The Dark Souls of 10th Anniversaries


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
Today is apparently the 10th Anniversary of the Dark Souls franchise.

Though Demon Souls is considered part of the family and was released in 2009, it was in 2011 when players first awoke in the Undead Asylum to Oscar, Knight of A store, helpfully freeing you by dumping a corpse in your cell.

While clearly the idea of a prisoner escape was stolen from the Elder Scrolls franchise, Dark Souls Dark, minimalist and yet rich storytelling and world building combined with challenging action-RPG gameplay helped launch a very popular franchise and dedicated fandom.

Any of you played the Dark Souls family games? Or just indulge in the one thousand lore videos... Or millions of memes?
Any of you played the Dark Souls family games? Or just indulge in the one thousand lore videos... Or millions of memes?

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