Alternate History Tales From Crusader Kings 2: The Rise of the Albian Empire

My name is Sebdann, I was born in Erie (Ireland) in 757 of the year of our Lord Jesus, and my line is the last direct descendent of The Celtic Queen Boudica and Alexander the Great when I was 12 years when both my father and my older brother died of rabies., and with my father's council looking to destroy me, the servants loyal to my father kept me in hiding to the day would come where I would claim the seat of power that belonged to my father. For the next 4 years I would receive an education in war and philosophy (Education was in war and I had the scholar focus) My teachers called me a prodigy (I received the brilliant strategist trait) and they told me that they believed God had destined me for greatness. It was also during my education that I began to question the catholic faith and wondered why so many of my people would die of disease and famine if our ways were just and favored. Unsatisfied in the solaces of the cardinals and bishops I instead sought to return to the old traditions, when I discussed them with chaplain he became convinced and soon my whole realm followed suit (My county converted to Lollardy. in the months leading up to my 16th birthday, I received visions of a realm that stretched from sea to sea. I believed it to be a sign that was to do what no one else thought was possible. I was to unite our tribes and free us from the Roman heretics.
I would spend what gold my father had to pay for mercenaries and for the next two years I would wage holy war against the different tribes, and one by one they fell before me and bowed (I basically used my combined mercenary arimies to blitz the different counties,) by the age of 18 I was crowned Sebdann Queen of Erie. Even with all of Erie united under crown and faith (My chaplain converted all of Erie to Lollard overtime) my thirst for conquest was not sated. I sought not only to unite my island but all the islands under one united banner. So my holy crusade would continue, the Welsh, the picish (scottish) the Anglo-Saxons, even islands of the north (Iceland) all would fall and all would bow. By the age of 21 I had given birth to 2 daughters and I had discovered something about my line. On my mothers side, I was a direct descendent of the Celtic Warrior Queen Boudica and it was through this claim of lineage that God through me would unite our people under the Banner of the Alba Empire Men and women would work together as cooperative equals (I established full status to women . (There is a mod that restores cut content from the game where as a female ruler of Celtic culture if you claim all of Ireland, Wales, England, and Scotland, you are reviled to be a decent of Boudica and are able to form a Celtic empire called Alba)

My exploits had left the authority of the roman church in shambles their authority all but a laughing stock (I'm not joking by the time I was done with all of my holy wars Catholicism's moral authority was at 0.00.) The Charlamnge line would be accursed with disease and misfortune (alot of cancer, consumption, and deaths under mysterious circumstances for some reason) and I would use this oppertunity to push even father waging a holy war for Britany and making friendship with the Saxons (Old Saxons) and nordic tribes By this point I was 28. Rumors began to abound that my father was actually a descendent of Alexander the Great (I have no idea how I got the Alexander the Great bloodline event despite already having a bloodline but whatever I just explain it as one bloodline is from the mom, the other is from the dad), and after sinking in an empire worth of resources I discovered that this was indeed true, and I had the blood of two great leaders flowing through my veins. I decided to use this to lay claim to France and once I conquored them, I waged holy war against Germany. By the time my wars were finished I was 52 years of age, most europe would turn thier back on roman catholicism to where it became known as little more than a heresy that resided strictly among Rome and the lombards, and even then thier influence hangs on by a thread.

(See for yourself)

the current year is 809, I'm 52 years old and my days of battle are far behind me. I have established a Lodge for warriors known as Champions of Chirst (A mod that allows Christians to form a warrior lodge) where devout belivers, and even kindred spirited pagans can join together in bravery and brotherhood, Whether I shall remain on this earth for 3 more years or 30 more years I shall spend them training the next generation of heroes. I give Alba in the hands of my 5 daughters and two sons, my Firstborn Daughter is my regent and will inherit the empire when I am brought back to God and each of her siblings will inherit thier own Kingdoms under her. I know not what the future will hold but I do know this. The future belongs to the Albian people.

Map as of current save point

so yeah, that's where I'm at in my Albian CK2 playthrough. just curious how do you think this would change the history of Europe? Since it doesn't allow it in game I'm going to assume that overtime the various cultures become a super culture of the various Celtic, West germanic, central Germanic, and North Germanic cultures unless something crazy happens (Which I mean hey this is CK2 we're talking about) I can tell you that by the time Sebdann invaded France, the Franks were essentially extinct and had gotten swallowed up by the germans, so yeah, french culture is all but a distant memory.

And right now we're only in 809, the game doesn't end till like 1420.
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Are you joking?
Uniting irish is impossible even without being heretics,but now you want them persecute for following Saint Patrick? even english heretics failed to destroy their Faith during 300 years,and you did it in 3 ?

But,let assume that satan grant you dark miracle and God did nothing.Talking both welsh and saxons maybe is possible, but later taking down Charlemagne Kingdom?
do not make us laugh.

And when you find mercs to unite Ireland for you? there was almost notching there for them.They fought for money,not charity,and they would find better employers in Continental Europe.
Are you joking?
Uniting irish is impossible even without being heretics,but now you want them persecute for following Saint Patrick? even english heretics failed to destroy their Faith during 300 years,and you did it in 3 ?

But,let assume that satan grant you dark miracle and God did nothing.Talking both welsh and saxons maybe is possible, but later taking down Charlemagne Kingdom?
do not make us laugh.

And when you find mercs to unite Ireland for you? there was almost notching there for them.They fought for money,not charity,and they would find better employers in Continental Europe.

First of all, I don't know if anyone told you this, but your typing English has improved drastically over the last couple of years. Nice man. ^_^

As far as the scenario. It's one of those things were game mechanics is far too simplistic than it should be. The game tends to treat make all Catholic kingdoms act itallian/French despite that everyone had their own little subsect of Christianity, like if the game wanted to be more historically accurate most pagan artifacts and Great Wonders would be cjulturally tied and not religiously tied. A good example of that would actually be the North Germanics. Even after converting to catholisicm the age of the vikings did not actually end till the death of Harald Hardrada, had he not died, chances are they might have continued on for a while. Yet in the CK2 game, he isn't even allowed to raid despite know a VIKING.

Considering that Lollard in this game is essentially a catch all term for any form of Christianity that does not answer to a patriach, I'm going to guess that Saint Patrick's following won't go away.

As far as what happened to Charlemagne? DUDE SERIOUSLY I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED THIER. By the time I got the alexander bloodline the Charlemange line wasn't even in control of it, it was ruled by some king from burgundy who's forces were seriously pathetic next to mine. All I had to do was group my levies together, give them a competent commander and it was a slaughter. Germany was rulled by a possessed hunchback and while he was a pain in the butt to fight it was because everyone and thier granny joined a defensive back against me.
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First of all, I don't know if anyone told you this, but your typing English has improved drastically over the last couple of years. Nice man. ^_^

As far as the scenario. It's one of those things were game mechanics is far too simplistic than it should be. The game tends to treat make all Catholic kingdoms act itallian/French despite that everyone had their own little subsect of Christianity, like if the game wanted to be more historically accurate most pagan artifacts and Great Wonders would be cjulturally tied and not religiously tied. A good example of that would actually be the North Germanics. Even after converting to catholisicm the age of the vikings did not actually end till the death of Harald Hardrada, had he not died, chances are they might have continued on for a while. Yet in the CK2 game, he isn't even allowed to raid despite know a VIKING.

Considering that Lollard in this game is essentially a catch all term for any form of Christianity that does not answer to a patriach, I'm going to guess that Saint Patrick's following won't go away.

As far as what happened to Charlemagne? DUDE SERIOUSLY I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED THIER. By the time I got the alexander bloodline the Charlemange line wasn't even in control of it, it was ruled by some king from burgundy who's forces were seriously pathetic next to mine. All I had to do was group my levies together, give them a competent commander and it was a slaughter. Germany was rulled by a possessed hunchback and while he was a pain in the butt to fight it was because everyone and thier granny joined a defensive back against me.
So,you could do that,becouse Game was fucked.Well,it explain it.
P.S Saint Patrick answered to pope,althought later irish monks were more independent then any others till in 1175 english pope gave Ireland to England.
And you knew that - even then they remain catholics...till Vaticanum II come and fucked everytching.But it happened in entire wstern Europe,not only Ireland.

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