Election 2020 More than 70 Republican former national security officials come out in support of Biden

Yep. Wherein the republicans here want the US to have its hand up the ass of every corner in the world. Forever.
At best I'd keep the UK and co Japan Korea and probably Poland. Everyone else should be on thier own barring over here. As we should aggressively control the New World but we did that. Even during splendid isolationism so I wouldn't count it as conquest.

Anyway yeah these guys are likley all ousted neo-cons. Who are butthurt normal folks to control of "thier" party. I also am surprised by Romney not being on board though.
To be really honest the way the empire has been run in the past few decades has been absolutely awful.

The people that are so set on “We must preserve Pax Americana” have been absolutely shit about doing that for the past twenty years. Or thirty really.
There's no enemy left that's even approaching our level. The Russians collapsed the EU is a completly toothless joke. While China's rising but still quite a but behind this no unifying force. In addition our stupid idealism culturally has led us to try and settle wars. By creating democracies in nation's that are centuries away from being that devolped. Putting some dictator in power doesn't look nice but it actually works. We can't force freedom onto folks they have to make thier own way.
There's no enemy left that's even approaching our level. The Russians collapsed the EU is a completly toothless joke. While China's rising but still quite a but behind this no unifying force. In addition our stupid idealism culturally has led us to try and settle wars. By creating democracies in nation's that are centuries away from being that devolped. Putting some dictator in power doesn't look nice but it actually works. We can't force freedom onto folks they have to make thier own way.
The US has been unable to stop Russian remilitarization and the Chinese build up. Iran nearly has the Shia crescent completed. Both Russia and China have made in roads in Latin America.

The EU is basically Germany telling Mediterranean countries whose in charge without the german army.

The Chinese are in Africa.

How is the empire dealing with all of this? By continuing to lose in Afghanistan? By keeping troops in a glorified hotel in Iraq? What exactly has it done to ensure american hegemony?

Not to mention the domestic consequences. Because God forbid the peasants don’t matter do they?
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The business community is clear enough, but the position of the national security crowd is a bit odd. All of the nations that they consider enemies rely on the current global system, if the US kicks the system over, then all of our rivals collapse. No global trade means China can’t feed itself, or power itself. Iran becomes the new playground for the Saudis, Russia is already in terminal demographic collapse, as is the EU etc. what point is there in playing chess, when you can simply win by destroying the game.

Three major reasons.

1) Mentality. Remember that the people leading these fields are in their 40s, 50s, and maybe 60s. They grew up nurturing and advancing the cause of the global order as we know it today. They sent troops to die for this. They cannot therefore, easily give it up. Because they dedicated so much of their life, so many actions (good and bad) for this cause.

2) Alliances. Part of the US's projection capability comes from its various bases within NATO members and other allies. The US NEEDS Turkey, Spain, Germany, Poland, France, and others to be able to effectively forward-position our troops and assets abroad. Otherwise we have to rely almost entirely upon Super Carrier fleets. And although those are powerful, they are limited in what they can do. And all those countries rely upon the World Order. Without it, the vast majority of them cease to function. South Korea for example, needs a favorable trade deal to remain a strong economic power. Germany cannot survive as it is without the captured markets of the EU. And they all need energy. Germany is heavily reliant upon Russian gas. Turkey has become an energy hub for both Russian energy and Middle Eastern energy.

3) Predictions are not assurances. Iran is unlikely to be able to defeat a Saudi Arabian/Israeli/Jordan alliance. That doesn't mean they won't or they can't. Russia is contained by the threat of NATO, but that doesn't mean that NATO can or will respond. Turkey bought their S400 system. Even over threats of being kicked out of the F-35 program. China is horribly overstretched economically, but that might be solved by mass imperial expansion into nearby countries like Vietnam. China may suffer deep, long lasting damage, but the momentum of a nation is so great, that even really bad ideas can go decades without the system utterly failing. Germany may re-militarize and seize control of half of the Europe.

What exists now is a horribly inept, but is nevertheless contained in a semi-stable environment. And that feeds the idea that the system can both be fixed and maintained. Releasing the floodgates to drown out the system means you will immediately force the world to re-arm and create several power vacuums and ignite at least three major wars within the coming decades.

They just don't view Trump as stupid or incompetent or immoral; they see that he's a psychotic maniac who would rather let the world burn to bump up his ratings. The problem that they face however, is that America views itself separate from the world. And right now the system that we have built confines our own power for no apparent benefit (no economics, no security, no energy). So Americans are increasingly intent on breaking the very system they nurtured.

None of these Republicans really like Biden or his policies. But in relative terms, they think Biden is the only sane choice between the two.
Three major reasons.

1) Mentality. Remember that the people leading these fields are in their 40s, 50s, and maybe 60s. They grew up nurturing and advancing the cause of the global order as we know it today. They sent troops to die for this. They cannot therefore, easily give it up. Because they dedicated so much of their life, so many actions (good and bad) for this cause.

2) Alliances. Part of the US's projection capability comes from its various bases within NATO members and other allies. The US NEEDS Turkey, Spain, Germany, Poland, France, and others to be able to effectively forward-position our troops and assets abroad. Otherwise we have to rely almost entirely upon Super Carrier fleets. And although those are powerful, they are limited in what they can do. And all those countries rely upon the World Order. Without it, the vast majority of them cease to function. South Korea for example, needs a favorable trade deal to remain a strong economic power. Germany cannot survive as it is without the captured markets of the EU. And they all need energy. Germany is heavily reliant upon Russian gas. Turkey has become an energy hub for both Russian energy and Middle Eastern energy.

3) Predictions are not assurances. Iran is unlikely to be able to defeat a Saudi Arabian/Israeli/Jordan alliance. That doesn't mean they won't or they can't. Russia is contained by the threat of NATO, but that doesn't mean that NATO can or will respond. Turkey bought their S400 system. Even over threats of being kicked out of the F-35 program. China is horribly overstretched economically, but that might be solved by mass imperial expansion into nearby countries like Vietnam. China may suffer deep, long lasting damage, but the momentum of a nation is so great, that even really bad ideas can go decades without the system utterly failing. Germany may re-militarize and seize control of half of the Europe.

What exists now is a horribly inept, but is nevertheless contained in a semi-stable environment. And that feeds the idea that the system can both be fixed and maintained. Releasing the floodgates to drown out the system means you will immediately force the world to re-arm and create several power vacuums and ignite at least three major wars within the coming decades.

They just don't view Trump as stupid or incompetent or immoral; they see that he's a psychotic maniac who would rather let the world burn to bump up his ratings. The problem that they face however, is that America views itself separate from the world. And right now the system that we have built confines our own power for no apparent benefit (no economics, no security, no energy). So Americans are increasingly intent on breaking the very system they nurtured.

None of these Republicans really like Biden or his policies. But in relative terms, they think Biden is the only sane choice between the two.
In short, they're dinosaurs trying to cling to how the world used to be.
If the system is so fragile, then they need to present a damn good case to the American public as to why it must be maintained and also make sure the American public gets something concrete out of it.

I‘ll be waiting for when they do.

It's not that it's fragile, but rather about a measure of power and interdependence.

The World Order was created as a military alliance to contain the Russians. The larger the alliance though, the more conflicts of interest. The more conflicts of interest, the weaker the alliance. And we needed a large alliance to contain Russia, because Russia had become so big that it could reach across the World-Island. And it only needed to succeed in one region with a warm water port to effectively become a super power that could project a navy as great as the US.

So what the US did was focus control on the rim; to prevent a warm water port. To ensure that the US's allies all stayed on the same side, the US essentially opened its markets and allowed the EU to export their way back to affluence. That alliance expanded to effectively cover the planet. That in turn allowed us to lock down Russia. With Russia locked down and constantly overspending on their military (not to mention destroying their own economy through communism), the Russian state eventually collapsed in upon itself.

The one major flaw (or rather, cost) that the US encountered with the system was that it could not avoid combat. If a region rebelled against the order, then the US had to step in and kick it back into place. Otherwise its word would mean nothing and the alliance would disintegrate overnight. To assure everyone that the US would protect their economic interest, the US could never deny battle. That means meeting Chinese challenges in Asia. It meant invading the Middle East to keep power flows into all major nations.

Now atop of these military costs in both blood and money, the US had also allowed its own companies to enter 3rd world countries, because American labor is more expensive compared to most of the rest of the world. Politicians promised that new jobs would come along. Americans would need a higher education for these jobs. To do this, they turned to colleges, who were happy to remold the American youth into their image of proper citizens and provide them with the means of competing in the new market.

Except most people don't want to spend thousands to tens of thousands on classes they don't like. And as a rule, humans take the past of least resistance. Especially youths. Most especially youths who want sex and parties and don't want to study too hard. Without parent oversight. And so lots and lots of people got useless degrees at useless universities inbetween their parties and social clubs. And therefore, you have an entire generation of Americans who were highly educated, but have no marketable skills outside of taking your order and spitting in your food.

And all of these Millennials grew up with Liberals and Communists telling them how bad the wars in the Middle East were. Interestingly, few of these Millennials learned WHY they were bad from the Liberal viewpoint. The natural conclusion that most of us reached was that the US should not be policing the world. And that works with US culture; we rebelled against an empire. It is the anti-thesis of American culture to then produce an empire and yet an empire we effectively have. As a population, the US has already decided that it does not want an empire and that this must end. What we disagree upon is the method and rationale for that. SJWs think it's about white supremacy, the left think we're imperialists and shouldn't be that, the right thinks that globalists within the US have been paid off to sell away our wealth and power, and the white nationalists think it's a Jew conspiracy.

This is all in opposition to what the establishment wants. And so the US is in a massive three-way fight between the right's view of isolationism, the left's view of isolationism, and the globalists who are trying to grift off both movements while retaining the reigns of power. This internal instability in the fundamental attitude of the world order, which is entirely dependent upon American commitment, has put the global order in doubt.

To make matters worse, powers like Russia and China imagine that they ultimately benefit from the fall of the US's world order. Russia imagines that without it, the European nations will look after themselves and be unwilling to commit to the protection of Eastern Europe. Iran imagines that it will bring back the Persian Empire. The Chinese dream of being the new world Super Power and supplanting the US. The EU at one point thought itself the European equivalent to the United States.

And so each of these powers have done what they can to chip away at American power.

The Europeans sought to supplant our dollar with the Euro, therefore transferring some of our means of global control over to them. Or at least produce a competing system. Even though that failed horribly thanks impart to internal EU dynamics, it was enough to insult Americans and make them think twice about the Europeans.

The Chinese stole our manufacturing base and took our money to produce a military juggernaut to rival our own, then began pushing for claims into the South China sea to break our hold on the First Island Chain. In essence; they took our money and then started using our own money to challenge the very military that allowed them to flourish. And they imagined that they could slowly boil the frog; strengthen themselves at our expense until they could supplant us. Only too late as China learned that they are simply not capable and only those within Xi's inner circle really understand this. Xi and his party, having spent decades as a rising power, have fostered an image of a great and powerful nation coming into its own and most, even within the party believe that China's place as the new super power is only a decade away. Americans are not only upset at what the Chinese have done, but we feel threatened by it.

The Russians have focused on making our engagement in the Middle East as painful and protracted as possible, both to wear down our tolerance for the region, but to also distract us from other moves, such as in Ukraine. So too, have they helped to drive wedges between the US and the EU and between EU states. In turn, half of the US views the Russians as a deadly foe, while the other half simply does not view them as a threat to America, but rather a local problem for the locals to deal with.

Finally, Iran has used its terrorist networks to combat both the US and the Saudis. Exhausting US tolerance with constant terrorist attacks and the spawning of ISIS itself (correction, it was the Saudis who funded ISIS). Without the US interest in the region though, it may just leave and not come back--or it may just leave and blow Iranian crude production to hell, effectively bankrupting the Iranians.

It has taken I would say, a good 20 years for this whole system to break down. It was dying from a thousand cuts before Trump got into office. What Trump is doing now is simply putting this thing out of our misery. For these technocrats and intelligence agents, this is the US giving in to the oversea moves of rival powers. From an internal US perspective, it is the US disengaging from a globalist system that neither likes nor appreciates them. And is unnecessary and actively hurtful for the US.
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It's not that it's fragile, but rather about a measure of power and interdependence.

The World Order was created as a military alliance to contain the Russians. The larger the alliance though, the more conflicts of interest. The more conflicts of interest, the weaker the alliance. And we needed a large alliance to contain Russia, because Russia had become so big that it could reach across the World-Island. And it only needed to succeed in one region with a warm water port to effectively become a super power that could project a navy as great as the US.

So what the US did was focus control on the rim; to prevent a warm water port. To ensure that the US's allies all stayed on the same side, the US essentially opened its markets and allowed the EU to export their way back to affluence. That alliance expanded to effectively cover the planet. That in turn allowed us to lock down Russia. With Russia locked down and constantly overspending on their military (not to mention destroying their own economy through communism), the Russian state eventually collapsed in upon itself.

The one major flaw (or rather, cost) that the US encountered with the system was that it could not avoid combat. If a region rebelled against the order, then the US had to step in and kick it back into place. Otherwise its word would mean nothing and the alliance would disintegrate overnight. To assure everyone that the US would protect their economic interest, the US could never deny battle. That means meeting Chinese challenges in Asia. It meant invading the Middle East to keep power flows into all major nations.

Now atop of these military costs in both blood and money, the US had also allowed its own companies to enter 3rd world countries, because American labor is more expensive compared to most of the rest of the world. Politicians promised that new jobs would come along. Americans would need a higher education for these jobs. To do this, they turned to colleges, who were happy to remold the American youth into their image of proper citizens and provide them with the means of competing in the new market.

Except most people don't want to spend thousands to tens of thousands on classes they don't like. And as a rule, humans take the past of least resistance. Especially youths. Most especially youths who want sex and parties and don't want to study too hard. Without parent oversight. And so lots and lots of people got useless degrees at useless universities inbetween their parties and social clubs. And therefore, you have an entire generation of Americans who were highly educated, but have no marketable skills outside of taking your order and spitting in your food.

And all of these Millennials grew up with Liberals and Communists telling them how bad the wars in the Middle East were. Interestingly, few of these Millennials learned WHY they were bad from the Liberal viewpoint. The natural conclusion that most of us reached was that the US should not be policing the world. And that works with US culture; we rebelled against an empire. It is the anti-thesis of American culture to then produce an empire and yet an empire we effectively have. As a population, the US has already decided that it does not want an empire and that this must end. What we disagree upon is the method and rationale for that. SJWs think it's about white supremacy, the left think we're imperialists and shouldn't be that, the right thinks that globalists within the US have been paid off to sell away our wealth and power, and the white nationalists think it's a Jew conspiracy.

This is all in opposition to what the establishment wants. And so the US is in a massive three-way fight between the right's view of isolationism, the left's view of isolationism, and the globalists who are trying to grift off both movements while retaining the reigns of power. This internal instability in the fundamental attitude of the world order, which is entirely dependent upon American commitment, has put the global order in doubt.

To make matters worse, powers like Russia and China imagine that they ultimately benefit from the fall of the US's world order. Russia imagines that without it, the European nations will look after themselves and be unwilling to commit to the protection of Eastern Europe. Iran imagines that it will bring back the Persian Empire. The Chinese dream of being the new world Super Power and supplanting the US. The EU at one point thought itself the European equivalent to the United States.

And so each of these powers have done what they can to chip away at American power.

The Europeans sought to supplant our dollar with the Euro, therefore transferring some of our means of global control over to them. Or at least produce a competing system. Even though that failed horribly thanks impart to internal EU dynamics, it was enough to insult Americans and make them think twice about the Europeans.

The Chinese stole our manufacturing base and took our money to produce a military juggernaut to rival our own, then began pushing for claims into the South China sea to break our hold on the First Island Chain. In essence; they took our money and then started using our own money to challenge the very military that allowed them to flourish. And they imagined that they could slowly boil the frog; strengthen themselves at our expense until they could supplant us. Only too late as China learned that they are simply not capable and only those within Xi's inner circle really understand this. Xi and his party, having spent decades as a rising power, have fostered an image of a great and powerful nation coming into its own and most, even within the party believe that China's place as the new super power is only a decade away. Americans are not only upset at what the Chinese have done, but we feel threatened by it.

The Russians have focused on making our engagement in the Middle East as painful and protracted as possible, both to wear down our tolerance for the region, but to also distract us from other moves, such as in Ukraine. So too, have they helped to drive wedges between the US and the EU and between EU states. In turn, half of the US views the Russians as a deadly foe, while the other half simply does not view them as a threat to America, but rather a local problem for the locals to deal with.

Finally, Iran has used its terrorist networks to combat both the US and the Saudis. Exhausting US tolerance with constant terrorist attacks and the spawning of ISIS itself (correction, it was the Saudis who funded ISIS). Without the US interest in the region though, it may just leave and not come back--or it may just leave and blow Iranian crude production to hell, effectively bankrupting the Iranians.

It has taken I would say, a good 20 years for this whole system to break down. It was dying from a thousand cuts before Trump got into office. What Trump is doing now is simply putting this thing out of our misery. For these technocrats and intelligence agents, this is the US giving in to the oversea moves of rival powers. From an internal US perspective, it is the US disengaging from a globalist system that neither likes nor appreciates them. And is unnecessary and actively hurtful for the US.
I think it should end or at least change because from Bush and then to Obama I keep seeing lots of money and lives being spent at their home and abroad.

The targets have changed and the US must work smarter not harder with what they have.

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