Immigration and multiculturalism news

No it isn't, like I said you're clearly just high on hate fuel and jumped to a conclusion. In your mind black kid + natural disaster = looting, but there's no reason to think it's looting, what you posted says nothing of the sort. It's entirely unrelated you're just having five minutes of hate
For the love of god, you aren't suspicious at all that three females, one of which is a child, are 'rescuing' male sized sneakers?

Upstanding citizens rescuing shoes trapped in the rubble. Bless them.

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Because mass media has never been glorified politburo propaganda. ;D

That settles that, it was mostly peaceful!
What's your threshold of evidence then in this case?
In this case?
Why do you think the threshold of evidence vary from case to case?

In ALL cases without exception, I always know that the corporate media is lying about everything.
If CNN said the sky is blue I would go outside to check.

My threshold of evidence is trustworthy sources. Even then nothing can be 100% trusted always, but I would err towards trust on those deserving of it.

Although even then I would be cautious of them being fooled themselves.
For example, tucker carlson I believe is an honestly genuinely good guy. But he has fallen for tricks before. Like that obvious credibility attack when democrat agencies starts suddenly having "whistle blowers" about xenos.
which I believe is a fake leak meant to discredit alternative media.
Me: Posts Four Articles, One from the Washington Post, One From Local News, One From PBS, One from a British Tabloid, One From a Catholic News Site, and Used an Associated Press Photo. The articles state the name of the girl, the name of her Mother, and the name of the town and the street their home is on.
all those articles literally use the same picture.
it is one single source, which has been plagiarized in multiple places.

are you under the impression that every time someone plagiarizes a propaganda article that it somehow becomes more true and that a new primary source is created out of thin air?
all those articles literally use the same picture.
it is one single source, which has been plagiarized in multiple places.

They are all using the same picture because that is what Zeno Guy used as a picture of evidence. Like I just stated, its an Associated Press photo... like it's stated in the articles as well AFAIK. So I don't think plagiarism took place.

So what is your threshold of evidence in this case?

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