Technology Dystopian AI Used by Major Corporations In Hiring Process


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
Major companies like Olive Garden and FedEx, who continually whine about lacking low level staffing but also take weeks to fill in spots for positions they outsource firing to have decided to add a weird AI based personality quiz to their application and interview progress. The AI chatbot, named Olivia, is the creation of a company called and through a series of questions will reportedly help discern the personality traits of potential employees and screen out those ones that won't be good workers or fits for their "team" or whatever. says "but achshually" they are sympathetic with job seekers and think that this personality AI screening thingamajig will actually help with the job market process by removing friction and obstacles hampering employers from finding employees. The blue people of are apparently also used in some capacity by other large corporations including McDonald's Wendys, 3M and CVS Health.

Wait Paradox as in the company that created games like Hearts of Iron and Crusader Kings? If that is the case then no one has anything to worry about because their AI is dumb as fuck.
The AI is most likely a scam that measures noise, but if it isn't it is certainly violating medical privacy laws and the ADA if nothing else.

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