Would Sherlock holmes,James Bond work well together

Would the Scotland yard Decteive and oo7 be compatible as a team?
I am pretty sure there must be at least one official fanfic doing thet, since the vsrious sequels have Holmes interacting with everyone from C'thulhu to Captain Nemo...

Also, in universe Holmes was downright obsessive,took drugs, cavorted with all sorts of unsavory characters and even participated in underground fights while in disguise, but he might find Bond distasteful if amusing. Depends on which Bond.

In any case, I'd love to read this as a fanfic or an "official" fanfic.
According to some unofficial sources..... Englands first head of Intelligence, Head of MI6, was one Mycroft Holmes.
Not really, the guy was basically the conduit of ideas through which all of the nomenclatura's chatter flowed, but he was basically just an advisor, an interdepartmental one.

That is both more and less than what you describe.He was basically a form of broad-knowledge analyst, but Holmes said he didn't have much in the way of ambition or the desire to put overly-hard work.
And from what little I recall, he was not much of a shmoozer.

Maybe and advisor to M or even Q, but not M himself.Especially not in those years when patronage and proper connections were even more powerful.

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