Dunmeri Relgion


Writers Blocked Douchebag
You know, now that I think about it Europe should be thanking the Turks, their shenanigans at this hour are doing more to sour people's view of blanket allowing "refugees" in then anything the even the most anti immigrant of parties could come up with. Because nothing quite puts a dent in people's willingness to let them in then the risk of said immigrants killing them with wu flu.

In a way, stuff like this is the way of Dunmeri Religion

Some of the Daedric Princes are there to teach people how to survive and prosper by realizing how hard and dangerous life is or how much they can be betrayed and how much violence is needed, but also be tempered

Extreme Voluntary Weakness or being an Extreme Doormat without protection is a sin, don’t confuse yourself with Gandhi or Martin Luther King, they had societies behind them that were way kinder than first thought and wishing peace themselves
Can you specify what posts you less want about China? I put a lot of China related posts about the virus or you just want less replies in general and more source posting?

I guess that likening Europeans and Greeks mentioned above being taught pragmatism in the face of hordes of possible covid victims and likening it to Dunmeri Religion was sorta off topic admittedly

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