Ranking the Disney Princesses


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
Self explanatory title. Rank them... criteria is up to you, but try and make it clear if your basing them on some sort of actual criteria beyond the ones you think are the best character or favorite or whatever.

List of Princesses... graciously provided by the OP.

Snow White of 1937's Snow White. Raised by Dwarfs. While sometimes a sleeping beauty, she is NOT Sleeping Beauty. Assume she's not pedobait I guess.

Cinderella of the eponymous 1950 film, plus two sequels and a live action remake. Housework trained. Likes footwear.

Aurora. The actual Sleeping Beauty from the 1959 film. Has fairy Godmothers protecting her.

Ariel. Of the 1989 film The Little Mermaid. Fascination with the surface world. Can sing well underwater. Comes in two colors. Ariel and Ariel Black.
Belle of the 1991 film Beauty and the Beast. French. But speaks great English. Bookish and brave. Rural village upbringing.

Jasmine of Agrabah from the 1992 film Aladdin. Has a pet tiger that was a wedding gift. Compassionate and caring Monarch in training. Also sassy!

Pocahontas of the film of the same name. Noble and free spirited Princess of the Powhatan tribe. Supports strong borders but still open to colonization.

Mulan, the noble young woman who served in the Chinese Army instead of her elderly families Patriarch and proceeded to bury hundreds of invading Huns alive with rocket artillery. No live action film made yet.

Tiana from the 2009 movie Princess and the Frog. Never saw this movie, it takes place in Louisiana. Works in the food service industry which is legit.

Rapunzel of the film Tangled. If you like long hair (with healing powers) there's a Princess for you. Also if you like giantesses, depending on how you cut it... you filthy degenerate.

Merida of DUN BROCH... and the film Brave. Skilled with bow and horse riding which means she's better at real life Mount & Blade then you are.

Moana of the 2016 film of the same name. Has a Demigod as a pal and likes sunshine, beaches, and sailing. Also pursues an expansionist exploration and colonization foreign policy as is their DIVINE MANDATE.

Raya of Raya and the Last Dragon. Despite being the targeted minority of this film, ehhhh.... she's a legit warrior though. Just FYI, if they make a sequel she'll be a lesbian so you might have to fix her.

Elsa of Frozen. The Queen of Arendelle whose ice powers will crush the soft Kingdoms of the South. Also an introvert.

Anna, Princess of Arendelle and Elsa's young sister. Packs a mean right hook. Enjoys the social gatherings and high adventure.

Esmerelda of the 1996 film Hunchback of Notre Dame. She might be a dusky skinned Gypsy living in very pre-revolutionary France but that just means you might have a chance with her, bad posture or not!

Megara of the 1997 film Hercules. Sassy, snarky and sarcastic, she was the victim of Hellenophobia due to not being considered a Disney Princess, no doubt due to her ancient Greek background. Sad.

Nala from The Lion King. Every Alpha Male needs a Queen. Experienced hunter and wants to be mother to a big ol' pride of kittens. 100% African in ancestry.

Okay that's like eighteen Princesses. That should be plenty for now. Pixar and Pirates of the Caribbean can wait. :p
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People asking who this or that fair maiden is missing and no one has done any actual ranking or discussion yet... 😭

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