

"Richard." I double checked that the sound muffling barriers was still there. "I'm being called before the king, and the summons is none too friendly. What would you, as my hypothetical disciple, do in this situation?"

"… Declare myself and publically pledge my protection, my loyalty and my faith."

…I have never felt more moved in either life. "Then it's a good thing I'm not saying yes." I could feel the Light in him waver, his self-doubt surging at my apparent rejection. "I refuse to make this decision under duress. And I refuse to accept any decision you make under duress about this. Commitment built on impulse is doomed from the start. If you're serious, though, we can discuss it properly later." I turned and lowered my face so that I wasn't too easy pickings for any possible lip readers or scryers from on high. "In the meanwhile, as a favour to me, I'd ask that you go to my home and lend my family your protection instead. We can discuss this further when I return."

Officially, Richard had already left the city again, so his presence at court wouldn't be expected.

"That comes without saying, I was going to offer regardless, but…Surely you will need protection as well?"

"I literally don't have the words to convey how touched I am right now, but no, this is my decision." Soulgaze would convey my feelings and then some, but it but it was unnecessary, and also rather distracting. It took a toll on the Spirit as well. I had plenty to spare now that I was constantly growing it, but the cost was about as much as I sacrificed to sustain my spirit minions for a day, so I should at least try to use restraint. Never mind that I'd already compromised on informed consent twice. Both times I had no other actionable way to ensure the right judgment call in the time available, but having to make excuses means you've already failed.

Truly a sad beginning to my all-new career as despicable cult leader.

The pounding on the gate stopped.

"If you could, please leave a message to Master Orsur that I probably won't be able to follow through on my employment contract."

"I will leave word with my men, if you think he will accept guards?"

"I meant a note, but I won't refuse your generosity. Here, I'll write a note that I vouch for you, so he doesn't freak out when he finds them on his property."

The sudden flare of the Ward that followed told me the guard had meant to smash it open. I ignored it and finished writing what I needed.

"Here. Be well, Richard. I'm leaving my guns here as well, just in case." Except the pistol, my tunic was good enough for concealed carry. "If disaster strikes somehow between now and whatever little time it takes you to leave the city, feel free to use them." I'd taught him – after Occitanier took the 'risk' first – the basics of shooting and trigger discipline on the way to the city, so it should be fine. "If things go sour… get my family out of the country?"

Richard clenched his fists. "… As you wish."

"Thank you."

The banging on the gate resumed.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Light save me from unthinking brutes with less patience than a shrieking toddler!"

The guards were visibly surprised to see me come out, or maybe they were put off by my act of a sour old fogy? The sergeant, at least, composed himself quicker this time.

"Right. If you'll follow us then?"

"After you."

This time they didn't push the issue and resigned themselves to just leading the way.

Whatever happened, at least it wouldn't be covered up. The crowd was never not ahead of us, people left behind rushed through every other street to get in front for another look. There weren't any crying mothers offering their children and begging for grace and blessings, but I could see the shape of them forming out of the future's shadow with every step I took.

I had my spirit minions spread even further ahead than that, watching, listening, giving me far hearing and sight of everything happening, everything being done, everything being said all the way to the castle. The closer we got, the tighter the crowd drew until people were near enough to reach out and touch me, despite the pushback from my 'escort.' The closer we got, the more I could see into the Keep interior until my spirits reached the doors and ran wisp-first into a magic ward.

~Satiety, surprise, indignation.~

I was only surprised it didn't encompass the courtyard as well. Come back, little ones, and take shelter in my spirit for a change.

~Satiety, shame, joy.~

For beings that could diffuse until they could see across mountains, they could also make themselves very small. Small enough to hide in my aura so that the wards didn't even flicker when I passed through.

Sloppy design or intrinsic limitation? Come to think of it, I'd never heard of shamans or druids being rendered completely impotent on warded or otherwise inimical enemy ground, whether Dalaran or Icecrown Citadel. Probably a hard limitation.

~Satiety, smugness, let-me-at-em!~

Calm down, kids.

~Satiety, begrudging – HATE!~

I feel it too. It was foreign, sudden, unnatural, and aimed at me from above. I didn't give myself away by looking, but used the sight of the spirits instead. There was a catwalk so high up that it was completely hidden in the darkness above the chandeliers, but spirit sight saw through such things as easily as the Light did through my own. A man, as muscular as one could be without losing nimbleness, dark leathers, dark hood obscuring most of his face, a thick horseshoe moustache and small soul patch on the chin, coloured… I couldn't decide if it was blond or red.

As if feeling our notice anyway, the man withdrew into the dark and down through a small hatch.

The assassins have already been called.

I hadn't even met the king and he was already showing his machiavellianism.

That's one.

The guards broke away, leaving me standing in the middle of court. Which was in full attendance but not yet in session. Which meant I got to be gawked at by every worthy and unworthy that managed to shove their way into the hall, not counting the nobility already present. They were murmuring, chatting, whispering, gossiping about me.

And not just about me, really, even if they were clearly pretending aloofness, the court had suddenly changed its agenda and that was so inconvenient, that one wasn't planning to attend today, that one hadn't prepared her case yet, he couldn't find out what the fuss was about, but she did so what was his excuse, the unwashed masses had made travel difficult for everyone but you didn't see him complaining, and now look! Even that poor excuse of a drunkard had managed to stumble his way in, at least this time he managed without rolling through every pig sty on the way over but I never, just look at him hollering, what an unsightly display, why the guilds still hired him to play Greatfather Winter every damnable year they just couldn't understand, were they trying to give the king a reason to execute him, where are the guards when you need them, I do so declare!

"Oh, pox on your blustering you wet fish!" The blind man hollered at the noblewoman talking smack about him from the upper gallery, angrily waving his hip flask as he bumped into five different people. "You've not near enough butter on them cheeks to act like this so early in the day! Or do you? What would Falconcrest say?!"

"Wh-what are you – how dare you insinuate, you lowly – I am a married woman!"

"Not happily, way I hear!"

The man's scandalous histrionics allowed a young barefoot girl the chance to escape the crowd and come over to me like the tritest publicity stunt, holding out – up, children were so small to me these days – a flower. It was a ridiculous, weed-looking thing, ruffled, clearly picked up in a hurry between sprints, possibly through the fence of a stranger. Eight tiny flowerets making up the ugliest posy I'd seen all week. Bupleurum, I recalled from the times I did my accounting near mother in the garden. Coloured acid green.

I crouched down to take it. Looked – still down – at the common girl. Looked at the flower. On a whim, I poked it with my spirit. It was a new, clumsy skill I needed to ask my little elemental minions to demonstrate once or twice every attempt, but they were more than willing to bear through it since they got to munch on the waste energy every time.

Lady Anna's explanations hadn't really given me much to go on in terms of druidism, back in the valley, but it did finally help me figure out how to match Arcane patterns to verifiable phenomena. When I spent those few hours trying sync a walnut's patterns to those of the human mind, I'd expected it to become slightly better at what it already did, maybe become a consumable capable of boosting cognitive function. Eating one or two walnuts a day did that naturally, and also reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, lots of good stuff. I certainly hadn't expected to turn it into a miniature brain. That Odyn would actually make good on my terrible joke of a food offering I hadn't expected at all.

Good way to assess his character, though, when deprived of my all new, easy option that I was probably going to fail miserably in not using it as a crutch for the rest of time. Soulgaze didn't work through familiars. Well, it had worked through my spirits, but only because they just gave Richard farsight to bridge the distance. Not the same thing as the soul being completely removed from the mind by several thousand kilometres in a flying fortress in the sky.

I watched the flower's patterns. Resisted the urge to tug and twist them lest I make the poor thing crumble or wither in my grasp, what an omen that would be! But still… Even if Arcane magic was still miles away from not blowing smoke in my face, it wasn't like natural order was inimical to improvement. And I had been wondering for a while…

Can you lightforge a plant?

Light… How could this flower best help our commitment?

The Light flowed through me, out through my fingers into the flower stem, then further, upwards like sieve coursing through the plasmodesmata, up through the sepals, petals, through the pistil and stamen until they glowed, knitting with the Arcane patterns I saw through the plant's fibres, weaving around and through cells, sewing, livening, enhancing everything in accordance with my expansive notion of wholesome good, then reaching into the ether towards… something when that wasn't specific enough.

I could almost glimpse it at the edge of my mind, entangled, encompassing, kaleidoscopic, hazy as if through a green dream. The plant's very nature as understood by Nature and all the spare potential still unused.

The flower perked up. The blossoms gained their own glimmering light. The stem straightened. Then it grew downwards until it had regrown its missing parts with all their leaves, then further to regrow all the way to the roots. All it was missing was a bed. Soil. And that pattern was scattered all around me, as ubiquitous as it was clear.

The Light spread out through it like a lattice and I tugged just so.

The mud and dirt from a thousand boots flew together in my hand to form an all-new flowerbed.

Yes, I concluded. You can, in fact, lightforge a plant.

How much earth could I move at once with this trick?

I dropped the golden glowing flower back in the girl's hands, dirt and all.

She gaped at it in wonder. At me too.

Nobody was talking anymore.

I rose and motioned with my head in her mother's direction, and that, finally, broke her out of her spell and sent her running back.

The silence continued. It was honestly strange, by druidic standards what I'd just done was barely a cantrip. I doubted mages would find it particularly remarkable either.

Suddenly, the side door opened and the king's majordomo stepped forth to speak.

"All kneel!"

The moment I laid eyes on the King, I understood why I'd felt doomed all day.

"Presenting His Royal majesty, Aiden Perenolde, Fourth of His Name."

I understood why I was now beset by such absolute certainty that my chosen way of life was suddenly doomed to end.

"By the Light's mandate, of the nation of Alterac and all its outposts and territories King."

The Light cared about feelings but had no concept of thoughtcrime and judged you only by actions on a scale of warm, fuzzy calculus.

"Master of Alterac Keep."

The Light was atemporal, which meant it occasionally earned you a very forward-looking understanding of your commitment and relative choices.

"Lord of the Valley and Defender of the People True."

And, as I was now learning, it could synergize with sufficiently exceptional self-awareness of what it truly meant that your commitment was mutual, resulting in the starkest, most unambiguous, most unmerciful premonition.

"Sovereign of the Most Glorious Order of the White Vulture."

Like when you were about to do something so cataclysmically ruinous to your Sacred Covenant that nothing you did could ever make up for it, nothing before, nothing after, neither alone, neither combined, nothing at all.

"Long May He Reign."

The majordomo finished his spiel just as I came to terms with the grisly reminder of what having options actually meant when the excuse of ignorance did not exist.

King Aiden Perenolde took his throne and sat down. His gaze did a perfunctory roam over the hall before settling on me. For the first time, I launched the Soulgaze without even a scrap of hesitation. It didn't activate. There was no reaction. I got nothing. There was nothing earnest, not towards me, not towards others, not even towards himself. Just a false man who'd already made up his mind, looking sternly back to me, proud, regal, and bereft of any scrap of will that could be considered sufficiently authentic common ground for a Soulgaze to connect us by.

Psychopathy makes two.

The Great Hall descended into silence. The silence deepened and stretched on and on. Then further and further as everyone waited in awkward, tense, steadily more and more aghast silence as they knelt. Everyone was on their knees.

Except me.

The majordomo looked unsurely between me and the king and cleared his throat. "Behold your sovereign," he said, looking at me and then the ground. Pointedly.

I didn't move.

The excuse of ignorance did not exist for me. The excuses of modesty and incompetence did not exist for the king. Somehow, I didn't know how, if I bent here even the slightest – If I even pretended to bend here with all of these people watching – it would precipitate consequences so catastrophic that all my attempts to make a better future would fall dead.

"In the Alterac King's court, it is customary for petitioners to kneel."

But I'm not a petitioner, now am I?

I didn't move.

The future would be lost. My commitment to the Light would be undone. My commitment to the Light would be knowingly undone.

The herald scowled and looked at the castle guards. The same people who escorted me here converged on me, grabbed me by the arms, by the shoulders and pulled down, first one, then two, then the sergeant joined in, all three pulling at me with all their weight. Their efforts were vindictive, unrestrained and completely useless. I didn't move an inch. I stood there and stared in the king's eyes.

The Light will leave me if I kneel to this man.

Losing the last of his patience, the sergeant swung the butt of his spear at the back of my knees.

"Hold!" the king ever so deniably barked just a moment too late.

The Light flared with bright and cold Retribution.


The spear shattered in the man's hands. The Light smote down. The man was thrown to the ground, hands bloodied and eyes blind.

"Agh – y-you bast-what – wait, what did you do to me – you bastard, I can't – I can't see! I can't see!"

The Light only resulted in 'curses' when there was enough rot in the Spirit that too little was left of it to run everything, after it was burned out. This man must have had much rot in him indeed.

But the encroaching doom… it wasn't centred on Perenolde? It overlapped him but revolved around something else – someone else…? All the possibilities that came to mind were as alarming as they were quickly discarded when they didn't make the premonition resonate at all, so who then? Or what? Were they here right now? Weren't they? Why couldn't the light tell?

Leaning back on his throne, Aiden Perenolde gestured for the distraught man to be collected and carried out of the hall. After the rest of my 'escort' did that, looking back at me angrily and fearfully all the way out the door, the king sent a glance to his majordomo.

"All rise!"

The people finally climbed off the ground and began reclaiming their seats and spots, the awkward mood at odds with their thirst for the next exciting development they were now sure to get.

And so, finally, the king addressed me.

"There is a particular word for people who take justice into their own hands in defiance of king and country."

… You know what?


"His Royal Majesty, Aiden Perenolde, by the Light's Mandate King of Alterac, Master of Alterac Keep, Ruler of the Valley, and Defender of the People True, formally invites Wayland Hywel to Court, on this day of July 12, Year 580 of the King's Calendar, there to finally determine his character, his role in recent events that have so affected the peace of the City, and, by grace of the Light and the Good, what place might be found for him in the Realm."

The Great Hall of Alterac Keep could only ponder my recital of the summons I'd received, word for word.

"Such were the words of your summons exactly. No title, not the basest polite appellation, no advocate afforded, no grace period of preparation, no guest right offered to me or charge brought against me, yet still my 'place' is 'yet to be determined' despite me being Alterac born and begotten. Why should I kneel if I've already been made an outlaw?"

The crowd did not react well.

"Silence in the Hall! Order! Order!"

An 'invitation' worded explicitly to disown me of my birth country, 'escorts' chosen from among the dirtiest crownsguard, the most open attempt at public humiliation, assassins already in the rafters, everything wrapped up in a public performance whose only purpose was to give Perenolde the barest scrap of deniability when I mysteriously disappeared, there was not the slightest point in going along with this farce.


The Captain of the Royal Guard struck the ground with his spear five different times before the people's outrage finally settled into a simmer.

"Well now," Perenolde said finally, slouching in his seat. "Dare I ask how much of everything else leading up to this was precipitated by this… propensity for misinterpretation and hyperbole?"

I won't play this game either. "Get the Archbishop here to perform the rite of Judgment Unmerciful and I'll readily submit alongside all of my accusers."

So fast that you could be excused for missing it, Perenolde's mask cracked. "A tendency to jump straight to extremes as well, it seems."

I didn't reply. There was no point. Of course he'd refuse, the Judgment would get him too.

"Many people are dead in your wake," Perenolde said. "Of those who aren't, some are still blind and deaf."

"Some actually recovered then?" I asked idly, meeting the eyes of the more sour-faced sycophants in the hall one after another. All of them averted their gaze. "That's good, it means they aren't completely hopeless monsters. Anymore."

"… You admit to attacking them."

"I admit to self-defense and defense of home and hearth against people with no qualms against murdering a fourteen-year-old."

Perenolde scoffed. "You're hardly a normal man, by any standards."

"That I'm exceptional is no excuse for attempted murder against my person, or anything else." He said man, not child. He was trying to avoid looking like he was bullying children.

Fair enough, there wasn't a grown man in sight as tall as me.

"They call you a Saint," the king changed tracks. "What say you to that?"

"The Light's most beloved virtues are compassion, tenacity and respect."

A non-answer for a non-question.

"Some even call you a Prophet. What say you to that?"

"I'm surprised it caught on, I was only ever called that twice." By an angel, but I wasn't about to add fuel to whatever pyre he wanted to burn me on. The crowd was muttering about that already. Loudly.

What was even the point of this charade? How Perenolde looked to the commoners might not matter to him, but what did he expect this to look like to the nobles? The few he hadn't mortally aggrieved to point of blood feud? The many he had mortally aggrieved to point of blood feud? It would have made more sense to just order me quietly eliminated so that I mysteriously vanished like a fairy tale sage into the mists of time and imagination. Why put me on the spot like this? Why put himself on the spot like this, when the ship had already left port?

The only explanation I could think of was that he couldn't afford to waste even this little chance to gain face.

How precarious is your rule, really?

"There is just one thing that I don't understand. Or I suppose two things," Perenolde said. "What were all those people after you for? What did you do that made them raise their knives? And why didn't the matter reach my eyes, if it was so important? If it was so innocent, as you claim?"

And with that, it was clear now. Why he would approach this so inimically. Why he procrastinated on summoning me until now. Why he won't even bother trying to establish a proper rapport. It wouldn't even be that hard, I wanted to get my designs out there, yet here we were.

It was you who tried to kidnap me in the beginning, after all.

The Light eased all my burdens every moment of every breath, but suddenly I couldn't help but feel tired. I was so tired of this. Tired of guarding a secret that was never supposed to be a secret, tired of fearing for my mother and father every time they crossed the fence, tired of worrying that Narett would be picked up from his house one night and disappeared, tired that anyone else I associated with would be shanked by 'thugs' and 'bandits' in the market square, tired of the futility and the villainy and the unearned grudges everywhere I looked and stupidity.

All because one man was so full of himself that he projected his mores and his sores and his weakness on everyone.

Narcissism makes three.

You know what?

"Charcoal, sulfur and saltpetre."

Aiden Perenolde blinked in incomprehension.

You know what the Light hasn't disagreed with me on for the whole year and change since I first recalled my past life?

"The recipe for dwarven gunpowder. That was the great prize I was to be disappeared for, apparently." I shrugged as if unaware that the hall undoubtedly contained at least one ambassadors or spy from literally everywhere. Well, everywhere human at least. "It really was quite strange, it's not like I was hoarding it or anything. I put it up for auction, I was literally looking for a business partner to market it as far and wide as possible. But after the seventh kidnapping attempt I decided not to bother trying anymore."

Aiden Perenolde stared at me in astonishment. Incomprehension. Incredulity. I could practically see as his oh so perfect mask shattered the moment the penny dropped.

"A shame really, there would be tons of it for sale everywhere by now, I imagine."

The penny dropped for everyone else.

Then the blind drunkard slurred "But he can't mean it was all on the crown's orders, surely?" and the Great Hall of Aterac Keep descended into utter chaos.

Aiden Perenolde glared at me, mouth open and eyes wide.

I returned it flatly. Shamelessly. Scornfully.

"Order! ORDER, ORDER!"

There was no order. There was no order so much and for so long that the king adjourned court early and sent me away just so the crowd would follow me out of his sight.

I complied. I was more than ready to get out of there. But I stopped at the nearest crossroad to brood in full sight of everyone because I was just as ready for my spirit friends to eavesdrop on every conversation they could, unseen to normal eyes and unnoticed to the few magical ones amidst the smoke of candles and tea steam.

I'd not been idle during that travesty. Once told to avoid the notice of any strange veils and shimmers and patterns that felt off to the natural order of the world, my spirits learned very quickly how to not interact with wards and mages. And while the entrances to the keep were warded thoroughly, the higher floors' windows and balconies had many gaps, at least three of which I was sure were intentional. Not to mention the wear and tear in old forgotten walls, the secret passages that nobody knew to maintain, and those chimneys...

Most of what I got was gossip. Some things were missed because the spirits were few and young and they couldn't look everywhere. Aiden Perenolde couldn't be spied on when he met with the same sorceress whose protection spells felt like the same from the ambush on Richard. They shut themselves in a locked room with no windows. There was no gap, no keyhole, the place was even airtight and spelled against incoming light and magical interference.

But the wards did start to stutter for some reason after the king and woman were joined by two men. One was… Jorach Ravenholdt. He looked almost identical to his older self I remembered, except there was still brown in his hair.

The best assassins have already been called.

The other was the hooded assassin from the rafters, who idly aimed a smirk right at the keyhole of the next room over where my little spirit was hiding… and did nothing else.

~Aberrancy, malaise, fear~

Yes, I… felt it too, who is that man? Why does he feel that way?

"Duty compels me to advise against this one last time," Ravenholdt said as soon as the door closed.

What a world this is, when the master of assassins is the lone voice of sanity.

"You have advised and I have heard it."

"… The Church will not forgive this. Not after he literally demonstrated the power to bring back the dead."

"Just before which he had to murder another man. I don't know what arts those are, but they're not holy ones."

The king scoffed in disdain. "As usual, I am the only one who sees clearly."

Machiavellianism, psychopathy and narcissism all in the same man.

"As always, the loyalty of Ravenholdt Manor must be with the Crown, but-"

"So it must."

"-but what if we fail? This is no normal quarry. He may yet prove mighty."

"Then I suppose you will live long enough to say I told you so."

"… You think he would let us live?"

"Hah!" The king laughed scornfully. "The day a saint misses a chance to be sanctimonious is the day this castle goes up in smoke. That is the one way in which saints are all reliable."

Aiden Perenolde… he believed.

I could see it now. The Light confirmed it with all the strength of universal hindsight. Aiden Perenolde believed everything about me. And because he believed, he also believed I would never be anything but his mortal enemy.

What other fantasies do I star in?

"… As Your Majesty commands."

"Quite. Now go and do your job."

"I suppose this is why all those wise men and sages always mysteriously vanish in fables." The voice that could only belong to the mysterious hooded man was gruff and plain, but somehow still made me feel as if something oily was crawling up my back. "There's no room for them in the world of man anymore."

"If I want wit, assassin, I'll ask my jester. Or do you want his job?"

Tense silence.

"I thought not. Montrose, you stay behind."

The door began to open, so I withdrew my spirits from that dark place. Insistent as the little ones were that there was no risk to them since they'll just reincarnate in the Elemental Plane, that didn't reassure me when I had no way to get them back. Not them specifically at least.

You really need names.

~Satiety, reluctance, undecisiveness~

I couldn't find it in me to begrudge them their procrastination, I wasn't sure how it would change them either.

I returned to the Kelsier home, slow as the trip was with all of Alterac's citizens constantly crowding my path. Richard had long since left, but four of his men were there, all of whom I was at least familiar with and submitted to my Soulgaze without protest, so I was successful in reassuring Master Kelsier that they were safe to trust. Not that it was hard, there was no man alive that trusted and believed in me as much as he did, now.

Then I retrieved my guns and went on my way to choose the battlefield, considering and then resignedly discarding any ideas to run away.

Because you know what the Light hasn't disagreed with me on for the whole year and change since I first recalled my past life in this place?

Azeroth needs an arms race more than it needs peace.

Chapter 9 is available on Patreon, Ko-fi and Subscribestar, along with the advance chapter on Understanding Does Not Presage Peace, and a pilot for a possible Marvel/MCU story.
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The King's so up himself he could channel the Light on the strength of his delusions. I wasn't expecting that.
He doesn't actually believe a lot of the bullshit he spouts, but he's well into the sunk cost fallacy at this point. He made a couple of wrong calls at the start, and when they backfired he just kept doubling down until the escalation escaped his control. And, well, people with his character flaws can't stand anything until they get that control back.

I'd originally intended to make this from his POV, to show the nuances of his character. But my readership for this story has shown itself to be distinctly against such things.

Maybe in the future.
He doesn't actually believe a lot of the bullshit he spouts, but he's well into the sunk cost fallacy at this point. He made a couple of wrong calls at the start, and when they backfired he just kept doubling down until the escalation escaped his control. And, well, people with his character flaws can't stand anything until they get that control back.

Ok, my mistake.

Well, he's not going to last too much longer, at this rate.

Heh. I sorta wish Wayland had said, after trying the Soulgaze, "Who owns your soul, Aiden Perenolde? Did you sell it to a demon?"

No effect from soulgaze? Must have no soul!
Chapter 9 – The Forbearing Despoiler
A/N: I really planned to updated Understanding first, but since it's looking like that one won't be coming out this month, I wanted to close this month down with something. It's annoying, but oh well.


Chapter 9 – The Forbearing Despoiler

"-.July 12, Year 580 of the King's Calendar .-"

I sense a disturbance in the Light.

Or, at least, I sensed through the Light an approaching disturbance in my near future prospects.

A threat to my commitment to the future.

I spent the whole trip from the city to the bottom of Alterac Valley debating with myself if I should speed on ahead as fast as I can, or do the opposite thing of letting my pursuers choose the battlefield.

In the end, there was one thing that made up my mind.

I've gone and made someone very riled, and it's not just the king.

There was something happening, a development with a significant chance of undermining my commitment to the course I've set for my life. Something was setting up to stress-test my resolve, a danger not… necessarily among those that had been following me since before I'd even left the city. Precognition was distinctly unclear on the matter, as it only was when the future hadn't yet been decided. When things were too chaotic for the near future to be clearly seen, especially as a mere shadow. Still, logical deduction indicated one thing.

My parents are in danger.

Not a very wise course of action, a third of the Light's applications were in Retribution and I'd made it clear that I had no qualms about exerting it. But I wasn't surprised Aiden Perenolde thought himself beyond the reach of such things. What did worry me was that the danger was already there before Richard even had time to get there.

Dark had come hours ago. I'd made no stops. I'd gone as fast as I could and my bike was feeling the bumps badly, this was no paved road, never mind asphalt that didn't yet exist. Despite this, my pursuers kept catching up to me in bursts. Since I wasn't going to deliberately add to the danger to my family, I couldn't afford to drag this out.

Little ones, go on ahead and check on the house.

~ Satiety, reluctance, we-can-help! ~

No, their lightning bolts were nice but weak without a ready-made alchemical bomb set up, the spirits were still babies, they wouldn't even get through enchanted jars, and for everything else I had better options. Most importantly, it had taken most of my attention to direct them during the ambush on Lionheart. In a life or death fight against elite combatants they'd just be a distraction. Their value was in scouting above everything else.

~ Satiety, shame, compliance ~

You'll grow into it, I consoled as they hastened ahead as fast as they could. And this way I don't have to worry what else that masked man might be able to do besides seeing you.

I stopped in the middle of the biggest, most open space I found after the cloud cover moved out of the way of the half moon. I leaned my bicycle against a nearby rock, pulled my shotgun from the down tube scabbard and flipped the safety. I could feel Geirrvif's gaze on me as the Light came to my call, but it wasn't the Valkyrie I addressed, or the raven perched aside her neck. Seal of Justice, Inner Fire, Retribution Aura. "Please reconsider this course. Leave me and mine in peace and nothing more need happen. I am willing to let bygones be. Once."

My stalkers paused, then began fanning out to surround me. One skulked around behind mounds and fern, a second vanished and reappeared around the largest tree still visible in the night, and the third dashed very fast around me in a zig-zag pattern to stop just behind the rock next to me. My second sight didn't care about obstacles, life was life to me, so I saw their auras even though I couldn't see them that far during the night, even with the moonlight. But…

I didn't hear them move at all.

"Time is not a weakness to me, just so we're clear." A crossbow glanced off my invisible shield with a flicker of gold just in front of my eye. I didn't see or hear even a whistle through the air either, gotta stay focused. "Message received." I gestured down.

The Reckoning blasted the person behind the rock like a lightning strike.


He barely grunted, I thought over the whisper of spellcraft as I strafed away from a smoke bomb and around the boulder.


Grapeshot met gambeson with a thundering blast.

The hooded man flew three feet through the air, crashed on his shoulder but rolled back to a crouch with barely a hitch, armor and undershirt shredded but his skin barely scratched.

What the hell?

The man leapt back into the night just as it began to rain ice.

That toughness was unnatural, where did he – my second sight, he's gone from that too!

My shield held fine, but the air cooled to the point of frostbite so I turned it completely impermeable while I reassessed my-

The earth shifted beneath me and I stumbled to a knee – I guess mages aren't locked out of geomancy in real life? – and an arcane missile barrage began to pelt me just as the Blizzard spell lapsed – wait, Blizzard has to be maintained, the earthquake couldn't be her!

Cold steel skewered me through the back.

The night lit up like day as the Light exploded out of me in a shockwave.

The assassin grunted again, but he still managed to recover and melt back into the night before I could smite him properly. I blasted the spot he'd been in just on principle. The wound, I can feel it rotting – my shield, the knife passed through it, no, the Light vanished from its path as if sucked away by some- "Void," I growled, gritting my teeth as the Light filled my heart and knit it whole.

Crack – crack – POP.

My sight was obscured by fresh smoke – no, not just any smoke, I could feel it the moment I breathed in, felt the strain they put on my healing, three different compounds, some manner of tear spray, poison and sleeping gas of some sort that made it through the momentary breach caused by the stab. I considered but decided flashlight eyes would just mess with nightvision, while the Light purged the toxins from my body. "Has the Ravenholdt Manor stooped so low as to employ Void cultists now?!"

The aura of Lord Jorach Ravenholdt hesitated to my far right, but the mage – the woman from the ambush on Richard – blasted me with a frost bolt and began casting blizzard again, which meant she was exposed.



Hammer of Justice. I pulled my rifle from my back and aimed while she was stunned. Imbue Spell – Exorcism, Crusader Strike, Bullet of Wrath – SHINK came the knife for my back.


The thrice-blessed round went through her heart and ripped her spirit out when it blew through the other side.

One down.

I dropped the rifle and aimed my shotgun over my shoulder where mister Hood had gotten his knife stuck.



The dagger somehow didn't shatter, but Hood had to leave it behind in his haste to not have his whole face blown off. I caught it and overlaid my spirit over it, it was another clumsy skill but enough when the Light was already doing something else.

Exceptional but conventional enchantments and poison, forcefield failed to stop knife but not the hand holding it, Void magic applied to item but not channelled through limb, restraint or inability, some other reason?

I set part of my mind on making my dome of Light spin round and round, it would hamper my multitasking but this way any further attacks would deflect off. You'd think it would be overkill for something that could theoretically tank nukes, but apparently not. Looks like I hadn't, in fact, reverse-engineered the Divine Shield proper.

I think I know who this is.

Bu how? I've had to be careful not to make assumptions since I awoke. More importantly, the person I was thinking of would only be in his prime during the Third War. Even a false identity would only be born around the Dark Portal at the earliest, probably years later.

A new barrage of bombs obscured my sight, sleep and noxious fumes and poison one after another, then another just as that one began to disperse, then another. I reshaped my forcefield into an impermeable narrow cylinder sticking up and up into the clean air, then I widened it into a dome and closed it up, securing a fresh reserve. They were trying to outlast my air supply, or maybe herd me somewhere if I ran, Ravenholdt hadn't attacked me since the first shot so he'd probably been preparing a trap. But since I could still see where one of them was thanks to my second sight, it only served to conceal my movements.

I reloaded my rifle – Infuse Spell – Levitate, No Safeties – took aim at the Master of Assassins and fired.

To his credit, the man had used a smoke bomb on himself and broken into a zig-zagging dash the moment he heard the clink of my gun, but he lacked whatever stealth magic Hood had, so at this range it was like shooting fish in a barrel.


The bullet barely grazed him in the side, there wasn't even a grunt of pain, but the man ended up floating three meters in the air anyway.

"Say goodnight!" I said as brazenly as I could-

-and a hiss of pain came from my left because Consecrated Ground doesn't have visual effects in real life.

Holy Wrath!

Mighty bolts of holy power shot in all direction including his face, just as the man smashed through my shield like a ram of oily shadow, only to go wide because spherical Light constructs don't look any different when they spin.

"You clever little-!"

Judgement, Holy Fire, Penance!

"Arrrgh!" Screamed my would-be killer as his spirt burned.

Three crossbow bolts exploded in my face – attached flasks, Ravenholdt's still floating, what kind of aim does he have? – but I jumped through and grabbed Hood by the face because if my guess was right I might not get another chance. "Abolish Disease!"


The scream of pain was long, loud, howling, turned inhuman as I poured the Light into him, matching my healing against old god corruption, burning, cleansing, searing everything that didn't belong with all the skill and resolve and determination I'd amassed, over months of treating every chronic illness under the sun and even turning back the ravages of age.

The shadow, the Void, it's so – how can anything exist with so much – what is this?

The scream became a roar that shook the earth, the trees, the rocks, even the cliffs all the way to the edge of the canyon seemed to groan, then the ground erupted like a literal volcano under our feet, hurling us violently from each other.

I landed badly, but the pain was nothing with the Light pouring through me in such volumes. I rolled to my front and pushed up, strafed away as fast as I could from the lava pooling, burning, smoking up to my knees around my forcefield. I dropped my shotgun, shit! I breathed harshly as I reloaded my rifle. I felt my confidence take the first blow it had ever suffered in this life.

Across the new pool of fire and molten stone, the assassin lurched back to stand too, his movements spasmodic, fitful, each jerk and stagger looking as if his bones didn't quite fit in his skin anymore. "You shouldn't have done that."

Exorcise the Unclean, Crusader Shot, Bullet of Holy Wrath, Envoy of Judgment, Spark of Holy Flame, Seal of the Penitent, I infused my weapon to the limit and past it, more and more and more until I shone so brightly I couldn't see my own outline and more still-

"Fahrad!" Lord Jorach Ravenhold shouted as he did something to get free from my spell and lined a shot with his repeater crossbow. "Get clear!"

Twang – BANG – CRACK


Three trick bolts engulfed us both in a fiery blast just as the most holy round I'd ever shot shattered a wall of stone that suddenly burst from the ground to block its path, stopping it just short of the man's head.

I finally knew who this was.

"You really shouldn't have done that."

The master killer, master of disguises, master pretender, the one who matched the Lord of the Ravenholdt Assassin's League in everything even while sandbagging, the one who would go on to train, test and unwillingly oppose every guile hero worth a damn in the future, without anyone getting even a hint of what he really was. The only one of his kind who put up meaningful resistance against old god corruption all this time, I thought his hidden nature was just a convenient late-stage retcon, but if it's true-to-life…

"Fahrad," my voice said while my mind chanted Fire Resistance Aura, Divine Protection, Fortitude. "The Trainer of Heroes."

A ticking time bomb that could have destroyed the entire Alliance at any time, someone who didn't assassinate all the faction leaders purely because he was possessed of restraint to rival the hunger of ravenous gods, someone who did assassinate all his corrupted kin until he was the last one left, who was only removed from the story because of a newborn whelp's most ridiculously implausible plot armor.

"You definitely shouldn't hav̶̯̪̞̓̀͂͛͘ę̵̯̰̺͖̞̟̕ ̷̧̗̻̰̰̲̙̆̏̑̈́̿̀ş̷͙̣͉͛̕͝å̷̟͉͖̻̥͖̇̐̓̓̚͠i̸̥̩̜̝̿͋d̸̲̂̄̏̿̍̆ ̵̝͓͇̞͎͋́̃͌̈t̶̡̥̭̻̪̪͎͊ḧ̵̡̙͚͚̯̗̻̪́a̵̧̢̛̗̘̠̽̔͌̈́͑t̴͚̝̯̼͈͙̹̑̀̐͂."

The earth yanked itself from under my feet and tossed me away like a sea breaker, my bike broke in half as I smashed through it, my forcefield bounced me off the rock like a ping-pong ball so hard my brain rattled inside my skull. I need-

Fahrad rode the fiery wave of rock, deflected off my spinning shield- "Persistent bastard!" –then magma and earth flowed upwards while I was dazed, turning his arm into a smouldering, smoking, gigantic rocky version of itself. "Terribly sorry about this." Then he picked me up and smashed me into the ground.





Alter shield anchor point!


The arm of fiery stone broke apart under its own strength as my forcefield suddenly became quantum locked to the planet's core.

Holy Shock!

Fahrad jerked in place, stunned and blinded by the burst of Light.


My holy bullet blasted through his lung and out the back.

Shit, I was aiming for his head, just one more-

Fahrad roared so loudly it felt like the earth fell away from under me just from that – BANG – my next shot went wide as I lost balance again, the lava flames erupted all around to obscure my sight, somewhere behind me the Lord of Ravenholdt Manor cried out in pain and fell to his knees clutching at his ears, what felt like the whole valley quaked-

"F-Fahrad?!" Ravenholdt gasped, bewildered. "What-"


With a thundering, rumbling roar, the moon was blocked out by the colossal form of an ancient black dragon.

I stared at the dark shape, aghast.

Fuck me, he's as long as Alterac Castle's belfry!

The ground shook again as he landed, the air rung sibilantly as he breathed in and out, magma splashed around his claws as he shook his body, his scales clattering rhythmically.

I am getting seriously fed up with today.

He's the reason, it suddenly dawned on me. He's the reason why kneeling to Perenolde would have been catastrophic! But if this is this supposed to be the least of bad options, how does that make any sense? If this isn't absolute catastrophe, what the hell would he have done if I'd knelt, woken Deathwing up early?

The Light sounded in my mind like a knell.


I looked from my rifle to the dragon. I'm gonna get a hammerspce bag just so I can carry a cannon with me from now on.

That was when the dragon spat lava at me.

And it wasn't just a spray this time.

It was a river.

A whole lake's worth of liquid rock blasted me, pooled around me, engulfed me, swallowed me all the way to my chest, my neck and higher, higher until I was a golden little ball of human and air, completely submerged beneath a rapidly rising, deepening lake of bubbling slag.

He's trying to bury me alive.

No, he'd already buried me alive.

I widened my bubble to the limits of my range, the limits of my ability to visualise, I had to-

The dragon stomped through the lava into the ground, his magic splitting the earth beneath me into a wide crack. When my new forcefield didn't let me fall, he just controlled the lava itself to envelop me and raised the earth high up instead, spewing more and more until there was nothing but magma around me in every direction for ten meters and counting. I contracted my forcefield and drilled upwards through the flaming dross, striking air again with far too much effort – oh shit, close, close, CLOSE!

I plugged the hole just before the dragon's breath reached me, he'd been waiting for me to try just that, the bastard!

More magma came pouring down, blistering hot, shaking as the dragon began stomping on it, on me, he'd gone and buried me alive and wasn't leaving until he saw the body, fuck my life, who the hell released the evil overlord list on this world?!

How do I get out of this?

There was no answer. Nothing save the glow of red behind the gold, the shrieking of shifting molten stone, and a brainwashed dragon's promise of foul murder.

I – I need… What do I need? What do I have?

… Twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes on top of however long the air lasted. I could hold my breath for at least that long on my worst day, passive Light-aided conditioning made you Olympic in everything and that was on the low end of records. Add active channelling and I could go even longer.

I took a deep breath, then slowly let it out and sunk to my knees, clasped my hands in front of my face to meditate and think.

Light constructs were a balancing act of power output and spatial parameters, I'd tried to invent mobile ones but it went terribly, forcefields only worked because they had a fixed spatial reference, myself or something really easy to define, like the centre of the world. As bizarre as it sounded for the stuff from which everything was ostensibly created, constructs were its least intuitive application. Adding to existing constructs let me cheat, but the dragon was clearly on the lookout for this, and the scope of his breath weapon easily matched me. I was sure that cracking the Arcane would finally let me overcome all these limitations, but I hadn't.

Dammit, it doesn't help to know that hardlight is theoretically possible if the proper photonic manipulation hasn't been invented yet! Stuff like this is why I've been looking for someone to teach me arcane magic all this time!

I could make handholds, footholds to walk on air, or close enough… But my multitasking had limits, if there was any way to have more than one thought in your head I hadn't attained it yet, if I tried that I'd still need to prioritize my defense field, I'd move at the speed of molasses… And he's already proven he can control his magma to follow me faster than that. What did that leave?

I pressed my knuckles against my forehead and reconceptualised the shield protecting me. Before this I'd assumed that training it to become an unconscious reflex was the apex of what a divine shield could be, nothing had ever even strained it. But Fahrad had managed to bypass it, something that shouldn't have been possible… unless it wasn't the ultimate defense I assumed it was. Adding rotation compensated for some of that vulnerability, but…

The original Divine Shield… wasn't it practically made of floating symbols?

… The runes came to the forefront of my mind, the language, symbols, I just needed to create an intuitive formula.

ᚾᛟ ᛏᚺᛟᚢᚷᚺᛏ, ᚾᛟ ᚹᛟᚱᛞᛊ, ᚾᛟ ᚾᛖᛖᛞ, ᚾᛟ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ, ᚾᛟ ᛗᚨᛏᛏᛖᚱ, ᚾᛟ ᛖᚾᛖᚱᚷᛁ, ᚾᛟ ᚠᛟᚱᚲᛖ, ᚾᛟᚾᛖ ᚨᛚᛚ ᛗᚨᛁ ᛒᛖᚾᛞ, ᛗᛟᚢᛖ ᛟᚱ ᚨᚷᚷᚱᛁᛖᚢᛖ ᛏᚺᛁᛊ ᛒᚢᛚᚹᚨᚱᚲ

"No Thought, No Words, No Need, No Will, No Matter, No Energy, No Force, None All May Bend, Move or Aggrieve This Bulwark."

The runes came into being around me, shaped by imagination and fuelled by eternal power and will. I felt the difference immediately, and it was radical.

But still, somehow, the spell felt incomplete...

The Icelandic staves came to me then, strings of concepts and meanings that only needed a guiding mind. Hólastafur to displace all obstacles, Gegn Galdri to block out all spells, Lukkustafir to ward off all evil action and will, Angurgapi to prevent leaks and breaches, all tied together by…


The circle of protection all-encompassing.

All sense of outside weight faded, discomfort faded, the pressure on my defense disappeared, the glare of the molten rock stopped weighing on my eyes, the permeability of my shield reappeared but I knew no strike or foulness would seep through anymore, nor would my life-giving air drain out. From one moment to the next it felt like my burdens had all gone away. For the first time ever, though I never knew the difference before, I didn't merely feel invincible.

I knew I was.

I slumped where I sat, all the weight gone from my shoulders, from my mind, my full ability to think and focus unburdened for the first time since the fight began. I could already tell this wouldn't last forever, why the Divine Shield was only a temporary measure. The spell was my first ever that actually burned power at a greater rate than I replenished, at least without actively meditating on it. But for as long as it lasted, I was free to do anything I wanted, untouchable to any obstacle or strike.

I looked up and considered the hardening dark. Despite my breakthrough I couldn't see through it, not even Ravenholdt's aura like I could before. Whatever Void magic the dragon used to escape even my second sight, it was steeped into everything around me.

Should I just jump free?

The rock, soft or hard, it didn't matter, it would crumble in my path like wet paper. I wondered if this would work against walls, or if it was too much of a conceptual divergence from 'obstacle' when I was the one causing the grief. I wondered if the spell worked conceptually at all, or if it was just a dead end in translation.

I still had almost ten minutes of air left.

The muffled echo of a roar barely reached me, but I felt the shaking and perceived the renewed rise in temperature all around much more clearly.

I pulled on the Light hard, infusing my new forcefield with as much strength as it could take. If I stood still and didn't overdo it on anything else, it should last me as long as the air with energy to spare.

Then I thought back to the Great Hall. Recalled how mud and dirt from a thousand boots flew into my hand to form a flowerbed. When the girl offered me the flower and I cast an arcane spell for the first time. Discerned an arcane pattern fully apart from the rest and managed to manipulate it for my own ends. I opened my eyes and looked around with sight beyond sight. This magma wasn't dirt, but…

But its Arcane lattice was new, different, completely inconsistent with those of the surrounding nature, its pattern completely at odds with the earth and the air, not unnatural but still wholly, fundamentally, utterly out of place.

I set my entire mind on it, my will, my determination, the Light spread out into the molten rock, up all the way to the surface, down through ores and minerals, everything that didn't belong and past that to everything that did belong, the soil, the stones, the earth below and further still. The magma had seeped down, deep into the valley through the massive crack the dragon had tried to bury me in, scorching, seeping, hardening where it had no place.

I recollected my attention and followed down after it, sharpening my awareness, my focus. It was a searing, darkening, cloying mass of arcane patterns and infinitesimal oily shadows disguised as arcane patterns that looked no different from everything they infested, right up until the Light fell upon them with all its holy wrath and they burned.

Correction, not unnatural only at first glance.

~ … - ! - !? ~

What was that?

The Light burned downwards through all of the dragon's Shadow only to find more and more, burn more and more, further and further down until the painful sublimation of the Shadow to Light woke something up.

~ Torpor… Ache… Surprise… ~

A sleepy soul. A welcome pain inside a foreign mind. A spirit spanning the horizon.

~ Surprise. Joy. Fascination ~

A Spirit of the Earth that didn't expect to wake up. An earnest welcome to the searing needle I'd driven in his mind. Because he'd only gone to sleep against his will.

~ Who are you, little light? What fortune answers my need unknown? What is happening in the world above – the Corrupter! ~

Alterac Valley… it had its own spirit! An Elemental Spirit of the Earth was sleeping under our feet all this time, colossal, massive, was it really limited to just this valley? It seemed so much larger than that, but its sleep… it was unwilling, forced upon it, no, inculcated over time, by the dragon trying to kill me right now! I suppose Black Dragons wouldn't appreciate competition, or wouldn't it be more contested ownership? But land isn't the demesne of a spirit, it's their body.

Titans, what exactly was the plan here? What even is the black dragons' job when every rock and hill has a spirit, doesn't that put them in direct competition? Even before the mollusc ooze started dripping out their ears?

~ Dismay, Fear, Outrage ~

The Spirit was afraid, the dragon had already overcome it once, it didn't want to be forced back asleep. The taint still ran through it, it would be so much easier and quicker than before for the dragon to incapacitate it again, the land was turbulent, haunted by a million ghosts, weighed down by the suffering of ages and sick with the mass graves of unnumbered dead. The Spirit was slow and languorous, sickly, but refused to fall back, not without doing something, anything, it didn't know what, it didn't care what.

~ Self-denial, Sickness, Help me Little Light Inexhaustible ~

The dragon Fahrad was at odds with himself. The Spirit didn't care about him but it did care about the oily shadows infesting his self. And he believed I could do something about it.

I blinked in stupefaction over my clasped hands. How the hell am I supposed to do that?

~ Corrupted Earthwarder fights his own self, insidious taint gives way to Holy Flame, The Holy Flame Obeys the Exalted Prophet of Heaven ~

The earnest plea overlapped the full breadth of my reason and the Light's revelation to confirm what I already knew. I couldn't do what it asked.

~ Shock, Dismay, Plea ~

No, I was too small. I couldn't heal an entire country's landmass of taint built up over hundreds of years, I had no limit to how much power I could pull but I did in output, if everywhere else was like it was here… it would take over a hundred years of nothing but that just to make a dent.

~ Bitterness, Weariness, Despair ~

… But that didn't mean the Spirit couldn't learn how to do it himself.

~ Despair, Desperation, Hope ~

If the Spirit could call on the Light he'd already be doing it, so that couldn't be-

~~~ Bitterness, Bitterness, Bitterness Unrelenting ~~~

The intensity of the emotion was almost suffocating. The Light had ever been coveted by the Elements even as it burned them from the inside, ever just beyond their reach since the First Ones succumbed to the Cloying Emptiness. Alright, okay, that – that was a lot all at once.

~ Remorse, Shame, Apology ~

It's… alright. That wasn't my idea anyway. I… might have something but…

But if it worked and it wasn't something the Spirit already knew how to do, then I would be giving it the ability to cause mass extinction to anyone, anything, at any time on a whim.

~ Surprise, Indignation, Reassurance ~

No. Not good enough from beings provably prone to subversion by the worst forces. I want a Vow.

~ …Acceptance, By My Name of Granodior, Let Us Affirm. ~

Well. I thought he'd be angrier at the perceived blackmail, but he didn't hesitate at all. That was something?

I withdrew my attention from the deep and set it upon my surroundings again. The mind of the Spirt followed and overlapped mine, unsurely, cautious of me, cautious of my wellbeing as I looked for the patterns, the order of things until I – we – could both see the Arcane. The Spirit was intrigued. Then I called the Light and added it to our sight, to our minds, sealing the Spirit of our Pact and the Elemental Lord turned heartrendingly covetous even as the Light burned him from within. He almost lost track of everything else before I aimed our combined awareness at the Arcane, through it, along it into the magma and earth once more.

The Light spread out through the Arcane like a lattice, illuminating patterns within patterns within patterns until I found the ones that I knew from a past life, substances, molecules, atomic bonds.

One by one and then all at once, I beheld the contrast between the dragon's magma breath and the true earth, the rocks, the dirt, the ores, the minerals, all the way down to the noble metals and all the other building blocks of matter and I pushed.

And pulled.

I pushed and pulled on the foreign patterns, pushed and pulled and pushed and pulled, repeated a dozen times every instant and faster and faster to my limit, then faster still all the way to the Spirit's limit once he understood what I wanted, until everything vibrated on the cusp of disintegration and fragile, malleable change. And then…

One final effort.

Once upon a time, I was a materials scientist. I knew all the elements and a thousand and one molecular formulas by heart. And I understood exactly what could happen during accelerated particle bombardment depending on what and where you aimed.

The Arcane, conveniently, could make the end result happen without the middleman.

All the magma beneath me turned into powdered quartz.

~ Covetousness – Surprise, Amazement ~

It was the amazement of an adult praising a child's first hand-drawn circle, right up until the Spirit realized that all the taint pretending to be proper matter and Arcane patterns was now loose, unprotected and completely visible.

~ …Understanding, Enlightenment, Determination ~

The Spirit's will crashed upon everything in a hundred yards except the space I occupied, the earth shifted, soil and sand turned into each other repeatedly, then each into more of themselves but just different enough to lose cohesion or colour, on and on repeated. Then the changes grew finer, slighter and more numerous until everything around me was vibrating, dislodging and tossing patterns, particles, invisible oily shadows, each of which became steadily less invisible as they were clumped together. Until, finally, the taint was all collected into a writhing, off-colour lump that was swiftly enclosed in transmuted amber wrapped in a shell of silver ore – no, silver metal.

~ Quality Assured, 100% purity guaranteed, Accept no substitutes ~

I couldn't help but laugh. I've gone and inflicted a completely different kind of corruption upon a genius loci. What have I done?

~ Stalwart Conviction, Gratitude Devout, Our Pact Shall Endure Everlasting ~

The Spirit of the Valley withdrew from me, pulling the lump of taint down and down into the depths, a mental flash of a volcanic caldera passed behind my eyes before I could even ask where. But a part of him stayed behind, stayed with me, a fragment of Self freely given for me to accept or discard as I wished.

I accepted it. It settled in my aura like a new appendage, sprouting roots and sieves that ingrained themselves in my Spirit so that it never withered away. The moment it did, I knew what it could do. What I could do now. Talk through. Listen through. Call through. Summon through, even beyond the boundaries of his territory when my Spirit grew plentiful enough. Such a thing…

Is this how supernatural abilities are gained? Could I design and grow immaterial organs of my own? What would they even be? Tendrils? Ears? A thousand and one eyes?

~ Anxiousness, Solicitude, I Am With You Still ~

Granodior could do a number of things now too, like snap me out of unnecessary distractions. He was impatient to get to work on purifying the land, purifying himself, but was willing to defer on that until my fight with the dragon was over.

I'm almost out of air.

I opened everything I had to the Light and pulled, replenishing my strength, my protections, my Divine Shield, my mental fortitude and everything else. Then, for a third time, I reached with the Light along the Arcane. The Light blazed. The taint was burned away.

My second sight lit up with the auras of a familiar man, an unfamiliar second man, and an all-new wholly visible dragon aura fighting the one unseen in the air.

Oh give me a break, what now?

As if waiting for me, the new dragon broke from the sky grapple, shot down and banked just above me and breathed.

All the magma around and above me cooled, cracked and crumbled into dust within seconds.

Wat the – disintegration? What dragon could-?

~ No ~

Not disintegration, acceleration of entropy – acceleration of time.

The creature suddenly dodged right and turned his ongoing breath on the enemy.

The combined weight of two massive dragons rolled over my immovable shield, blasted away all dust, dug a deep groove through it and away, sparing me the added trouble of breaking free myself, how considerate of this disaster of a night.

The Bronze Dragonflight – they're protecting me?

A horse dug furrows in the dusty earth as the mage astride it skid to halt in a flutter of robes right next to me. "Saint! I am Antonidas D'Ambrosio, envoy of the Kirin Tor!" Who and what now?! "I've no idea what is happening, but the black dragons are enemies of all, I will defer to you!"

Where the hell did he come from, what the fuck is the future leader of Dalaran doing here – what did he mean, defer to me?! Defer on what?! "I… Can you-" Plans were useless when you didn't know what everyone could even do, what were they even doing here, why? Where was Ravenholdt? I couldn't see in this dark through so much dust and smoke, even the dragons looked like wraiths, but he'd been still – his aura was still aware but tense, crouched behind a flash-frozen magma bank. He was bandaging his arm, his light wavering dangerously so at least I could stop worrying about him, but – maybe just the objective? What even was my objective? "The black one, can you ground him?"

"Very well."

Just like that?

Fahrad threw the bronze to the ground, but he didn't go down easily, biting on the offending limb, pulling the black after him and down, rolling through the magma, through the earth as they dragged along the ground, spitting glittering dust against molten rock, shaking the earth, snarling, roaring until the black finally threw the bronze off and leapt back into the air.

A neigh rang in the night.

And the white horse galloped up upon the air, its hooves sparking like flint as the man on its back swung his staff in a wide sweep, sending an atom-severing arc of red light straight at the black one's neck.

Fahrad swerved sideways. The spell got him across the shoulder instead, slicing scales and sinews and more, blood bursting, ripping from him a shriek of pain, a snarl, a spewing torrent of lava that deflected off an Arcane forcefield with no strain-

The bronze barrelled into his side the same moment and then the two were clinching, flailing, spinning dangerously as they flapped their wings in a vain attempt to keep flight, barely keeping from losing total grasp of the currents-

The mage rode earthward behind the black dragon and brought his bladed staff down like a scythe.

The red arc severed his entire wing at the joint.

The black dragon screamed, fell, crashed hard, shaking the earth, a haze of dust billowed up, more of it as the wing also fell, then further as the bronze one slammed down on top of the black, claws grabbing at each other's limbs, at the earth, throats, horns, crests, scales ripping away as I watched and wondered if the idea I just got meant I was going crazy.

The bronze finally managed to get the upper hand and bit down on the black's face, locking his nozzle and jaw shut tight between its teeth.

"Now, Prophet!" It yelled through its clenched jaws. "Claim your glory!"

Is there anyone who doesn't expect something from me?

But I didn't hesitate.

I charged in, dropped my shield, jumped on the dragon's snout and Soulgazed a monster.

Calm, kindness, kinship, love, the four pillars of peace rose tall before me in the Earthwarder's inner world, holding up the pitch-black sky with what I mistook for the inexhaustible strength of ages until I breathed the lice. Then the illusion crumbled, spilled apart into a swarm of chittering worms, crashing on me, burying me, crawling into my mouth, my ears, down my throat, up my nose and everything else, vermin feeding vermin and on vermin and on me and in me Light Help me!

W̵h̴a̴t̷'̶s̵ ̷t̸h̷i̴s̸?

Gold erupted from me like the Sun itself, blasted the lice, the maggots, destroyed the spawn of flies scurrying down my throat and windpipe to my lungs, scouring me clean until all that was left was the sunless aftertaste of dreams haunted by ghosts. I looked down and saw no ground beneath my feet. I looked up and saw that the towers were utterly corroded, made of anger and ego and unwillingness to yield, almost completely eaten through by maggots and termites spawned from willing murder. I looked at the pillars and saw the swarms gnawing through them and masquerading as them, piling atop each other in an endless thirst to eat away what was left. The slightest hit and they would crumble, and with it the world, all sanity, every scrap of will to endure.

A̵ ̷v̵i̸s̴i̷t̵o̸r̴!̷

Fahrad. Verration. The Black Dragon. He yearned to be free, but when that proved impossible he condemned to use the means of the cloying and empty to stave off their hunger, killing by choice so he wouldn't be reduced to a devouring butcher deprived of it. Burned his decency for the sake of lesser evils to appease the greatest, wasted his life in the hopes the world would grind him under it before the maws crushed him between their teeth. And the ego that fought that inner war never had a judge nor a witness, let alone the Light of Promised Salvation. What was even left to sacrifice?


I called on the Light to descend upon me, pour into me, fill me all the way to my greatest limit, then beyond even that to the limits of what I could imagine my limit becoming, gathered and gathered more and more until I couldn't fathom the scope of what I held inside, then unleashed it upon this wicked world all at once.

Y̵o̷u̸ ̶d̸o̷n̸'̷t̷ ̴w̴a̷n̵t̸ ̴t̸o̸ ̶d̶o̶ ̸t̶h̵a̵t̷

Everything burned away all at once, everything, leaving not even ash behind. Just the four pillars of self, still standing and scoured clean, but thin, weak, on the verge of crumbling under their own weight.

Y̵o̷u̸ ̶s̶h̶o̷u̸l̷d̶n̷'̷t̷ ̸h̶a̶v̷e̶ ̶d̸o̶n̷e̷ ̶t̵h̶a̶

The world shook. A new tide of maggots and vermin and bugs spilled forth from the Void, writhing, chittering, uncountable, sweeping forth, crashing into the pillars so hard they creaked, they groaned, a million million teeth bit and ripped at them, at the dark, at each other, at themselves, at me for all that the Light burned them the moment they came close, more still until I was completely buried. But still the Light burned all away, vanquished, sublimated the evil, sending the rest cowering to gain ground and strength at my willing expense until the mind was fully illuminated once more. I'd reached its very limit.

But not my limit.

For one, looming moment, I considered burning the Light and whatever else it took, my spirit, my will, my life if necessary, burn it as hot as I could. It would cost me, but not as much as the dragon whose mind would be completely scoured away. Already it was crumbling, the infestation that was eating and replacing it had also been the only thing keeping it upright, buttresses built out of vermin corpses atop other corpses. The biggest danger of my life up to this point would end, the dragon would die but his soul would be finally free, he'd even be spared some four decades of added sin. A life ended so many others would go on, that was more than fair trade, wasn't it?

But… that's how they get you, isn't it? That's how it always goes on this world. Demons and eldritch abominations corrupt the good, the corrupted subvert many others around them, people die, many more suffer, and when eventually a hero or pure luck allows for the corrupted to be exposed and vanquished, evil laughs at out triumphant speeches because, at the end of the day, we're the only ones who actually lost anything.

Compromise with objective evil is objective defeat.

Instead of hot, I burned bright. Bright and brighter, as bright as I could and then I threw the Light out wide, as wide and as far as it could spread.

The Light lit up the mind and past it until it was swallowed up. But in that moment when it fully illuminated the dark, in that moment when the vermin swarms pounced on me and in me as I was defenceless, I saw the fullness of the Old Gods' insidious design and was stunned.

Y̷o̵u̶ ̵r̴e̶a̸l̴l̴y̶ ̶s̴h̴o̸u̸l̸d̶n̵'̵t̷ ̴h̴a̵v̵e̴ ̶d̶o̸n̵e̷ ̶t̶h̶a̵t̴

I crashed out of the vision with a choking gurgle, the foul taste of maggots and louse heavy on my tongue, clogging my nose, my lungs, dripping like tears from my eyes and nose as I slipped and fell off the dragon to nearly break my neck against the ground, if not for the arcane spell that found me just in time to break my fall instead.

~ Shock, Alarm, Wrath ~

The barest scrap of Light descended on me and burned, burned like I'd only felt Granodior burn except a hundred times worse… But the pain was welcome because the alternative was corruption eternal.

"You – you failed!" The bronze dragon breathed in shock, his bite going weak. "How did you fail, you weren't supposed to fail!"

"Yogg-Sarron," I coughed with the vomit. The corruption… its effects were mental but the vector wasn't, not all of it. The Aegishjalmur held strong around my mind but that wasn't enough, not when your brain couldn't properly produce neurotransmitters. "N'Zoth, flesh, blood, the flesh, it's all meat!" The thought occurred to me to summon the Light for aid, but it came so slowly, so late – the faintest shine was already scouring me by that point, Geirrvif – she was the Light's vessel this time, but barely a glow made it through from the spirit realm to try and stave off the darkness filling me. The brackish blood of squirming evils, it had seeped out of their prisons over thousands of years to infest the dragon of earth, and through him now me.

"You mortals and your self-sacrifice, even when it avails you nothing!"
Odyn's voice boomed in my ear like the light at the other end of the tunnel in the howling dark. But his rebuke rang false, Manu, Yemo, Trito, Prometheus, Vainamoinen, Tyr, Kvasir, Odin himself, they all sacrificed first, so much. "…Yet still brave and true to all your boasts to the end of oblivion where even my mind cannot follow alone. The chance will come for you to convince me that my respect is not wasted, you hear me? Get up and be the Light upon the World!"

I latched onto the Light like the salvation it was, bathing in it, relishing the pain, the healing, turning it inward through my flesh, my bone, my spirit, along my Arcane patterns all the way to my unconquered soul and bid it Exorcise the Unclean.

"What is happening to him?" Antonidas demanded as he went to one knee and fed me a potion. "What gibberish is he spouting, will someone bloody well explain something!?"

"I barely know more than you, help me move him, we have to get him away from here, quickly!"

Jorach Ravenholdt hauled me up by one arm while Antonidas took the other and they began dragging me away. I pried my eyes open and saw where all my Light had gone. There were golden filaments running through the black dragon now, but they were fading back to devouring darkness even as I watched.

"How did you fail, you weren't supposed to fail!" The bronze rattled through clenched teeth, eyes wild. "You weren't supposed to fail, you should have vanquished him, you utterly vanquished him, I saw it!"

Black blood spilled out of the black dragon's mouth, sizzling like acid, climbing up and into the Bronze's clenched mouth to make him let go with a pained hiss.

"No," Fahrad – Verration moaned as his mouth was released, black veins pulsing through the white around his coal-red eyes. "No, you won't, I won't!" He thrashed, lurched savagely, black pus gushing out of his wounds, his pores, eyes, nostrils, from his slacking mouth to singe and overwhelm the bronze one with their acrid smoke. "I won't be taken in!" The black pus gushed out of him, writhed, wriggled, twisted, ate through the bronze dragon's scales like a curse of decay. "I won't believe in lies! I don't believe your lies! I won't fall for the lies! C'thun--Sarron--N'Zoth – the Light, you just want to steal my Light, you would snatch the last grace from my grasp, KAIROZD̷̨͍̟͈̿Ö̸̡̬̭̜̳́̈́Ȓ̵̝̫̭̯̖̬͂͒̓̎̂M̸̰̈́Ǘ̵̻̻̟͇̮͔͝͠Ȕ̵̟͔̣̫͛̀͝͝U̸̡̡̢̦͎̜͌̓̈́̌͗̔!!!" The black blood began slicing, pushing, rotting everything to the point of paralyzing pain that finally allowed the black dragon to shove the bronze away, the sludge gushed out of the missing wing joint like a geyser of tar. "I won't fall! I won't fall!" The dragon screamed at the top of his lungs. "I WON'T LET YOU!"

The black taint coagulated into a churning, glistening, rancid replacement for his missing wing that bashed the bronze away, sent him rolling in pain from the smear eating at his eyes, then the black dragon jumped into the air and flew away southward as fast as he could.

I saw all of it happen. Even with my head lolling and my blistering eyes more closed than open from pain and exhaustion, I saw it all happen despite that I'd not been able to perceive the black dragon before. I'd seen into the Void and been the Shadow it leaves behind when it swallows the Light out of the world. Maybe there were other tricks still hidden from me now, but not this one.

The Light rang in my mind. I forced aside the pain, turned away from the abyss to focus on the sign. The two disparate threats that I'd been feeling the whole day merged into one.

My eyes snapped open, my head shot up and I lurched out of the two men's hold, stumbling after the echoing wingbeats of the fleeing dragon. "What – that – what way is that? Where is he going? I know the way he's going, that's where my home is! Why is he going there, we can't let him go therę̸̉̏̓͝!"

"Careful there, I know not what black arts he-"

"D̸̯͉͂́́͐̇oes no one have any shame in this country?!"

The Light of Judgment Unmerciful came down on me and the Master of Assassins both, bright and terrible.

Lord Jorach Ravenholdt fell to his knees with a hoarse scream, holding his head and heart.

I staggered under the momentary pain – so that was a tad thoughtless despite everything, good to know – but I managed to keep more or less a straight line all the way to where the bronze dragon – Kairozodormu? – was curling into a ball, ranting and cursing in draconic as his eyes and dozens of other wounds smoked and sizzled.

"I don't know what you want from me and I don't have time to ask right now, but you came to help me." With some difficulty that was thankfully quickly giving way to my usual ease, I conjured half a dozen lightwells all over the great beast. "If this isn't enough, find me later."

The dragon glared at me painfully as I walked away, desolate accusation in his eyes for some reason, he looked lost, what grand design did I fail, who else has plans for me they didn't share?

"Everyone who ever heard about you, no doubt," Odyn landed on my shoulder in the spirit plane. "Except me of course, though when that changes I will be sure to let you know immediately. Then you can astound me again with how much more creative you are about creating drama in your life."

I ignored the blustering. Did he see what I saw? In there? Did Geirrvif?

"No. We do not possess, nor do we mind-meld without consent, and whatever spell you've made goes well beyond mere mental abstractions."

There's nothing 'mere' about mental abstractions.

"I used to think so as well, until you."

Ravenholdt was gasping and trembling on all fours when I returned, looking up at me with pained eyes. But he was neither incapacitated nor deaf or blind despite what he'd just done, never mind whatever else he'd been before this… Which either meant his present intentions and conviction were just barely enough that the Light didn't judge him beyond redemption...

Or he'd not had particularly foul convictions to begin with.

I tried to justify his poor showing of the night. Told myself I was the worst possible matchup for someone of his skills. His horseshoe moustache dripped with his sweat and there was already grey in his brown hair, his prime was already passing him… But that was wishful thinking. The man's lacklustre showing was at odds with the ability and emotion he displayed in that single moment when he thought I was about to kill his friend. "Next time you want to kill yourself, don't put the responsibility for it on someone else like a coward!"


"You have one minute to make your case, any case, I don't care."

"I – I'm-" The man pushed up but failed to stand, swaying hard, looking up at me with tight eyes. His case, any case, he didn't have one, he hadn't prepared to need one, didn't expect to see the next dawn, one way or another. His mouth opened and closed, his eyes tightened. I could see several thoughts passing through his mind, but there was a grim dignity in his manner that didn't waver even down on his knees at my feet. "I have these."

Some spell surged in Antonidas' hand from where he stood aside.

Ravenholdt didn't heed the threat, he dug through his pockets and pouches on his legs as well as he could with just one hand. His grey leathers were missing the right sleeve all the way to the shoulder, the edges were scorched, his skin was severely burnt beneath the bandages.

I cast Holy Light just to speed things up.

The man was shocked, then moved, ten ashamed. He averted his eyes and finished spreading half a dozen pressure pellets on the ground. "Soporific grenades. Enough to fell even a dragon." The man's expression faltered as he looked towards where the dragon had fled and back. "But Fahrad is the one who made them, a new invention just for this mission, at the time I didn't suspect – I suppose that claim was as much of a lie as everything else."

"… No." I decided, reluctantly impressed that he made no bargain or plea. "No, if he explicitly invented it for this and used those exact words, it was probably true." Even when attempting suicide the dragon was self-righteous, what lunacy.

"You-think he-?"

But now we were just wasting time, so I branded the Aegishjalmur onto his head just in case, turned to the mage, grabbed the lapels of his cape and pulled him up to my face. "Tell me you can teleport!"

Chapter 10 is available on Patreon, Ko-fi and Subscribestar, along with the advance chapters for Understanding Does Not Presage Peace, and Reset the Universe.
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Well, it is World of Warcraft.

Demon invasions happen pretty often there.
Hasn't it been like 10000 years since the last one? All the invasions in the Warcraft timelines seem to be more in the line of campaigns in a single war, not individual wars. Demons tend to show up repiditly enough, even after being defeated, after all.

Demons tend to survive getting stabbed in the face, seeing as "killing" them only seems to send them back to the Twisting Nether, instead of disincorperate them into raw soulstuff. The exceptions to that seem to be exceptional.
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You seem to have contradicted yourself there. How can he run out of air when Divine Shield provides air?
Ok, I should've been clearer, the point was it didn't need to be completely airtight to protect from airborne toxins anymore, and the good air would stay in instead of escaping. But that doesn't mean it can generate its own air. If there isn't air to filter in, he's shit out of luck, and he's currently sealed inside a block of hardened magma. So, his air isn't draining, it's being used up to breathe.
Chapter 10 – The Light of the Soul
A/N: The rising action concludes. Rather painfully.

For reference.


Chapter 10 – The Light of the Soul

"-.July 13, Year 580 of the King's Calendar .-"

When Antonidas teleported the three of us half-way up the last trail to my home, it was to the sight of massive smoke funnels visible even in the night, the smell of scorched earth, and the not so distant glow of a brushfire where one should never be.

My heart sank. "Shit!" He couldn't already be here, even dragons don't fly that quickly! "I need to get up there, now!"

"Curses!" Antonidas swore, holding out a hand. "Climb up!"

I took it and hoisted myself behind the saddle. "Ravenholdt, catch up or don't!"

"Wait!" He grabbed on the horse reins. "Beware, that was Darbel Montrose you killed back there. She has been in bed with the king in more ways than one. I know not what plans of his she saw to, but she only joined on our chase near dusk. The rest of the day she appeared only so long as it took her to teleport us ahead and regain the ground we kept losing to your contraption. Whatever this is may well be her doing!"

"Damn!" She had a whole day to herself, what did she do? "Understood, Antonidas, go, go!"


The steed reared and sprung into a gallop up upon the air.

When we soared past the last thicket, I looked down to see all our fields on fire, the ward around the main house gone, the foundation itself cracked down the middle, and the glow of the Light only around my workshop, from which just two of our farmhands were returning fire to the platoon of 'bandits' laying siege.

It's regicide, then.

My little Spirits of Water and Flame barrelled into me then, latched on me, clung to me, scrambled at my spirit in a deluge of panic and guilt. It was good I'd already deduced everything that had happened, because their attempt to update me via mind meld was chaotic, turbulent and completely useless.

Except for one thing.

I surrounded us with a forcefield just in time for the bullets to glance off.

Antonidas pulled the horse to the right hard. "They have dwarven weapons as well?!"

"Not them." I pointed down. "Land us there. The ward will let us in."

"Your whole country is mad."

"Not the country, our leadership is evil."

Antonidas scoffed but steered the horse down until we passed through the wall of Light and touched down.

"Master Wayland!" My men cried in relief from the makeshift cover of our cart and a barrel, the guns in their hands drooping along with the rest of them. "It's you, oh thank Tyr!"

I jumped off the horse, opened my mouth to reply, then closed it and stood in place, frozen. Bart was one life light, Barney a second, my father was inside, kneeling next to my fold-out bed where mother was lying, her light a sickly shade but still all there. Why was she just one? Where were the other two? Where were the little stars?!

I threw the Holy Light at my poor men but that was all I could spare on my rush to get inside, maybe I just wasn't seeing clearly, the Void had been clouding my senses on and off all night, it might still-

I slammed the door open. My father jumped with a shout, knocked my last spare gun down in his rush to grab it and brandished a chair at me instead, before he recognized me and went slack, with relief so thick I could feel it… But that curdled back into grief, the chair clattered to the floor, the man fell back down to his knees, looking away from me and back to my mother with complete devastation.

My mother didn't move. Just laid there, one arm over her eyes and on her side with her face at the wall, weeping quietly.

I stared at him. I stared at her. At the light that she was. The lights that now weren't. The drying smears of blood on her legs. The towel thick with the rest of it, and traces of the afterbirth that came too soon.

"They got smart," Dad said hollowly. "When they couldn't get to us in the wards, they tried to smoke us out. And when that wasn't going fast enough, their mage bitch did something to the ground. We thought the house would collapse, so we ran here, but... She-she stumbled-I didn't-I could've caught her and I didn't."

I looked at him. I cast Holy Light and he only looked at me lost. I cast it on my mother too, but she just curled up tighter. I cast my eyes over the room. Walked to the bucket. Moved the sheet aside. Falric. Marwyn. I burned the sight of my two murdered brothers deep into my mind.

This entire nation must be purged.

I carefully replaced the sheet and walked back outside. Past the others to look through the golden dome at the wicked shadows of fear and doomed men. "Where's Howard? Did they get him?"

Barney and Bart looked at each other. "He quit this morning."

"Right before this fine mess, mighty convenient isn't it?"

"Treacherous bastard."

He what? But…

No, it didn't fit, the fallout with the king only happened today near noon. "How early? When did he quit exactly?"

"Right after breakfast. I suppose he musta told the Master and Missus yesterday though, cuz' they already knew."

"I'm telling you, he had something to do with this, why else would he leave now?"

Somehow, I didn't know how, those words were enough to finish tipping my increasingly distressed steam elementals from grief and guilt all the way into self-loathing. The change in mood was so sharp and sudden that I felt lightheaded. I tried to find what scraps of reassurance I could for them, but I barely had any for myself.

The little ones broke free of my spirit with the shame of the ones who realized for the first time in their life that they were a burden. They looked at the house, looked at Antonidas with the jealousy of the not good enough, looked at the evil people with hate I didn't know they could even feel, looked at me with dreadful determination.

And then merged into a single spirit before I even knew what was happening.

Wait, what-No! No, no, no, not them too!

"You morons!" I barked, catching them in a forcefield, I had to – what could I even – what are they thinking?! "What is wrong with you, suicide is never the answer, why would you-?" No, no bluster, no recriminations, that's just wasting time that's quickly running out, I could see it, the elemental cores hadn't been fully consumed yet, the process wasn't complete, or if it was it could still be reversed, their selves – there was a Shadow of them still left in their place, I could see it, I could-

"DO NOT!" The Raven turned full manifest just so it could bite and shout inside my ear. "Reject the slightest fragment of reality and you will no more have a concept of reality, only the self-deceptive illusion that eternally feeds itself. Even if you do not indulge again, the self-deception will gnaw at your good sense. You will never feel fully at ease, nevermore certain of the world because you yourself will have permanently undermined your willingness to acknowledge all parts of it! The Void does not cast Shadows, it leaves them by sucking the Light out, the life it makes is itself just as hollow, fake, decrepit, accursed and undead, why do you think this will be any different?"

I paused. I acknowledged the Shadow. I acknowledged its nature. Odyn was right, it wasn't the same as the shadows of the future I could the Light casting before, why did I ever think so? Is this how they fool you?

But… even so.

I took a deep breath. "The qualities most essential to self-determination are courage to endure and contempt for death."

My mind course-corrected. I moved past the Void to the Light beyond and travelled backwards on the wings of revelation to the reflection of the past upon the present, where this utter foolishness was eternally recorded in the annals of history. I saw them, the complete imbeciles that were too young to die to their own stupidity, latched with the Light on everything they were and pulled them forward, back into their proper place in the world.

The elemental spirit split back into nine minds, shocked, confused, but each and every one the same selves.

"… Clumsy," Odyn said with all the air of someone pretending as badly as he could that he hadn't been trying to teach something completely different. "Very traumatic as well, but they're clearly too stupid not to forgive you."

The little ones whirled in affront, then shrunk in shame at my glare. The fires kept burning. The night shuddered with the oncoming roar of a frenzied beast.

Antonidas stepped around the little spirits to stand next to me, glancing guardedly at the raven before speaking. "Do you want me to neutralize the attackers?"

"No." The beating of great wings was almost on top of us. "No, I think that problem is about to solve itself."

Verration the Black descended from the night sky and flew a complete circle around the dome of Light, bathing everything below in burning pitch. The flames grew taller. The smoke became too thick to see. The dying screams of Alterac's soldiers were only slightly less frenzied than the roaring.

I looked with sight beyond sight to the emptiness flying through the night's darkness. Fahrad… He shouldn't exist. Not yet. Deathwing made a play on Alterac after the Second War, after Perenolde's betrayal, but no other dragons not named Prestor figured into his plans. Fahrad wasn't loyal to him, I knew that, but even if he was already playing the long game, his human identity would have been in his teens at most at that point. By the third war his persona was in his prime, probably his thirties, meaning the birth date of his human disguise would have been around the Dark Portal at the earliest, probably a few years later even. This identity shouldn't exist now, or at the very least the dragon should be disguised as someone else. It was why it took me so long to figure out it was him, I've had to be careful not to make assumptions since I awoke.

This dragon…

He became an assassin because it was murky enough to appease the whispers. It let him distract himself from the failing charge of his flight, and the madness of Deathwing whom he did his best to betray and sabotage indirectly. So far I had explicit evidence that at least some of the Legion expansion was accurate. By the time 'adventurers' killed Nefarian and Onyxia and the handful of other wyrms that crossed their path, by the time Wrathion began to steal the spotlight, there were no more adult black dragons left because this one had killed them all. How many had he already assassinated?

Even now in his blind madness he helped me, because me kneeling to Aiden Perenolde would have blackpilled him and he was so glad, so, so vindicated I hadn't.

Whatever I do, I'll need all the help I can get.

"There is one debt still owed to me, val'kyr."

I sensed Geirrvif swiftly descend to hover behind me in the spirit world.

"I'm calling it all at once after all."

The raven on my right shoulder finally snapped out of whatever it was. "You dare insinuate I'd only pay my dues under duress, such insolence! This is bigger than you, I've already dispatched help!"

That's a lot better than I – wait, what help?

"The kind that is needed! Though if you mean to make another claim to wisdom worthy of me, then go ahead and teach!"

Are you always so rude when putting your faith in someone?! And wasn't that supposed to work the other way around?

But his words found something in me, a memory rising from the depths of my first life when I was taking a break from my main passion to expand my horizons. When I was reading about the Pelasgians. Their way of life, their creed, their laws... Odyn was exactly like what I'd imagined them to be like.

The Belagines. The Laws of Beginnings, the guiding principles of mankind-that-was, the Ancient Guiding Laws of the Dacians that long before them set the foundation of human civilization.

At least if you believed such claims-

The Light shifted and glimmered in my mind. Each sentence and word of those forty-five passages became a single fractal within its many-faceted shape. For the first time since I first touched it, it felt like I wasn't seeing a mere reflection anymore.

I know what I'm going to do.

"You know what, Odyn, I think I'll take your offer."

Antonidas watched us quietly. Behind me, Geirrvif levelled the entirety of her attention as well.

I motioned to my two men to stay and stepped through the ward right into hell.

"There exists in the sea a certain parasite called the tongue-eating louse. This creature eats the tongue of fish and takes its place. The parasite then feeds on the fish mucus, and if it is to die or otherwise be removed, the fish will starve to death."

Antonidas followed at my side, an arcane shield protecting him from the smoke and the fire. Above us, the dragon continued to fly and spew flames and damnation.

"The astral body, the physical body, the mind, the blood, the sap of life that flows through your spiritual roots if you're really unlucky, that's just the endgame." I turned my forcefield into a wedge and split the fire, smoke and molten stone in my way like a snow plow. "There's the five senses, touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. But then there's proprioreception, kinaesthesia, our sense of time, sense of weight, of pressure, sense of magic, and all the other senses we don't think about until they fail or throb in pain. The Old Gods don't impair those, their corruption grows in their place. "

The raven watched me. "The whispers."

"No, that just means they're sloppy. The corruption conflates with the senses, the subconscious processes that are so easily mistaken for true intuition, the many humours making up the body, the chemicals which allow the lightning signals to fire through your brain properly, and many other things. The oozing taint steadily replaces them until your senses, your organs, your body can't endure without them there. It's basically like becoming addicted to your own perception of reality, even your own sense of self, except now someone else is controlling them. From there they can hold you hostage and make you do whatever they want, whether overtly or through pavlovian conditioning. That's what happened to Fahrad. I saw it, in him, that's what he's become. That's what Verration is."

Odyn was quiet. For so long that the dragon had time to fly over and around us twice more. In the spirit world, four golden stars blinked into being in the sky, then shot down straight for us at the speed of imagination.

They were spectral, golden and blue, born forth on feathery wings and led by one that was grander and brighter than all others. "Odyn. Is that your help?"

The raven shook its wings. "Ah, the lovely Eyir, here at last. Took them long enough!"

A god's favor. Four angels of the Light. Their shining goddess. And me.

Against a dragon come to finish what an evil king and his foul henchmen started. Because I tore the veil off his madness and forced the mollusks of yore to take an active hand.

"I will make no promises of salvation," Odyn murmured, misunderstanding my silence. "My val'kyr exist to shepherd and safeguard souls that have already left their bodies, they can do very little in the living world by themselves, little but dreams and inspiration." When Geirrvif attacked me in front of Lionheart without even a shred of restraint, she hadn't expected her attack to hit anything besides my spirit, the only reason she manifested into the physical world was because I bid the Light to Reveal. "The parts of the self are not easily severed by shadows, for all that the Void likes to lie otherwise. It was your Light that restored life to that hapless coin counter. As ever, all strength must spring from man. Could I send my warriors…"

But he couldn't, because everyone else kept living down to his worst expectations, and Helya was a petty witch. "It's alright." I opened my spirit to him, to Geirrvif, to the others as they finally landed around me, their forms see-though and insubstantial but present. "I don't need them to do anything more than that."

The raven gave me one last glance and returned to the spirit world. Geirrvif joined her mind to mine. The other val'kyr joined their minds to hers. Eyir gave me a hard stare from behind her winged helm, then overlapped her val'kyr with her spirit, and through them me. I conveyed my plan at the speed of thought, and they were aghast, incredulous, disbelieving. Up until the raven landed on Eyir's helm and tapped its claw.


~ Alertness, Expectancy, I Am Here ~

The Spirit of the Valley… Fahrad hadn't put him to sleep out of malice, though he'd certainly sold it that way. It was to protect it from the fatal conflict that would have resulted if it was around to challenge him and trigger the Old Ones's override. I'm going to do something… emphatic. Don't let sign or sight escape your bounds, can you do that? If Deathwing gets any glimpse of this, he'll kill us all.

~ Confusion, Fatalism, Agreement. ~

"Antonidas." I held up the bag of dragon knockout bombs. "These pellets… can you make him breathe them somehow?"

"I can make it so he has no choice."

Good enough for me. "I'll tell you when."

Then I walked out to the middle of the scorched earth, took a deep breath and roared to the sky.

"VERRATION!" My voice rang through the air, through the Light, even through the Arcane as far as I could reach, so loud that the dragon staggered in the air. "I've not some grand arena to stage our final confrontation in, so I hope you'll accept this cornfield!"

The dragon roared, swooped down and landed ahead of me with such force that my home groaned behind me, his eyes wild and angry and aimed straight at me as if daring me to Soulgaze a second time.

This time I was harsh. My Soulgaze was bright, unmerciful, instantaneous, it bridged the gap with more ease and swiftness than ever before because I was the only one between us two who'd grown. I purged the swarm the moment it touched me, banished the dark to the edges of the mind, displaced and seared away the vermin and corpses of vermin that had replaced the substance of his awareness. When they were gone, I buttressed the crumbling pillars of his will with my will, the threads of his spirit with mine all the way to the soul. Instead of Shadow and Void, what grew to patch and rebuild everything left of his consciousness of Self was the Light.

And when our minds were so entwined that the dragon couldn't not see everything I could see and was doing, I cast through the Soulgaze a second spell, the psychometry that had become instinct after using it on my father so many times. I saw everything of Verration and everything that wasn't, and because I did, so did he.

Then I set myself against the dark and pulled hard on him as I withdrew back to the living world.

Verration screamed, in rage, then pain, then shock as I pulled on his mind, as his mind pulled on his spirit as I wrenched it out, the Light a lattice around it and through both of us as I returned to the waking world without letting the Soulgaze lapse. His body stumbled back but the rest of him didn't, a second, hazy outline ripping out of the flesh like a double vision of blood, fire and ear-splitting desperation.

"Antonidas, now!"

The tranquilizing bombs shot from somewhere up in the air – invisibility? – and exploded right in the dragon's face, but didn't disperse more than a foot away from the nose due to a force bubble that warped in place right after.

"Now, val'kyr, contain him!" I thundered even as I strained to gather all the power I could call. "I don't need you to rip his soul out, just loosen it from the rest! I don't want him dead, I need to see."

The angels swooped down to surround the monster, one at each cardinal point, Eyir above the dragon to set their combined will upon his. They called the Light in the spirit world. At the very same moment, I gave them the Light in the world of the Living. Their wings unfurled, their swords raised high, the Light shone tall, and their combined will pinned the dragon's soul where I'd dragged it in the wake of his mind and his spirit, on the very threshold of life and death.

"Light," I called, stretched to the very ends of my effort. First the guard, then the assassin, and now, for the third time in the same day, the Rite of Judgment Unmerciful descended upon me and a dragon. "I need you!"

The golden pillars erupted from us violently, powerfully, from me, from the angels where they stood, from the dragon at the very center of their formation. The towering golden brilliance blew away the smoke, the dust, the night's darkness. Gold enveloped the dragon, enveloped the valkyries where they hovered on feather wings, enveloped me, latched on us all, infused us, rose further and further up like great spires surrounding a colossal tower to pierce the swirling clouds, determined, demanding, burning everything that did not belong and kept burning.


With a howling scream, the dragon died. There was no question as to the outcome, there was too little of him left.

But that didn't men there wasn't enough to heal.

"Beyond the flow of time and thought of the gods, there lies the Living Eternal Fire, out of which all come and through which everything takes shape. Everything and nothing are its breath, emptiness and fullness are its hands, motion and stillness are its feet, everywhere and nowhere are its center and its face is the Light. Nothing is made without the Light and everything that comes out of the Light is the Life which that takes form."

With a rattling gasp, Verration came back to life, his breath shaking, still corrupt and broken, but alive enough to tremble in renewed agony because the Judgment of the abominations infesting him for thousands of years had only just started.

"Like the thunder brings the light and out of the light, the grumble and the fire which overflows, so is thought. Thought becomes our word and then our doing. The light of Self is our thought and also our most prized possession. The light gains strength through the word and the will of Self lights the fire, through which all that is around us becomes."

The corruption… purging the mind would never have been enough, its vector was physical, like a brain parasite it can just hook itself in again, infest again at a moment's notice. But since it was not just conditioning, that meant the alternative to death needn't be equally long-term reconditioning. The corruption was foreign and unclean and unwanted and it would all burn.


The dragon's body screamed and screamed and screamed until he lost all breath, all life, only to wake again, gasp for air and scream again, and again, thrashing weakly, helplessly as the corruption was exposed, displaced, loosened and scoured out of him bit by bit.

"Don't tie your soul to anything worldly, to things, to animals, to silver and gold, for as they come, so they leave. All that is seen, is birthed, grown and then it goes back to where it came from. Only the nature of things stays eternal and has innumerable and endless branches, and so like the springs of your mind and your soul, they do not show themselves. For a breath and a fire make everything that grows to grow, weeds, trees, animals and ourselves. And out of the same hearth they arrive and return, and this hearth is eternal!"

The dragon's soul screamed too, but its eyes sought mine, shocked, confused, disbelieving, resentful, and suddenly drowning in want when he finally realized what I was doing.

"Acknowledge the bad thought, shield yourself as you shield from the thunder, let it go the same way it came, for it urges you towards unnatural things. Shield from bare words and from falsehood. They are like the powder of the field which covers your eyes, like a spider's web for your mind and your soul. They urge you towards pride, deceit, theft and bloodshed and their fruit is shame, helplessness, poverty, illness, bitterness and death!"

The lies, the fear, the delusion, the corruption was exposed, displaced, loosened and scoured out of him with each death, leaving the Light to restore, heal and become what was lost with every new life. Remade everything wrong in the flesh and past it, refit it to what was still right and healthy in the Soul, even if that meant replacing everything that was no longer there!

"Remember that the heartbeat… the flowing of blood through the veins, the healing of wounds, the beauty of the eyes and the wonder of the formation of the body, they… They are made through the power and breath of the lively and eternal fire. You have forgotten that the body is just a grain from the small that is seen. Remember!"


Life fled and returned through dozen deaths. A hundred deaths. A hundred hundred deaths until I had almost nothing of myself left to strain.

A hundred hundred deaths followed by new life each and every time all the way unto dawn.

Until… Until finally…

"S-stop, please!" Verration begged brokenly. "The fire – the Light – so beautiful – Rapture! You'd dangle it in front of me – nothing awaits me save the maws!"

"Be… like the towering mountain and raise your light above everything that surrounds you. Be sober like the earth… and you will not lack anything. Helplessness… comes for evil and falsehood, for what you give is what you receive, what you sow is what you reap. The light of your soul and the light of the one next to you, they have the same hearth and remain without shadow!"

"Y̴o̷u̴' ̷p̷r̵e̸a̶c̴h̵ ̸̛̗me hope," the words of sanity finally ripped their way out of a hoarse dual voice. "It's… no different from cruelty, your Light – it reaches me – through a thousand deaths you still hold out your hand – don't dangle salvation before me now, please! The want – it devours all sense, you can't – I can't…"

"You – damned – lizard!" That want was the first want that was his in… I didn't know how long. "Have you no shame? Does a man see into a dragon's heart better than he does? Where is your pride?!"

"Plaudits – clemency," Verrartion groaned in the throes of renewal. "At the end – all you will receive – disappointment!"

"Onyxia, Nefarian, Deathwing the Damned, no! You are nothing like them!" He premeditated nothing but the death of his flight's worst monsters, otherwise did only what men hired him to inflict on other men. He never warped minds, never harassed, he didn't indulge the sadism imposed on him, he never projected his degeneracy on his victims, he never even confected mental justifications. The only disappointment here was that Aiden Perenolde came by all his evil completely honestly!

"Your mind," the dragon rasped. "I see it – no mercy – no rancor – no disdain, I – I can't-"

"You don't have to. That's why I'm here. You are Fahrad, the Trainer of Heroes! You are Verration, the Black Dragon who inherits the charge of the Ruler of the Earth!"

"I – I am-"

"I AM." That – that was a good chant. "I AM. I AM. I AM I AM I AM I-"

"-A̶M̵, I A̶M̵, I AM, I AM, I AM!"

The Light Judged one last time.

"The unwise – is urged – by craving – but the wise contains it! The unwise suffers when – when the craving brings him to failure and fall, but the wise always… always finds the winning in losing and –"

"-and the Ascension in Descent!"

The Light Judged one last time and the dragon lived. Its mind and spirit and body all felt no pain.



"The End…" we both spoke at once. "Is the Beginning!"

I collapsed. The Light winked out, but the darkness didn't return because the Sun was finally above the mountains. The angels fell to their knees, their lights dim, their spirits worn and sheer but their faces reverent. There were people around me. And farther away. Family. Strangers. I could barely see them. I could barely see anything. I could barely see. I could barely hear. Calls. Words. Warmth upon my face. Feathery wings on the unfelt currents of the world unseen, brushing my face.

Words were said. Tears were shed. Acknowledgment came in the same breath as someone offered a drink from a flagon.

Great burnished wings flapped from the ridge where we grazed our cattle, only to turn away and disappear over the canyon.

And in front of me, pained and exhausted from the ritual of a thousand deaths, rose the first, resounding, rapturous cry of a Lightforged Dragon.

Chapter 11 is available on Patreon (karmicacumen), Ko-fi (karmicacumen) and Subscribestar (karmic-acumen), along with the advance chapters for Understanding Does Not Presage Peace, and Reset the Universe.
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Chapter 11 – The Council of Incidentals
A/N: The incidentals finally cross paths properly. Much exposure ensues. Not all of it appreciated by all involved.


"-. July 20, Year 580 of the King's Calendar .-"

On the first day, I lay blind, deaf and witless as I suffered the incorporeal equivalent of complete muscle failure.

On the second day, my spirit began moving again just enough for my mental burnout to catch up with me too, so I could barely process short-term memory, never mind anything long-term.

On the third day, the first pilgrims showed up.

It only went sideways from there.

I didn't find out about any of it until I was finally able to get out of bed on day seven. My father adamantly refused to let anyone put any sort of pressure on me, which was sweet. Bittersweet. It took me days for my senses to return, and more still for my mind to properly reassert itself. Seven days of my father bravely forcing himself not to cry at seeing my mind still broken every time he came in with food. All of which escaped me the entire time, like everything else.

Because it wasn't actually being blind and deaf. Apparently, when you don't have willpower for even the measliest short-term cognitive processes, it's as good as being blind and deaf because you don't process any sensory input, never mind store anything. It was like dissociation, but worse. I gave the term 'witless' an entirely new meaning and then some.

Dad did cry when I finally persuaded him I wasn't going demented before him, hugging me for a good while as he wept with relief next to me in bed. Relief mixed with shame at his own weakness, and resentment over how nobody I went literally out of my mind to save even deserved it.

Which was fair, but that's why mercy and justice aren't the same thing.

"None of'em know how to find their own asses, why fucking bother?" Dad sniffled as he blew his nose.

I pretended not to see that the handkerchief was hard as crust, was he crying so often when no one could see him, or was he sick? My spirit slumped uselessly when I tried to tug on the Light, a pain without pain, a weariness like when you try to clench a fist but your hand muscles are completely dead. Right maybe wait a bit before I try psychometry. Or anything else.

"The wizard needed you to spell out how to do his job, the Duke came when everything was all over – fat load of good he was – the assassin acts like he's not worried about anything despite everything he's done, and when it's not trying to murder the wrong people again, that fucking damn new pet dragon of yours is useless."

I had talks with people? "I'm going to need you to lay out everything in detail, because I don't remember a thing." I might not want to entirely trust what I remembered from before all this either. Not when I'd already been so out of it that I couldn't even do basic multiplication. A hundred hundred deaths means ten thousand deaths, not just one.

Dad cursed everyone involved to high hells – repeatedly – but otherwise summed up things as well as he could.

On the first day, Antonidas had played warden for both the assassin and the dragon while helping to put out the fires with unrestrained applications of elementalism. On the second day, Richard finally got here, and after a tense standoff with the dragon – who'd swept down thinking to protect me from his party until Richard brought out the Light – took over security of the farm and the prisoners. This freed Antonidas to take his leave to retrieve his prisoner that he'd been escorting to Alterac City. He'd had to leave him behind with a couple of soldiers while he flew ahead to investigate the terrible ruckus we were making.

That prisoner was Howard, our farmhand. Who had been the bronze dragon Kairozdormu in disguise all this time. Something which Antonidas hadn't realized until his talk with me, which raised the question of what else had called for his arrest.

"Bloody wizard damn right should feel like an imbecile," Dad groused as he told me what Antonidas had muttered about himself after he only made that connection during his talk with me. Apparently. "How does he think I feel about it? A bloody time dragon older than this country and I had him shovelling dung."

"That must've been some talk." Especially since I'd only just made that connection myself. "Did I just imagine it, or was the bronze dragon really watching from the ridge while I was Lightforging the black one?"

"Is that the word?" Dad muttered. "No, he was definitely there. Watched the whole thing and didn't do shit to help while you were taking the tarnish off the other lizard. Sat on the ridge the whole time and then just flew off, the cunt, good fucking riddance."

Maybe not so good. "Do we know what happened with Howard since? Why was he even arrested? Do we know why he let himself be arrested, how did Antonidas even find him? Twice, apparently?"

"I'm sure the wizard must know, but I didn't ask, m'sorry, son, I got – I didn't have it in me to care, I guess it's another thing I've bolloxed up."

"No, it's alright." I wrestled with the complete lack of will to get out of bed. I lost. "How's mother?"

Dad put his handkerchief away and his hands on his knees where he sat next to me. "The Duke healed her best he could, but I'm starting to think he shouldn't have. She only used her quick recovery to start working herself to distraction." He gripped his pant legs. "I buried your – the – I buried them. The wizard offered to put them in stasis, some sort of crystal spell while we waited for – I didn't – I said no." He didn't meet my eyes. "You were dealing with enough as is."

I sighed and rubbed his back.

Dad sagged, then flinched away from me in self-disgust. He got up and made for the door. "I'll collect the who's who. Take your time."

I didn't get a chance to reply before the door closed after him.

Reality intrudes when it wants.

~ Forbearance, Confidence, Concern ~

Granodior had been waiting for me to regain myself as well, confident I would but concerned all the same. How are you? Is the cleansing going well? Do you need me to do anything?

~ Determination, Confidence, Fortitude ~

It was going well, but there was a lot to be done still, and it would take some time in human terms so I'd better not worry about it and focus on myself for a change. Mostly what I expected really, except for one thing. You prioritised the surface soil. Just for us. Thank you.

~ You Prioritised Me, Commitment Trumps Want, Largesse is only Natural ~

I didn't go into that fight planning to do him any favors, but he didn't care because I committed to it anyway, and immediately did my part and then some. Quite appropriately, spirits followed the spirit of pacts, not the letter. Speaking of spirits though. Where are the little steam heads, do you know?

~ Pique, Understanding, Sympathy ~

I saw a brief vision of the nine little ones sulking in the ever-steaming cauldron. Granodior was annoyed with them, but understanding of… whatever it was they were upset over that didn't immediately go away when they felt me recover. I'd have expected them to swarm me by now, but they were staying put. Then again, I could barely get myself going, never mind the Aura of Vigor.

The ever-burning cauldron had a mageflame now, instead of coal and firewood.

Also, Granodior had been bizarrely dissembling just now, while conveying the vision. The feelings he added to it weren't his strongest feelings. He was hiding something from me. Deliberately.

Do you want me to ask?

~ No ~


That was blunt.

Finally, I managed to rise from my bed. When no dizzy spell came over me, I walked out of the room to find Bart wringing his hands. "Your Worship – I mean Young Master! (The Master warned me not to slip too, shit) I'm to escort you downstairs at your leisure."

"… Good recovery." I said flatly. "For my father's sake, I'll allow you to treat me like the lackwit I've been these past few days. You can walk next to me while I prop myself on your shoulder. This once. Now let's get this over with."

"Right you are, milord!"

Was I ennobled when I wasn't looking?

The 'who's who' were waiting in the living room. Other than my father, there was Richard there, Antonidas, Jorach Ravenholdt – in manacles and glowing arcane force bindings on his ankles and wrists – as well as Narett for some reason, my incidental business adjacent and teacher in Alchemy. He and the wizard were glaring at each other. I'd interrupted some manner of standoff. No dragon though.

"My Lord." "Young Sir." "Your Worship." Young One."

I didn't reply. I was looking through the window. At some point, our front lawn had been completely overtaken by a massive pavilion, and there was a literal war tent beyond that.

My father dismissed Bart and led me to the chair at the head of the table, where there was a late breakfast and steaming cup of tea waiting for me. I looked around for mother, but she didn't materialize. A meaningful glance to father got me a sad shake of his head. None of this was fine.

I ignored the food and the proffered seat. "Duke Angevin, could you come over here please?"

The Duke quietly did so.

I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him until our foreheads touched. "Richard. Hire a teleport wizard."

The man slumped in relief, what did he think I was going to say? Do? "Yes. Yes of course, I've already talked about it with the Dalaran representative. Magus Antonidas has been helping me and my men go to and back from my keep in the meanwhile."

I have a Dalaran 'representative,' what even is my status right now?

I let him go and leaned with my hands on the table while he withdrew. If I sat down, I might not muster the willpower to get back up for another day. "I'll go over the precise damages later, but do we still have our map at least?"

Antonidas cleared his throat. "If I may?"

"Go ahead."

With a short spell, there was suddenly a perfect bird's eye view of our property and the surrounding lands, moving in real time.

Opportunity had come belatedly, but I wasn't going to let it slip. "I'm going to talk to you about arcane instruction after this, just so you know. Please don't go anywhere."

"Very well."

Just like that? Again? "Alright, people, catch me up on what I missed."

The answer was 'not much besides what I'd deduced,' but only because no one involved could escalate beyond a murder dragon, the Master of Assassins had proven more cooperative than a beehive, and Duke Richard Angevin had managed – with wizard help – to bring just enough soldiers to stay barely ahead of the complications created by the over a hundred pilgrims currently camped at the foot of the valley. With at least half a dozen more arriving each day. A number that was steadily rising and had only been prevented from camping at our literal doorstep thanks to the soldiers aforementioned.

Our fences and gate were all gone because of the flames and the lava. So was the waterwheel we used to get electricity from.

"You'd think the roars and smoke would have warned them away, but many have come regardless, curious of the bright spectacle in the sky." I had a duke reporting to me like I was his liege lord, Richard had completely meant it about becoming my disciple, hadn't he? "Some had real need for healing. I've done all I could for them in your absence, but I've had no more success at curing true sickness than the clergy. As for the remaining few... They think you can bring their loved ones back from the grave."

The silence that followed was only less breathless than the additional silence upon me not immediately dismissing the notion.

"Can you?" Antonidas dared when no one else would.

"If the future had a big enough need for it, I could probably figure out something." The Light could power and restore anything, the Arcane could conjure and move anything, Uther haunted his grave for years, and managing the souls of the departed was half the point of shamanism. Even if I – or someone else – didn't figure out how to combine all that, there was a Titan whose entire life revolved around making spare bodies for people.

None of his ravens were in sight at the moment, but there was one simple fact bolstering my confidence – Geirrvif the Valkyrie was standing sentry on the roof right now. "There is no such need, though, so for the foreseeable future we'll remain limited to the very recently fallen, and even then only if an angel also happens to be hovering nearby." No reaction from the valkyrie, I suppose I should appreciate that she respected privacy. Even if it was probably out of courtesy to me, instead of the norm. "Richard."


"Is there danger of rioting if I don't give the answer they want?"

"I don't think so. They've not behaved like a mob. Even if they did, my soldiers can contain them, at least in their current numbers."

"Then I'll be going over there to disappoint everyone personally. Later." I ignored Father's worry and looked to Antonidas next. "Magus d'Ambrosio. Please believe me that I mean absolutely no disrespect by asking: why are you still here?"

Antonidas grimaced. "I requested my stay in Alterac be extended while I seek amends for my part in the attack on your home."

What did he just say?

"Your part in what?" Richard exploded.

"Had I not come after your… farmhand when I did, he might have lingered and been here to repel the attack."

Richard subsided, though he still glared at the mage suspiciously, their collaboration must have been fraught with more tension than previously implied, so far. I scratched my cheek, reminding myself not to jump to conclusions. "Yes, alright. Dare I ask why you were after him in the first place?"

Antonidas hesitated. "There is no easy way to say this – all signs point to him being the mastermind behind the purge of the nobility."

For a moment, I seriously wondered if this was all a dream. "Excuse me?"

Antonidas repeating it didn't make it sound any less insane.

"Explain. Please. At length."

Antonidas did more than explain. He detailed his entire investigation item by item with no embellishment or artifice.

By the end, Richard looked fit to march into the royal palace and strangle the dragon-man on the torture table. "That cur! I'll kill him, I'll wring his scaly neck I will, you're saying he caused it all?! All those people – my whole family, they – because – because what? Why? What the hell was he after? Bloody dragons, how many of them have their nose in our business?"

At least one more than you know about. "Somehow, I doubt that getting everyone off my case was the only goal." I'd never imagined this as the answer to why all my problems went away with the hangings. I'd sooner have expected the Archbishop to have done something. Also… the Kairozdormu I knew of had an issue with overestimating the reliability of other people in his plans – it was what killed him. But the plans themselves and, most importantly, his own part in them were very carefully arranged and seen through. Successfully. "Richard, I'm sorry your family got caught up in it."

Richard slammed his fist into the table. "You will not take blame for the actions of that thing!"

"I'm not. I can be sorry just fine without it."

The man faltered, but his glare returned and pinned Antonidas again. "Fine then. Wizard, what do you think of this madness?"

"Sabotaging Alterac from within in preparation for the approaching war was my best guess, but then I found out he was a bronze dragon with a lateral view of time," Antonidas shrugged helplessly. "I could not even begin to speculate now. We mages are taught early on never to try and guess what goes on in the heads of wyrms, especially bronze ones."

"I'm surprised you could even catch him the second time," Narett said. "Or did he wait around until you caught up?"

"As a matter of fact, he did." That shouldn't have been as surprising as it was. "Per the guards, he gave them the slip immediately after I left – I surmise this was when he took his true form for the battle – only for them to stumble upon him the next day, huddled under old deadwood near the battle site and 'shivering' in 'fear' of what he'd just 'witnessed.' I might have been fooled into thinking he was nothing but a human fool after all, if not for… everything else I've learned and experienced since."

I wanted to say something, but I couldn't find the words because holy shit, my farmhand engineered the nobility purge. Before he'd gotten Dad to hire him, at which point he lived the farmhand's life like he was born to it. The man who'd plowed our fields, shovelled shit, fed the pigs and collected eggs every morning was the same person who'd manipulated warriors, nobles, mages, and the king himself into the bloodiest political bloodbath in human history.

He used us for plausible deniability? As an alibi? Sanctuary?

No, it couldn't have been just that, could it? He could have masqueraded as literally anything and anyone else. He could only have been here for me, why? Just to watch? Kairozdormu was the last bronze dragon I could imagine doing anything resembling non-interference, and his involvement in the fight proved it. Proved it every bit as much as him bailing after I failed to live up to whatever visions he'd seen of me.

What was he thinking? Was he acting alone? Or was the whole bronze dragonflight in on this? Most importantly, why? I though back, but no matter how I tried, I couldn't think of him ever going anywhere or doing anything odd at any hours, even with my second sight.

"Alright," I finally said for lack of something better, pinching my nose. "I won't even try to figure out the thought process behind any of that. I'll wait until I can get an explanation straight from the source."

"You might have a lot of waiting ahead of you then," Antonidas said grimly. "He has surrendered himself to the King, openly confessed to everything, and explicitly told me the last time I was allowed in his presence that he will refuse to talk to you if you try to get in to see him."

Now why ever would he do that?

"I never should've hired him," Dad said from a chair near the wall, head in his hands and sounding sick. "I never should've hired him."

"Don't be silly, Father, I didn't suspect a thing either." Though it was telling that Howard made himself scarce just after I developed the Soulgaze.

Antonidas pretended not to see my father's moment of weakness. "The King has since barred all from the dungeon, save himself and his handpicked torturer. Even Dalaran has been denied. The issue of jurisdiction was already split before, but with regards to dragons there are standing treaties between the Kirin Tor and all human nations. Alas, the King no longer cares who he offends."

That was another thing, why the hell would the dragon submit to imprisonment, never mind torture? Especially now, when the whole ruse was exposed? The mortal disguise wasn't merely skin-deep in dragons, when they turned into elves and humans they were elves and humans, however immortal and tough (if at all). Torture would be as painful and real as for any other woman or man. Maybe even the maiming would be permanent, depending on how the shapeshifting worked. Dragons could and often preferred to make love and procreate as bipedal humanoids, that's how real it got.

"Let me guess," Narett spoke up in the quiet, his words were shockingly snide from what I knew as a calm and self-contained sage and teacher. "The Kirin Tor have since decided to wait and see – as usual – until the dragon acts out again and they can swoop in from a stronger bargaining position. In the meantime, they will argue it's precisely so it doesn't act out in offense at perceived interference with his grand schemes again."

"The Council's reasoning has not been conveyed to me." I got the feeling the wizard only responded at all because he didn't want to offend me by proxy. Antonidas was certainly only looking in my direction. "My mentor, Krasus of the Council of Six, has extended an invitation to discuss it with him directly."

"You have a transmission stone already primed, I assume?"

"He meant in person." Did he now? "At a time and place of your choosing, though he urges haste for obvious reasons."

I sensed a fulcrum in the Light. It was like a laser pointed at my eyes, for lack of a better word, but I'd suffered much worse. "… Was that before or after you asked for an extension on your stay?"

The mage's eyes sharpened but he replied regardless. "Before."

"If you hadn't made the request to make amends, do you believe the assignment would have been given you regardless?"

"If not me then to another."

"You're not sure you'd have been their first choice?"

"Not entirely, no." He hesitated, but only briefly. "My investigation into the purge was done with their full knowledge and approval, but not the one into your employee."

That was a surprise, but it didn't not fit with the rest. "So, I almost had literally anyone but you in my home right now?" No by your leave, no nothing.

The man grimaced, hiding the humiliation he felt just a little too late. "I suppose I deserved that."

He'd taken it wrong but that was fine, I could work with that too. "You misunderstand, I don't mind that it's you at all. I've been trying to get one of you mages to come down for a talk for months, but I never presumed to aim as high as the future head of the Council of Six."

Antonidas blinked at me with that same incomprehension I'd only ever seen on Richard when I first called him by his future epithet.

Also like Richard, the future leader of the Kirin Tor was only lacking in context. Fortunately, I'd soon give it to him and then some. "Tell Archmage Krasus I only agree to a talk if the entire Council of Six is there for it." Antonidas was visibly surprised, but not visibly offended. "With respect to them, it can be over transmission stone instead – in fact, I'd much prefer it – but anything I'm willing to talk about without all of them present can go through you just fine."

Antonidas didn't seem to know if that was more alarming or flattering. Still no sign that he took what I said as an insult though. "I will relay your conditions."

It made me wonder about whatever impression I made on him. I suppose smiting an irredeemable enemy of all existence into holy enlightenment goes a long way with some people. And resurrection too, I suppose.

And on that note… "What of Verration?"

The glances that were exchanged were as complicated as they were varied. Eventually, Richard answered. "I got the impression he could have unleashed considerable… viciousness in your defence during our brief standoff. He has secluded himself ever since, however."

Dad hauled himself from his chair with a grunt. "What he means is the wyrm's dug a hole under the ridge where we used to graze our cows and our sheep – they all died to the smoke, did I mention that? He hasn't come out. Even when your mother completely lost her mind the other day and went poking him – literally – asking if he was going to join us for dinner. He didn't react at all."

Suicidal behaviour, shit. Maybe it wasn't though? Maybe she just trusted my results as always? The Light had nothing to say either way, which helped precisely not at all.

I turned to the bound man who'd been calmly standing and waiting inside a sight and sound-blurring bubble all that time. At my glance, Antonidas dropped both spells.

"Jorach Ravenholdt."

The Lord of Ravenholdt Manor shook himself out of whatever trance he'd put himself in, gave the gathering a brief intent gaze, then looked at me with that same dignity from seven nights ago. "Most High Holiness."

"That's the Archbishop's style of address."

"I've never used it for him and I never will."

"I will play no word games with you. Talk plainly or not at all."

"The Old Fowl of the Mountain affords no one styles or titles, save one."

Fowl was a much more charged term here than on Earth. 'Domesticated' bird was certainly not its meaning. "You just afforded one to me."


"What about the king?"

The man looked at me squarely. "He has broken his vow as a ruler."

No shit. "Which part?"

"'I pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you into dishonor.'"

If more people held their masters accountable to their own oaths, it would be a much different world. So would Earth. On the other hand, that pledge was subject to very wide interpretation, which was why few ever took it seriously as a cause for revolt. "You know, the man who originally invented your approach to things used it to subvert, displace, control and intimidate an empire. Eventually, even kings and the Emperor himself didn't dare try to root him out, for fear that their own groom of the stool would stab them in their bed." That was the history back on Earth, at least. How he reacted would tell me how Azeroth compares. "Am I truly supposed to believe you assassins answer to any master but yourselves?"

"It is as you say, we served no master but the Master of Assassins, once." That being him. "Then the Fowl War happened, and we suffered first-hand the consequences of depriving humanity of all those with will and aspirations beyond our own."

On Earth, the religious sect created by Hassan I Sabbah murdered, displaced or intimidated practically everyone of import in the Muslim lands until even Saladin backed down before them. Then the Mongols invaded and there were conspicuously no great generals or statesmen around to organize a proper defense. No historians ever seemed inclined to comment on how that might be connected to the systematic murder of every last brave and competent man not part of the hive mind.

On Azeroth, the Fowl War was the founding epic of Alterac, after a fashion. It was the conflict that occurred between Strom and Alterac after the last emperor's reign ended, named after the bird heraldries of the two belligerents. But everything I'd read or heard about it only convinced me nobody actually understood what happened there.

For one, the actual Alteraci in that mess were the Trollbane family, who now ruled Strom, not their homeland here. For another, with the Lord of Ravenholdt Hall calling himself by that term just now, I had to wonder if there might have been three sides to that war, instead of two.

The clincher, though, was that everyone 'agreed' that the war broke out when the Arathi bloodline decided to literally abandon their empire to found a new realm – Stormwind – prompting the ones left behind to make their best impression of the War of the Roses. It was absurd – the ruling dynasty of an empire doesn't just pack up and leave. At most I could believe the heir went off on a colonization mission and then the father died back home-

My thoughts course corrected. Facts and pattern recognition came together in a different form inside my mind. The Light chimed like a bell at the edge of my perception.

I looked at Lord Jorach Ravenholdt. "The last Emperor," I said lowly as the realization set it. "You killed him."

There were sharp breaths around me.

"The first incarnation of Ravenholdt Hall did, yes." The man's expression didn't even flicker. "They grew bloated and proud during times of peace, and so fared very poorly during war. A war they themselves started by culling all voices of sense and reason for generations, not even caring to pretend secrecy by the end, never mind temperance or discretion. Their hubris destroyed them. It could have been the end of all mankind if not for the elves constantly culling the trolls since the War of Founding."

I couldn't decide if the silence that descended upon the room was more shocked or horrified.

"The Prince denounced them, and the weakness and cowardice their reign had made of the land, boldly and bravely. The Emperor sent him away along with the multitudes drawn in by his charm. It was a bid to preserve his life, to fling a light into the future while he saw about a more measured approach. The first gambit succeeded, the rest did not, and so here we are."


The silence now was definitely horrified.

"When the hidden knives are bloodiest," Narett said eventually. Slowly. "The veil concealing them is also thinnest, tattered, flapping loosely and failing to conceal the crime. Sending the revealing flame away is always a mistake." The alchemist sighed then and glanced between my father and me. "But I can understand a parent not wanting his child's life snuffed out before his."

At least there was still unsettled land to run to, unlike on Earth in my time.

The others were far less sanguine, now that the pall was broken.

"My Lord," Richard said. "Give me the word and I will slay him where he stands."

"Not in the house," Dad said weakly. "Outside."

"It needn't be a mess, I can strangle a man just fine."

"And you can do it not here. Not where Agnes can see or hear."

"My spells give me a great degree of control over his movements, I can-"

"Everyone quiet."

Everyone shut up.

I looked at the man, trying to figure out what it was that kept him so level-headed. It didn't look like pride, save maybe in not being party to the same mistakes as the founders of his organisation, not anymore a least. It couldn't be self-delusion either, after the Judgment I called on him just a week ago. All I could see was a man sure of his place in the world, lacking any delusion about how dark and ugly that place was, and nonetheless at peace with whatever came next.

It, quite frankly, pissed me off like no tomorrow. "You know, my best judgment tells me I can make use of you. It tells me I might be able to spare you with minor consequences. I actually think you sound reasonable and believe you're completely genuine. But I really just want to kill you and spare the world the burden of your evil."

That, finally, seemed to bring the man's unflappability to an end. It also seemed to surprise everyone else, but I'd leave figuring that one out for later.

"Tell me why I shouldn't strike you down right now. Tell me why I shouldn't declare total war of annihilation on your entire organisation. Believe me when I say, it doesn't matter how good and patient you and yours are about insinuating yourselves in everyone's business. I have all the means I need to tell your kind apart from everyone else." I barely refrained from summoning the Soulgaze and burning his mind from within like I could have done the dragon. If I tried that in my current state, I might not be able to get back up for another week. "You have five minutes."

Jorach nodded. "I've been gone and undoubtedly presumed dead for seven days. Darbel Montrose, whom you killed, was the other major contender to leadership of our order, if only through her outside importance as the King's mistress. With both of us gone, there will be a full blown shadow war over control of Ravenholdt Hall by now. Those who chafed under my strict standards will doubtless attempt to find new patrons, if not strike out on their own when their coups run into each other. Meanwhile, I expect at least a handful of my loyalists will have insinuated themselves among your pilgrims by now, as they won't give me up for dead without seeing the body."

I stared at the man.

So did everyone else.

"Loyalists." I palmed my face. "You have factions. The Order of Assassins has factions. Of course you do."

"You needn't show my face to the masses if you'd rather not taunt the King into another fit of madness. That said, I do have a distinctive token that will suffice for my people and only them, if I wore it over, say, a face-concealing scarf or hooded cloak. If you do decide the world has suffered me and mine enough, I would nonetheless recommend that you first parade me around like a trophy so you make the most of your captured asset."

"… The sheer balls on this man," Richard muttered in disbelief.

Somehow, I didn't gape. But it was a close thing. "Are you being serious right now?"


I'd never run into a situation when someone's calm could piss me off so much. "You know, I actually do want to parade you around now, but just so I can get those minions of yours to also come forward so I can rid the world of them as well, and however many others I can round up through them. Does that change your answer at all?"

"… If you decide we are beyond saving, then so be it, and may whoever takes my place be wiser than to swear to such service as that which sullied us so utterly."

I really wanted to be angry at him, but he wasn't making it easy at all. I wanted to believe him too, but knowing the Soulgaze had precisely the consequence I'd foreseen – it made me mistrust my judgment when I couldn't use it.

Then again…

"Richard, come over here." I waited until he was next to me. "Look into this man's eyes."

To his credit, Ravenholdt didn't hesitate to obey the implied command to meet the gaze of my paladin.

"The common man needs to put much time and mind into trying to understand people, often failing even after hours, days, years of talking and trying to get each other to come around to their way of thinking. We don't need any of that. The Light Reveals. It needs only a driving force, a will to enact a direct and instantaneous challenge. Your beliefs against his, no lies, no pretense, no ambiguous words. All you need to do is face your own potential false beliefs. Be brave enough to acknowledge the possibility that the Light will reveal more of you than him. Accept the risk that you might come around to his way of thinking. Empathise with him. Sympathise, even. The Light cares about feelings but has no concept of thought crime and judges only by actions based on which way all the facts fall."

Richard's eyes were ablaze. "I can see it."

"The Light works intuitively. There's only you and him, directly connected, synchronized. Two judgments. Two spirits. One single Truth regardless of either of your beliefs on anything. Shine the Light on it, Richard. The Light Reveals. Commit."

There was no visible sign that the Souglaze was invoked for the first time by someone other than me, but the results were immediate.

I barely kept Richard on his feet.

In front of us, the Master of Assassins dropped to his knees with a cry of…


The chains rattled in tandem with arcane flares as the manacles kept the assassin's hands from cradling his head. "Even – your servants – such calibre – out of this world." Ravenhold gasped, his breath rattling heavy with vindication as he looked up at me with the zeal of the converted. "Truly, I am fortunate beyond all of my forebears. None that came before me were blessed with such rapturous certainty as this."

… How much of me came through Richard's soulgaze? If my paladin's Covenant was to my Covenant, and my Covenant was the future itself, one he'd directly experienced in our Soulgaze, then here, now, Ravenholdt would have-

"He's genuine," Richard rasped as he swayed on his feet in my grip. "He's – he's not crazy, he's not even deluded he – he's committed. Just – not to what we're committed."

"Are our agendas in conflict?" Antonidas asked with his fingers formed into a seal that rendered Ravenhold's bonds still, and on that note what did these people think my agenda was? What did he mean 'our' agendas? "Is he a threat?"

"No – not to us, not here, he… He's just completely unapologetic about finding his highest purpose in keeping the realm's lowlifes from running rampant. Not just in killing the vile, but in keeping a monopoly on… murder aforethought."

Say what? Seriously? "And what did the Light have to say about that?"

"It… didn't highlight any particular facts to the contrary."

… A monopoly on premeditated murder would have the same deleterious effects on the supply and quality of its object as any other monopoly. But did that actually mean Ravenholdt was aware of that? Was always aware of that? Was he keeping effective assassination and subterfuge limited to a chosen few deliberately? Or was he just faking it till he made it? On the matter of people in need of killing, I was never going to deny that the world is always better off with people-shaped monsters dead, but we already saw Ravenholdt didn't always get to choose his marks.

But then you start to wonder where the line is for treason instead.

I closed my eyes and tried to assess things as objectively as I could without leaning on the Light for input. I'd have to wait until I could Soulgaze people again myself to make sure, but in the meantime…

Jorach Ravenholdt not being in charge of the assassins led to my home burned down and my brothers murdered in the womb.

There was only one logical conclusion.

I am emotionally compromised.


My paladin shook his head and regained his feet. "I'm fine."

"What do you want to do?"


"What do you want to do with him?"

The man was so honestly surprised I valued his input that it almost sent me on a rant about self-determination and yes-men. Fortunately for him, I had no more willpower for that than anything else right now.

Almost. "You're the one with the first-hand insight, and the Light is only stronger in you for it." That much I could still sense at least, even in my state. "I trust your judgment."

The man was visibly touched, the regard he must hold for me must be high indeed.

He didn't look entirely confident when he looked at the other man though. "… I really just want to kill him and his. Scorch the earth." He sighed gustily then. "But I wouldn't know where to begin rooting them out, even if we find and take their headquarters. Especially if they're half as frustrating to deal with as him."

As glad as I was to have my own feelings vindicated, that admission still felt unsatisfying.

Soon, though, Richard seemed to get an idea. Or half an idea, half realization from whatever it was he'd just seen in his soul. "You know what, let's do that – let's bet it all on skill, assassin. I don't care how much use you can be, it's not worth it, the world would be better off without you and your wretched legacy. That you rightly acknowledge Lord Ferdinand as the best master for you is hardly proof of character, when it can be said just as easily of anyone else."

Alright, let's maybe not go quite that far-

"If killing you will propagate such evil as you claim you and yours to be capable of unleashing, I might at least be persuaded to stay your execution until I've used you to root out the rest of the rats. Prove to me your men are as much of a nuisance as you believe. Give me proof of skill."

Jorach Ravenholdt climbed to his feet, frowned thoughtfully at his assigned judge, then looked to me for approval.

Approval for what? "Make it good."

The Master of Assassins flexed his wrists twice. "Very well." The empty manacles hadn't even reached the ground when the shadow of his existence skid to a wide halt right behind where Antonidas had been standing.

The wizard teleported behind me and enveloped Richard and I in his forcefield a full second after Jorach Ravenholdt had slipped back into reality out of the shadows cast on him by his own clothes.

I was wondering how he'd slipped out of my spell, back then.

"Holy fuck!" Dad screamed, clutching his heart as he jumped back. The chair tipped over as he stumbled into it, clattering loudly. "Bloody – fuckmothering – don't do that!"

"My apologies," the Master of Assassins said earnestly, holding his hands above his head. And mom's kitchen knife. "I will make whatever amends My Lord dictates."

I'd read many scenes like this in my previous life. You never really appreciate them, though, until your father is the one trapped alone with a master murderer on the other side of the forcefield.

"If it helps," the murderer in question said deferentially. "That maneuver does require a certain preparation and state of mind."

"You'll work with Antonidas here until he has a way to hold you that you can't escape."

All ease wiped from his face, but the man nodded anyway.

"You'll also work with the rest of us until we have some way to do that too, I'm sure you can come up with something."

The man's shoulders slumped ever so little, but he obeyed even through his grimace. "As you say."

"I have a potion that will make it impossible to exert any mystical capabilities," Narrett said as he came out of invisibility. "For a limited time at least. You know, if that is at all relevant to the situation."

Wait, when had he vanished? I'd completely forgotten about him, and even in this state I wasn't that oblivious, what magic was this? Or alchemy? "I'll be picking your brain a lot, later. Jorach?"

The man sighed, waited for Richard to hold him at sword point, waited some more until Narett approached, accepted the potion and drank it all in one swoop. "Is that satisfactory?"

"Barely." It was something at least. "Magus Antonidas."

"Using my name is fine, Young Sir."

"Antonidas, then. Next time, protect my family first. I can probably come back from the dead, they can't."

The silence of the grave felt sinisterly familiar in the wake of my declaration.

So much so that, once again, only my father found the nerve to break it.

"… You can what?!"

"An on that note, please give me and my father some privacy. If the wizard agrees, Richard, you can bring Mercad here for what we talked about before."

"-. .-"

Fortunately, Dad managed to collect himself fine once there were no outsider eyes adding to his stress. He dealt with my latest leap in ability somewhat more calmly than usual – especially since it was still theoretical, thankfully – but that only spoke to the sheer number and intensity of the shocks he had received in such a short time.

Mother was unnaturally put together when I went looking for her, asking me how I felt and if there was something I needed and not to worry about the food, lunch will be my favorite, would we be entertaining guests? It was all said by rote after giving me a short hug, and then 'accidentally' avoiding all my attempts to move in for a real long one for ten whole minutes.

I briefly considered humoring her bubble of decorum and damn the consequences, but you didn't enable self-destructive behaviour. Maybe on the first day or two, but not after a whole week of compounding unhealthy coping mechanisms. There was emotional deflection and then there was this nonsense.


"I'm not getting into this with you, Wayland," My mother calmly interrupted me. "I can deal with my own demons. I'm the lady of this house and I'll do my part, so you should go and do yours. Your purpose is not in here, it's out there."

"Don't presume to tell me what my purpose is."

The plate somehow didn't shatter as mother dropped it in the sink, shocked at my tone. But she didn't turn to face me.

I walked over to stand behind her. "Because I respect you as my mother, I'm going to respect your wish to deal with this in the unhealthiest manner possible. This once. But let's be clear." I leaned forward. "When you break – and you will – father and I are the ones who'll have to pick up the pieces." I stepped back. "We'll do it, because we love you. But we'll hate every moment of it, and you'll hate yourself every moment of it, much more than you hate yourself right now."

I waited to see if she was going to say anything else. When she didn't, I left the house and went down to heal the people who didn't deny they needed help.

Give it time, I told myself. It's enough that I didn't enable her repression. For now, it's all I can do.

Narett caught me just outside, though. Without even a bit of pretense, he offered to 'help mother with cooking and the like' for the day. I was glad he did, the thought that mother might need to be put on suicide watch was only less horrifying than the terrible notion that she might go through with it when I wasn't there. Soul-weariness aside, I had too many fires to put out right now to watch over her by myself.

I didn't ask my father why he wasn't sticking to mother. Not when he still failed in his attempts to not look like he was terrified I'd drop dead or lose my mind at any moment.

For better or worse, Richard came back with his long-suffering Captain soon enough that the awkwardness between my parents and I didn't have time to sour into something worse.

Mercad Occitanier was sceptical about my claims of mind protection, and doubly sceptical about his highborn employer playing sycophant to anyone, 'regardless if they're a divine avatar or last week's guttersnipe or whatever croc he's peddling this time.' But since he did it from a place of loyalty, I ignored his griping and talked Richard through the process of searing the Aegishjalmur into his skull. We needed Antonidas to conjure a mould of the stave for Richard to use as visual reference, but he ultimately succeeded because he's a quick learner, and Mercad sat through quietly because he's a good and loyal soldier.

The captain was a bit less sceptical when it was over, but nonetheless made sure to convey to his lord how much he disapproved of being sent away – again – where he couldn't handle his safety personally. Alas, the reward for a good job is the next job, and there was no one else Richard trusted to be regent of his lands in his absence. Not while his wife and sister were in another country for their own safety.

The man nodded stiffly and proceeded to send me the most judgmental and threatening silence I'd ever been on the receiving end of, all the way to the end of the teleport spell.

Antonidas inquired after the staves and runes I'd used in the procedure, so I briefly lent him my latest draft of the primer to conjure a copy of for himself and Dalaran. There was no reason I could think of for why the staves couldn't be powered by the Arcane, with the proper twist in the pattern. I couldn't speak for any variance in effect from different mystical paradigms, but it should still manifest some effect.

Sometime later, I finally walked down into the lair that a certain dragon had dug into what had once been our pasture. Antonidas had retired to his tent – Richard had thoughtfully had tents put up for all the 'notables imposing on my hospitality' – to contact the Council of Six with my reply.

He'd not asked whether or not there was anything I wanted put in or kept out of his update, which told me all I needed to know about what role he was really playing here. It certainly removed any lingering misgivings I had about what I planned to do, if the whole council actually agreed to speak with me.

Richard was sticking by me, though, and Dad also insisted on coming along despite the prospect quite blatantly terrifying him. I didn't blame him. Especially once we finally reached the curled up mass of flesh and scales doing their best impression of an inanimate wall one second away from going up like a bright explosion.

"If you're just going to sulk, then your existence will never be anything else than worthless."

The black and gold body moved like the wind and suddenly I was staring at an immense, serpentine eye.

He looks different. I studied the outlines as well as I could in the darkness. Fortunately, the Light still coursed through him enough that it seemed to shine from underneath his scales, more so every time he inhaled. No more pot belly, more catlike general shape than lizard. Wings were different too, bigger, much wider span, three clawed fingers instead of one at the crux of where the wings folded, he could probably use them as a third pair of limbs, and his forelimbs were longer too, with almost humanoid mobility in the shoulders. The bone structure was different as well, more… symmetrical, length-wise. He could probably walk on two legs comfortably now, maybe even fly standing upright.

I couldn't help myself. "What a magnificent sight I've bestowed on this world."

The gargantuan creature suddenly vanished in a whirl of folding flesh and golden light to leave just a man kneeling with his head bowed low at my feet.

"There are no words for how wretched I am."

"There aren't, no." A merchant, a guard, the lord of all assassins, and now even a dragon, everyone was throwing themselves at my mercy these days. "You'll just have to stop being a wretch and then you'll have all the words you need."

"I am yours to command. Yours and your heirs'. Use me as you see fit."

Me and my heirs, he was explicitly locking himself out of the differing lifespan loophole. I mean sure, I'd solved the telomerase bottleneck ages ago, but I could still be killed. "Are you saying that because you mean it, or because you know I won't ill use you like the lowliest scum you've been living as?"


A safe answer, but I couldn't really complain if it was also the true one. "The going rate is food, board, and five coppers a day."

A pause, then the dragon-turned-man raised his head to look at me in confusion. "I beg your pardon?" The close cropped coppery hair and neat horseshoe beard made an odd contrast with his miserable demeanor.

I wouldn't have been able to pretend glibness in the face of the sight even if I wanted. Standing over him in the dark, I felt like I was looking at the most ill-starred man going senile from unwarranted pain and suffering before he even lived out his middle years. I had to help him somehow. If he remained like this and wasted away after everything, it would be a tragedy.

I was all out of patience for tragedy. "Should I call you by the names I know, or do you have another you prefer?"

"… I haven't given it any thought."

"So you do want to sunder yourself from the past, but don't have good ideas for how yet. That's alright. While you figure that out, I'll be calling you Emerentius. In the language of the greatest empire you've never heard of, it means 'to fully deserve.'"

The dragon… The man…

He looked like he might cry.

I seriously considered hugging him, but on reflection I realized it wasn't what he needed right now. Right now, for the sake of his mental health, what he most needed was dignity. Anything else could wait. "My dad's great-granddad used to say there's no dignity as great as becoming an honest farmer." Of course, the man also said that one shouldn't let pride affect your ability to be an effective asshole, but I'd already proven the two were not mutually exclusive. "The going rate is food, board and five coppers a day."

"I'm… afraid I still don't understand."

"The other dragon I had as a farmhand ran off. Your whole thing is being good at working the earth, right? Congratulations, you're hired." I reached down and hoisted him to his feet. His human form was strong and every bit as heavyset as a man could be without making acrobatics impossible, but still shorter than me. "For anything beyond the remit of your job, we'll be settling separately as it comes up. My current offer on that front is sanctuary, training in the Light, and my life-long friendship in exchange for you no longer moping like some flush mushroom."

I waited for him to say something. Do anything.

He didn't though.

I let him go and stepped back. "That's all I had to say. Whatever you decide, I hope you find a way to be well again."

"… I don't know how." The man-dragon said hesitantly. "I would swear myself as your thrall if I did not know you would spurn such debasement, however well earned."

I didn't show how much that conflicted me. "At least you're self-aware enough to know it's debasement."

I turned around and set off without waiting for him. Richard and Dad looked between the two of us as I rejoined them, but they fell into step without a word. Finally, just when I was wondering if I'd handled that wrong, I heard my dragon disciple fall into step behind us, albeit at some distance so the others wouldn't feel threatened.

We emerged to the sight of the noonday sun shining brightly down on the world. Antonidas was waiting for me some ways to the right. Jorach Ravenholdt was sitting on a boulder precisely where I'd ordered him to wait for our return.

When he and Fahrad – Emerent now – saw each other, there was a long moment where they both sized each other up.

To my surprise, Emerent spoke first. "For the sake of our past comradery, I will give this one warning – If you seek conflict with this place and its denizens again, I will not hold back."

Jorach groaned and rubbed his forehead. Groaned. In exasperation, the nerve of him. "You don't need ultimatums and threats, I know where the wind is blowing just fine without them. The only reason I've not sworn myself to our new master properly is because he still won't let me. So long as the winds are favourable to the nation and mankind as a whole, I need nothing further."

I had to take a moment to process the sad reality that the only person in my entourage who I could currently trust not to blindly follow me off the edge of Outland was the contract killer.

Give it time.

I hoped.

"Young Sir."

"Magus d'Ambrosio."

I saw him notice me use the formal address again, but he didn't comment on it. "It happens that the Council of Six is in session and can accept your communication right now, if it pleases you."

Well now, don't I rate just the highest on the foreign relations priority list? "Convenient." Though not in any way any of them expects. And they were clearly expecting plenty, including that I'd finally be active again today, if they were ready to drop everything else on such short notice. "If you stay on after my talk with your leaders, you can call me by name as well. Now show me how to operate this thing."

Antonidas clearly wanted to ask, but instead did as I bid and showed me what to turn and fit together so that the hologram of the Council of Six sprung to life in front of me.

"Greetings," said one of them, a middle-aged woman by the looks of it, but who knew depending on how well they'd harnessed the Arcane to extend their lives?

"Lord Wayland, Duke Angevin, and dependents," Antonidas intoned. "Be known to the Leaders of the Kirin Tor. The one who just greeted you is Archmage Modera. From her right, in order, you have Archmages Vargoth, Kel'Thusad, Drenden, Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider of Quel'Thalas, and finally-"

"Korialstrasz." I said. "Prime consort of the Aspect of Life Alexstrasza, leader of the Red Dragonflight, Queen of Dragons."

You couldn't quite cut the silence that followed with a knife, but only because the ridge was quite windy at this time of day.

"What's this?" Vargoth spoke first, even though I'd seen Kel'Thusad recover first only to wait.

"I beg pardon for my abruptness, but we all have more urgent things to do than play pretend." I looked at Krasus with the most non-judgmental look I could muster for someone who'd made it his life to deceive and mislead. He had no ill intent, I had to remember that. It may not be the same thing, but I still hadn't told anyone about being reincarnated either. "With all respect due to the guardians of life, mankind can handle its own affairs. In the interest of not interfering with the affairs of dragons, however, I'm willing to consider allowing supervised access to my newest disciple to one of you. Specifically, Lady Rheastrasza. Please let her know not to come as a goblin."

I waited for a reply. No one said anything, on either side. There were many appalled looks though. And some not so appalled ones, especially from Kel'Thusad and Kael'Thas.

That was fine by me. "A Kirin Tor envoy under no false pretenses will, however, be entirely welcome for the meanwhile. I value authenticity very highly, you see. In that same spirit, I am hereby informing you that I'll try my very best to poach Antonidas from you. I'm sure he can go back to lead you all like he's supposed to, if destiny really must have him at the head of your council in ten or fifteen years. I really am a man, not a dragon like some people, so I can't see all that accurately so far ahead."

It was hard to tell if I was the subject of most of the judgmental looks, or Krasus.

"I wish you a better week than mine." I moved to disconnect the device, but paused and did give a flat stare this time, to all six of them. "Just so we're clear, if you try to put a leash on me again we're going to have problems."

I disjoined the transmitter, causing the arcane hologram to disappear.

"What the hell, boy?!"

Oh dear. Dad was not coping well at all. "I can let you talk to them next time?"

"What-NO! No, that's not what I meant! Oh Tyr, bandits, soldiers, dragons, and now this! Tyr save me, what did I do to deserve this?!" My poor father, having finally reached the end of his rope, threw his arms in disgust, turned around and stomped off as viciously as his legs could take him.

I waved in parting. He gave me the finger. Good man.

Antonidas was staring at me, aghast.

I dropped the transmission device into his hands. "Krasus is a good and noble person, but with three for three on the number of dragons who've stuck their nose in my business within the span of a single week, I'm going to err on the side of transparency for the foreseeable future." I put my hands on his shoulders. "I'm glad it's you here, though. Literally the best possible option. Now." I let him go. "Do you want to be alone for a while, or do you want to come down to the pilgrims with us?"

Antonidas looked between the transmitter and me, his appalled face loosening into something that looked almost lost. "I… think I will keep to myself for a spell. By your leave?"

"I'm sorry for my part in things, if it makes any difference."

"… It does, actually." The mage gripped the transmission stone tightly and turned to leave. "I can at least trust that to be genuine."

I watched him leave. I pondered the immense power of credibility. I'd seen not even a moment when Antonidas even entertained the thought that I might be wrong or lying about his mentor.

I glanced at Jorach. "Go get ready. Don't bother with hoods or masks or the sort. I want the king to know exactly what he achieved here."

Jorach hesitated. "If that is your decision."

"It is."

"I'll accompany you," Richard told the assassin lord. "Just in case, you understand."

Jorach grunted, showing his back to the man with not an ounce of fear. "Don't I ever."

I waited for them to be out of earshot. Then, finally, I turned to Emerent. "If nothing is changed, Rheastrasza will die for the sake of your kin in the future. She'll successfully purify a black egg, and then let her own egg and herself be killed by Deathwing as a distraction while the purified black egg is spirited away. I'd ask forgiveness for not asking permission, but as I said, I like to keep things honest. I'd have made the same call regardless."

A slow, deep breath. A rattling exhale. Eyes shining in the clear day like glass in the rain. "… Compassion like yours should be impossible."

I shook my head. "On the contrary, compassion like this is the most common." It's why good people can be exploited even when they aren't inborn fools. "That it's rare is the first notion you need to lose. But I won't rush you." You don't rush healing. "In the meanwhile, I'll want you to write up everything you know about your colleagues and their methods and haunts."

"I see. Of course."

Wouldn't do for the Master of the Assassin's Order to get an inflated sense of his own importance. "Also, you'll be teaching us and especially Antonidas how to detect dragons in disguise like you."

"There aren't any quick and dirty ways, our disguises aren't disguises, they are true transformations."

Just as I thought. "All the same, whatever you can think of, we'll use."

"As you say."

"Good. Now come. Show me what it's like to experience the world on dragon wings."

"That I will do gladly."

He did do it gladly, and the exhaustion that had been weighing down my spirit all day finally started to feel lighter.

When I reluctantly decided it was time to go down, I offered to let Richard ride behind me, but he manfully deferred on the wonderful experience. He chose to be borne in Emerent's fist instead. Because that was how Ravenholdt was going down there, he reasoned. It wouldn't do not to have anyone immediately on hand to strike him down if he tried to do a runner after all. Or worse.

"You've gathered a real treasure here," Emerent murmured in my ear on arcane winds as he bore us aloft. "The best and foremost of humanity, and first among them is a man so brave and good, so true."

And a bloody duke on top of that. "Yes, I have."

"I will defend it as if it were my own."

"Make one of your own too, while you're at it."

"I don't think I have it in me, but if I say that it will just make you sad, won't it?"

"Give it time. Immortality heals everything eventually."

"Even maiming?"

What kind? "Magic and technology will get there sooner than you think. But we won't need to wait that long regardless."

We landed right in the middle of the biggest encampment. From the air I'd counted over two hundred people in total, their numbers had begun to grow today much faster than before.

They were disappointed when I flatly told them there would be no grave exhumation. Some were heartbroken. A couple even left cursing me for giving them false hope for their precious daughter, despite the fearful awe from seeing me descend from on high on a giant monster. The strength of humanity could manifest in the oddest places.

Parading Jorach Ravenholdt around like a trophy did, however, have precisely the effect he'd promised me. And there were a fair few people with chronic issues around too, which I could help with. By proxy, at least.

"Richard, Emerent." I told my disciples. "I'll talk you through it. Diagnosis first, and then the rest. Since I'm still indisposed, you'll have to learn on the job as quickly as possible."

Resurrecting the long dead aside, maybe a seance or five won't be amiss, if I can figure it out, I thought as the petitioners gathered enough courage to form a line. I sent Emerent to talk to the ones who had difficulty standing or walking, since they were less likely to run away from him. I'll need the practice for when I do need to start fishing for specific souls in the afterlife, in the future. Maybe.

My disciples listened, learned, practiced and then some, all the way to late evening. Richard discovered a wellspring of patience for complex targeted treatments, while Emerentius found his own talent in reaching as many people as possible at once, especially in his dragon form. They learned so well and so diligently that I gave it two weeks before they picked up everything I could teach them.

So well and so diligently that even Richard's uncanny ability to track the exact location of my Master Assassin at all times finally failed him.

Jorach Ravenholdt stepped into my shadow right as dusk fell, murmuring quietly from my left. "In the interest of informed decision-making, the time window to assassinate King Perenolde with our current assets is not entirely closed quite yet."

The balls on this man really were unbelievable.

"No," I denied him, thinking of arcane magic, Light warding, material transmutation that was just a spirit's whisper away, and the sad reality that the sickness afflicting Alterac went well beyond any one person. "No, I already know what I'll do about that."

Chapter 12 is available on Patreon (karmicacumen), Ko-fi (karmicacumen) and Subscribestar (karmic-acumen), along with the advance chapters for Understanding Does Not Presage Peace, and Reset the Universe.
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