Alternate History Axis Dreamworld


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First, in case posting it on this forum wasn’t clear enough, this is COMPLETELY ASB. This is in no way intended to reflect how World War 2 could actually have occurred, or the post war world developed.

This is the Axis Dream World. It is a world where, impossibly, World War 2 goes exactly the way the Axis leadership planned for it to go from day one. All the Axis Powers get exactly what they expected to get out of the war and post-war settlement, no more and no less.

Please note that I do not condone the policies of these states, and I do not believe this world could result in a realistic scenario.

Also, this is the result of compiling the pre and post war planning of all the axis powers (or as much of it as I could find). There was obviously some overlap in these plans. My guidelines for this project were the following.

1. Greatest diversification rules (which means, if an axis state considered vassalizing or annexing a region, I went with vassalizing).

2. Anything referenced is effected (which means, even if a nation is addressed only vaguely, in one place, that vague suggestion will occur in this timeline)

3. In a conflict between plans of Axis signatories, the senior partner has priority (clear enough, though I would like to mention that I have tried, within reason, to compensate junior axis partners for territory they lost to senior axis partners, when I felt there was no conflict of interest).

4. Disputes between Germany and Japan are settled by the decision to divide the two spheres of influence along 70 degrees East Longitude. On the east side of the line, Japan gets priority. On the west side, Germany gets priority.

Without further ado, here is the timeline of the Axis Dreamworld

Axis Dream World part 1: The Course of World War 2

World War 2 begins diverging from ours in 1938. Immediately following the German invasion of Czechoslovakia, Britain, France, and the USSR declare war on Germany. Before the year is out, German (and Italian in France) forces have overrun the lowlands, France, and Poland. This commences the first stage of the war, the war in Europe.

Because the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact never exists, the Japanese go with their original plan to leave the US out of the war and satisfy their need for oil by invading Eastern Russia. This forces the USSR into a two-front war.

The first phase of the war lasts until mid-1940. For Japan, this is the Sino-Russian phase. While holding their own against attempts by the British in the India Ocean to invade and liberate South-East Asia, the Japanese concentrated on their war effort in Russia and China. All American territories, including the Philippines, were left alone, and the US maintained a policy of isolationism.

For the Germans, this phase began with a two front struggle of their own, against Britain and Russia. The German-Romanian campaign was far more effective against the Russians than in our world, however, and Finland joined as a full member of the Axis treaty in 1939. The Luftwaffe ruthlessly pummeled the Russian Air Force, while the land forces achieved the AA Line.

Italy began this period by annexing the Dodecanese and Ionian islands, with the island of Chios. They then proceeded to invade and conquer Yugoslavia and Greece, with support from their allies in Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary.

The British Expeditionary Force suffered heavy casualties, and the RAF was grounded by the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain (which began earlier here). With air superiority, the Germans switched to terror bombing, while preparing for invasion if necessary.

In the end, their efforts were rewarded, a massive pro-fascist uprising broken out in the British Isles, coinciding with an Irish rebellion led by Seán Russell. In the midst of this civil war, the Germans arrived, and threw their military support behind the British Fascists.

At this stage, Spain decided to commit their forces on behalf of the Axis, and joined the alliance. They captured Gibraltar which, along with the Italian capture of Malta and Rhodes, virtually eliminated British control of the Mediterranean. They also committed troops to assisting the Italians in their struggle to control North Africa. Unfortunately, this also brought Portugal into the war on the side of Britain. Spain soon required German support to wage war in Iberia. The Iberian front briefly renewed the hopes of the battered British people

The home guard, and later the British Underground, fought tooth and nail for their King and country. Their legendary struggle is eclipsed in this war only by the herculean efforts of the Russian Resistance, who fought on long after Stalin was dead and the central government of the USSR collapsed. Churchill, King George VI, the royal family and the pro-war government were able to evacuate to Canada and set up a government in exile thanks to the strength of the British fleet. Ernst Wilhelm Bohle was appointed Reichskommissar für Großbritannien, and put in charge of the occupation forces. He appointed Sir Oswald Mosley Prime Minster, with King Edward VIII restored to the throne.

With the fighting in Britain and Russia reduced to maintaining occupation forces, the Germans launched a new wave of offensives in early 1940 to complete the integration of all German peoples in Europe into the Reich. Operation Weserübung, with the support of Finland, annexes Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, including Iceland and Greenland. It is much more bloodless then in our world, thanks to large pro-German fascist uprisings in the Scandinavian countries. Operation Tannenbaum, the German-Italian invasion of Switzerland, is also a complete success, and the Germans are finally able to provide the Spanish with sufficient support to turn the tide in Iberia and annex Portugal. Mid-1940 also sees the Italians finally crush the British resistance in North Africa, and the Japanese cement their control over China and East Russia.

The second phase of the war, the Colonial Struggle, lasted until the end of 1941. Although Europe and mainland Asia were under Axis control, most of the colonies of the European powers remained loyal to the governments in exile. With China under their control, and their fuel needs satisfied by the conquest of Asian Russia, the Japanese turned their attention to the invasions of Australia and India, and establishing their dominance over the British Indian Fleet.

Meanwhile, the Germans, Italians, Spanish, and Vichy French moved against the British, Free French, Portuguese, and Belgian territories in the Middle East and Africa. In Central Asia, they also had to deal with a few elements of the Russian Resistance, although it was weak outside of European Russia and Siberia.

In the Middle East, they had considerable support, as they moved in from the Mediterranean and occupied Russia. Turkey and Saudi Arabia joined as full Axis members, as did Iran and Afghanistan after they revolted against their former pro-allied governments with German support. The Arabs in the Levant and Iraq also rose in revolt, and were recognized by Hitler as a German ally. This was greatly to the consternation of the Italians, since the German recognition of the Arabs would prevent Italy from annexing them into their Spazio Vitale.The German-Italian-Turkish capture of Suez finally ended the British ability to deploy troops in the Mediterranean.

At the same time, in Africa, Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Corps led the way during the push south. The Germans shouldered most of the effort in Central and South Africa, since they had the largest territorial objectives there. The Italians and their Mediterranean Allies concentrated their activities in North Africa, were they eventually drove out the British all on their own.

Finally, in late 1941, the war wound down to its final conclusion. The Japanese forces had occupied Sir Lanka, and were pushing their way up through South India. German and Afghani forces meanwhile were pressuring the British from the northwest. In the north, the Indian nationalists had united in full-scale revolt under Subhas Chandra Bose. While India fell, the Japanese launched the final invasion that began the long-term occupation of Australia. In Africa, only the British territories were still holding out against the Axis armed forces. The war in Africa finally ended with a pro-fascist coup that collapsed the South African defenses from within. The rapid conquest had spared the Germans the horrors of the trenches, as well as the need for rationing.

German and Japanese forces met up in Northwestern India, and newsreels tell a tale of great jubilation. The global paradigm had been shifted. The Axis powers had achieved their Dream. Adolf Hitler and Hideki Tojo met for the first time at the Conference of Islamabad, where they began the process of hammering out their spheres of influence, and deciding what the new post-war world order would look like.

Coming next. . . The post war territorial divisions
Axis Dream World part 2a: The Post World Settlement, the Italian allies

In Europe, Franco’s Spain annexed Portugal after the war, as well as Gibraltar, Roussillon, Cerdagne and Andorra.

Despite their co-operation during the war, Vichy France suffered terribly in the post-war settlement. Hitler was determined to punish the French in defeat, just as Germany was punished after World War 1. A pro-German puppet state was created in Brittany, and the portion south of the Swiss border was given to Italy.

Overall, 40% of the French adult population died in the war, either fighting, or executed as undesirables. France was left a broken nation, unable to threaten Germany, but nursing bitter hatred.

The Balkan states fell within Italy’s sphere of influence, and all became strong allies or vassal nations, mostly for economic reasons, to give Italy valuable trade partners. Italy confirmed the Hellenic State as the new government of Greece, and provided them with support in rebuilding their economy after the war.

With Italian support, Bulgaria annexed its former territories of Macedonia and Thrace, and regained access to the Aegean Sea. Its Greek territory was enlarged to the borders proposed by the Treaty of San Stafano. Romania was pressured to cede Southern Dobrudja to Bulgaria as well. It would become a major trading partner with Italy due to its rapeseed and soya production, wine production, and chrome deposits.

The Italians also support Mikos Horthy in regaining for Hungary most of the territory lost in the Trianon Treaty, except for those regions to the far north and in Austria, which had been claimed by Germany. Hungary was a valuable trading partner for its river harbors, tourism, large-scale production of agricultural machinery, electrical goods, pharmaceuticals, and timber.

As a substitute for Northern Transylvania and Southern Dobrudja, Romania was given control of the Transnistria territory between the Dniester and the Southern Bug, as well as Odessa.

In the breakup of Yugoslavia, a new, small Serbian state was created in the center of the Balkans under Prime Minister Milan Nedić. It was valuable for its mineral wealth, and in particular its copper deposits in Bor. The rest of Yugoslavia was annexed directly into the Kingdom of Italy because of its timber reserves, cattle herds, and its rich deposits of carbon, lignite, iron, copper, chrome, manganese, pyrites, antimony, and mercury.

Italy also annexed Malta, Corsica, the Dodecanese and Ionian islands, along with the islands of Chios and Rhodes. Monaco and San Marino remained as independent nations, in vassalage to Italy.

In North and East Africa, the Italian colonies were expanded to include almost all of Algeria, half of Chad, Niger, and Kenya, and all of Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. Mussolini began a process of extensive colonization of this region by Italians, to curb population growth and unemployment. The population would reach 500,000 by 1960. Libya's best land was allocated to the settlers to be brought under productive cultivation, primarily in olive groves. Settlement was directed by a state corporation (the African Colonization Society) which undertook land reclamation and the building of model villages and offered a grubstake and credit facilities to the settlers it had sponsored.

The Spanish colonies in Africa were also expanded, with Morocco merged into the Spanish Sahara and the Spanish annexing the Oran district of Algeria. Spanish Guinea was also expanded northward to include a large part of the French Congo.

Italy formally united the nations within the Greater Spazio Vitale as the Latin Bloc. This alliance was dominated by the Latin nations of Italy, Spain, and France, with Italy and Spain being the strongest initially. In time, their power would grow, until they rivaled Germany and became a true Third Power in the Cold War.
Axis Dream World part 2b: The Post War Settlement, the German allies

The Conference of Islamabad decided to divide the Japanese sphere of dominance from the German-Italian sphere along the 70th Meridian East. In their respective areas of dominance, each superpower would be able to operate without interference in their national agendas by the other superpowers. The line was extended through the Indian Ocean, and no ships of war would be allowed to cross it without the consent of all involved governments. This line was bent lightly in the north, because the Germans insisted on having sovereignty over the Central Asian territories of the USSR, and Japan had to be compensated with a larger share of Siberia. In the end though, everyone was relatively satisfied with the arrangement, although the Germans regretted the loss of so many European colonies, and Hitler predicted privately that, after they had a hundred years to establish their new reigns, war with Japan would be inevitable.

The Kingdom of Afghanistan, under the restored Amānullāh Khān, was awarded all the Indian territory on the German side of the border, all the way to the Indian Ocean. The 15 million ethnic Afghans in former British India were very pleased by this development. The Germans helped the Afghans secure their northern and eastern borders, taking the opportunity to establish strong defenses against incursions from the Republic of India. Afghanistan would be an important ally in guarding the gates of the Middle East.

Turkey was to become Germany's strongest ally and defense partner in the Middle East. They were granted naval supremacy over the Aegean and Black Seas and proceeded to replace the Soviet Black Sea Fleet with a similarly strong Turkish fleet. The Turks also garrisoned the islands of the Aegean under their control, as a defense against any future Italian aggression. On land, they annexed the State of Aleppo, the Mosul Region, and the Baghdad Railway. Turkey was also allowed to establish three vassal nations as buffer states from the remains of the former Soviet Union, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under Ibn Saud, was given territorial concessions in south-west Arabia and Transjordan.

The remainder of the Levant and Iraq was allowed to merge into a strong, pan-Arab state, officially called the Greater Arab Union, under the rule of the Grand Mufti. The Italians were compensated for not being able to annex the Levant by being allowed to establish numerous fortified bases, all legally Italian soil, in the region for "defense purposes."

The remaining British territories and vassals, primarily in the Persian Gulf, remained under the control of the Edwardian government in London.

The now-fascist Commonwealth Union of South Africa was forced to cede former German South-West Africa to the Reich, but was compensated by being allowed to directly annex Swaziland, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, and the colony of Southern Rhodesia. It remains an Afrikaner dominated, apartheid state with strict racial segregation, as well as remaining in the British Commonwealth. It is the most powerful African state in this world, and Germany's closest ally in Africa.

The Vichy government of France was allowed to retain the portion of French North Africa south of the Spanish and Italian claims and west of the border of Mittelafrika (the eastern border of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Ivory Coast in our world).

The Edwardian British Empire retained control over the British colony of Sierra Leone, as well as former Portuguese Guinea.

In accordance with the Madagascar Plan, all the Jews in German controlled territory were deported to the prison colony (or rather, leper colony) of Madagascar. This harsh environment became their new homeland. This policy was carried out in the Middle East as well as in Europe, with the particular cooperation of the Greater Arab Union under its first leader, the Grand Mufti Mohammad Amin al-Husayni. In the face of this persecution, thousands of Jews fled to the Japanese sphere, where they were welcomed with open arms. The Japanese arranged for Manchukuo and the new Republic of China to set aside large tracks of land specifically for Jewish refugees, who they saw as an immense boon to the industry and infrastructure.

The rest of Africa was incorporated into the new German colonial empire as the territory of Mittelafrika. Unlike Italian Africa, this region was not slated for heavy colonization at all. Instead it was to serve primarily economic purposes, providing Germany with most natural resources that it would not be able to find in its continental possessions, as well as an additional nearly unlimited supply of labor. Racialist policies would nevertheless be strictly enforced on all inhabitants (meaning segregation and punishing of interracial relationships). Only the coastal areas became sights for large, German-dominated urbanity. Mittelafrika also included the Azores, Cape Verde and Madeira Islands, captured from Portugal, as well as the Canary Islands, which Germany purchased from Spain after the war.

French Switzerland, Picardy with Amiens, the Champagne district with Reims and Troyes, the Franche-Comté with Dijon, Chalons, and Nevers, Hainaut and Luxembourg (Belgium) was given independence as the Order-State of Burgundy, under the rule of Heinrich Himmler (a reward for his years of service as Reichsführer-SS). The French population of this region was deported, and replaced with an influx of 1,000,000 German peasants. Many towns were given new, German names. Léon Degrelle was chosen as the first Chancellor of Burgundy, serving under Reichsverweser Himmler. Nanzig was chosen as the capital. German was declared the national language, though bilingualism in French was common.

The Netherlands was allowed to retain independence as a vassal nation of Germany, called the Empire of Westland. It was re-divided into five Gaue (Friesland, Groningen, and Drenthe, capital: Groningen; Gelderland and Overijssel, capital: Arnhem; North Holland and Utrecht, capital: Amsterdam; South Holland and Zeeland, capital: The Hague; North Brabant and Limburg, capital: Eindhoven). The Dutch Frisians, however, were required to immigrate to Germany and join with the German Frisians. Rotterdam was rebuilt in the architectural style of Albert Speer to become the new national capital. Fritz Schmidt became the first chancellor of this new state. Under the new fascist regime, the national anthem and all symbols of the former Dutch government were completely changed, to erase all memory of the former state.

Britain suffered casualties as high as France during the war, and an additional 25% of their population (the racially impure) were taken away to be slaves. The occupation lasted until 1947. During the occupation, the Reichskommissar had his headquarters in Blenheim Palace. Occupied Britain was, in the wake of Operation Green and Operation Sea Lion, divided into six military-economic commands, with headquarters in London, Birmingham, Newcastle, Liverpool, Glasgow and Dublin. In 1947, the occupation was ended, with the eradication of the last resistance cells in Scotland. Although the SS did bring back all "great works of Germanic arts" for display in German museums. Although many in Germany wanted to see the United Kingdoms divided, Hitler was adamant That British Empire be kept as much intact as possible. They were to be one of the three principle military allies of Germany for the next 100 years of the Reich. However, he did support Seán Russell's plan to unite all of Ireland under the Republic of Ireland.

Finland was rewarded for its support in the war with the Norwegian port of Kirkenes, northern Sweden, the Karelian territory, and the Åland Islands.

The remainder of Sweden and Norway was annexed into the Greater Germanic Reich, as well as Belgium, Poland, Bohemia, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, the German-speaking regions of Switzerland, and all of European Russia as far as the Ural Mountains in the north and Astrakhan in the south. Iceland, Greenland, Spitsbergen, and the Faroe Isles were also annexed, and the Shetland Islands were leased from the Edwardian government for 100 years. The policies of the Austrian Anschluss were pursued, to eliminate any previous national identity of the annexed German states. German was declared the lingua franca, though all Germanic languages were still permitted throughout the empire to add diversity. In Belgium, the French population was deported to France, to make room for German settlers. IN all the western European nation, the racially inferior peoples (such as blacks and Slavs) were to be exterminated or enslaved). In the former Swiss portions, the seat of government for the new German territory was the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Berlin was reconstructed into the much grander city of Germania, according to the designs of Albert Speer. The self proclaimed World Capital had to be made worthy of housing the seat of the greatest of all German empires, including among other things, the Avenue of Splendours, the Volkshalle (adjoined to a third, even larger Chancellery, and the largest enclosed space in the world), two new large railway stations to replace the old Anhalter and Potsdamer stations, a 350,000 square meter grand plaza, and a 100 meter high Arch of Triumph commemorating the Germans who fought in the first world war. The Anhalter Bahnhof, was turned into a swimming pool. Berlin was far from the only city which was massively reconstructed in the Reich, similar programs occurred in Linz, Munich, Hamburg, and Nuremburg. Slightly smaller scale reconstruction occurred in 45 other cities, including Augsburg, Bayreuth, Bremen, Breslau, Cologne, Danzig, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Graz, Hanover, Heidelberg, Innsbruck, Königsberg, Memel, Münster, Oldenburg, Posen, Prague, Saarbrücken, Salzburg, Stettin, Waldbröl, Weimar, Wolfsburg, Wuppertal and Würzburg. Only in Linz did the remodeling rival the scale of Germania. It was to become, not only a major industrial center on the Danube and a hub for commerce and trade, but the cultural capital of the Reich, and the center of the European artistic world. It was designed to surpass the beauty of Vienna and Budapest. Its size was increased fourfold including new residence and grand hotels. A new headquarters of the Nazi Party was built, as well as the Hitler Center community building and a new city hall. A headquarters for the Wehrmacht was built, and an Olympic stadium for the 1952 World Olympics. A new observatory was constructed, honoring Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Hanns Horbiger. The new governor's house featured a hall and a tower, containing the crypt prepared for Hitler himself. A second tower housed the mausoleum where his parents were reinterred. A suspension bridge across the Danube was constructed, featuring a decorative frieze depicting the Nibelungen saga with monumental equestrian statues in pairs of Siegfried and Kriemhild and Gunther and Brünhild. The centerpiece of the artistic center was the Führermuseum, the largest and grandest art museum in Europe. The museum displaced the old train station, so a new larger one was constructed to replace it. Surrounding the museum were additional structures designed to increase the intellectual atmosphere of the new city, a technical university, an institute of metallurgy, a monumental theater, a concert hall, a library with over 250,000 volumes, an opera house as well as an operetta house, a cinema, all surrounded by huge boulevards and a parade ground. this reconstruction was completed by 1950. Wewelsburg Castle was also expanded into an immense fortified estate and complex, which became the headquarters for the much-expanded SS. The SS were the primary agent for enforcing the integration of Germany's new territories, and the implementation of the Fuhrer's policies, becoming the strongest arm of the government. The recreation of Wewelsburg was not finished to Himmler's specifications until 1961. Warsaw was leveled and replaced with a model town of 130,000, which acts as the government center for the former lands of Poland. Ont he former sight of Warsaw castle, the People's Party Hall has been constructed, a smaller version of the one in Germania. There is a slave labor camp of 80,000 Poles on the east bank of the Vistula who support the transplanted German inhabitants of the city. Vienna has been expanded to 3-times it's pre-war size, and is the largest city in the Reich by area.

In the new eastern territories of the Reich, the Germans embarked on a plan of mass genocide. All Slavic peoples in this region were to be exterminated, or forced into "reservations," and their supplies limited to near starvation. 60% of the Russian were to be eliminated, 50% of the Czechs, 50% of the Estonians, 50% of the Latvians, 85% of the Lithuanians, 65% of the Ukrainians, 75% of the Belarusians, 85% of the Poles, and all the Latgalians. 45 million slaves of various kinds were exiled to Siberia, in the Japanese sphere. The remaining Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanians and Polish peoples were spared and "Germanized" to fit into the Reich as citizens, because they were considered more racially pure. The remaining Slavs "lucky" enough to live on reservations were used as slaves, denied medical aid, forbidden higher education, and experimented on. Their population was controlled with marriage restrictions and sterilization. In addition, all non-Slavic peoples were to be deported from the German-annexed lands. All this was to free up land for occupation by German settlers from across the Reich, thus providing room for German population growth and improving the economy. Almost 1,000,000 colonists were to be moved in from across the empire. As part of the campaign to destroy the local nationalism of the conquered countries, their Germanic people were to be moved around and resettled in new areas. The former Russian land would supply the Reich with sufficient natural resources, such as grain, vegetable oil, fodder, iron ore, nickel, manganese, coal, molybdenum, natural rubber, citrus fruit, cotton, fish, and crude oil, so as to make them immune to blockades in the future. General Helmuth von Pannwitz was made the primary territorial governor of the new eastern provinces. the Eastern territories were also terraformed, with new forests of beech and pine imported to replicate Germany. New crops were also brought in from Tibet, and more were bioengineered by the SS. Some of the Italian-dominated Balkan states, because of their shared heritage, allowed some Russians to be deported into their countries. The Germans also pushed the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses on the Slavs, preferring its fanatic pacifism. All these changes, took place over an extremely long period of time, and would not be completed for decades, due to constant conflict with the Russian Resistance. The city of Moscow was submerged in an artificial lake. Leningrad was rebuilt as a new German colonial capital, and new colonial capital cities were also made in Northern Poland and the Crimea. The Crimean capital was called Gotengau, and it was primarily settled by South Tyrolian Germans.

In the rest of the former USSR on the German side of the border, most the various ethnic groups that had lived under the Russians were granted their own states. Every effort was made to eradicate the Slavic influence on these areas. The names of towns were changed, to reflect the local Central Asian nationalities. Cyrillic letters were replaced with the German alphabet. The objective was to undermine the national cohesion of the Russians by promoting regional identification. The use of the word Russia was permitted only in a reference to the "Petersburg empire" of Peter the Great and its follow-ups until the revolution of 1917. The period from 1300 to Peter the Great (the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Tsardom of Russia) was to be called the "Muscovite state", while post-1917 Russia was not to be referred to as an empire or a state at all; the preferred terms for this period were "bolshevik chaos" or "communist elements". Each of these newly-created puppet nations was a German protectorate under the control of a Reichskommissar, with strongly anti-communist regimes.

Germany's European allies were united into a permanent alliance, dominated by Germany, called the European Confederation, establishing Germany's hegemony over the Germanic world. This organization included major European powers such as Finland and Turkey (and Britain, eventually), as well as lesser states like Westland, Burgundy, and Lombardy. The official meeting place for the Confederation representatives was Schloss Klessheim, in Salzburg.
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Axis Dream World part 2c: The Post World Settlement, the Japanese allies

Japan annexed directly into their new empire South Sakhalin Island, Kwantung, Nanyo, Hong Kong, Macau, the Paracel Islands, Hainan Island, Formosa, Nauru, Ocean Island, the Gilbert Islands, British New Guinea, Australian New Guinea, the Admiralties, New Britain, New Ireland, the Solomon Islands, the Santa Cruz Archipelago, the Ellice Islands, the Fiji Islands, the New Hebrides, New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands, the Chesterfield Islands, the Phoenix Islands, the Rain Islands, the Marquesas and Tuamotu Islands, the Society Islands, the Cook and Austral Islands, Western Samoa, Tonga, Tasmania, New Zealand, Macquarie Island, Ceylon, all of Russia from Siberia to the Pacific, and all of southern India below a line running from Portuguese Goa to the coastline of the Bay of Bengal. A nominal sum was paid to the new Republic of China in exchange for the territories they lost to Japan. Most of these territories were divided into six government districts, the Formosa Government-General, the South Seas Government-General, the Melanesian Government-General, Eastern Pacific Government-General, New Zealand Government-General, and the Ceylon Government-General. Resistance movements in these areas, and in some of the Japanese vassals, continued until 1954, when the last ones were eradicated. The new Japanese empire was run by organizationally-minded bureaucrats and engineers, believing in the ideals of efficiency, modernization, and engineering solutions to social problems. The Japanese Russian territories were mostly depopulated, and used to provide room for Japanese population expansion

Mengjiang, under Demchugdongrub, was given ruler ship over both Inner and Outer Mongolia. It was very valuable to Japan as a trade partner because of its coal and iron reserves.

The rest of China remained united as the Republic of China, under Wang Jingwei. New treaties gave Japan paramount relations with the Chinese markets.

The main island of Australia was established as a fascist republic, and another Japanese puppet. Over the years, it would become a popular refuge for British citizen of Asian ethnicity fleeing persecution in the Edwardian empire.

Sukarno was confirmed as the ruler of the Kingdom of the East Indies, composed of Dutch East Indies, British Borneo, the Christmas Islands, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and Portuguese Timor. This was to become a valuable Japanese ally, because of its oil supplies.

The State of Burma, under Ba Maw, was allowed the annex Assam, and a large portion of Bengal. They were forced, however, to cede the Shan and Kayah states to Thailand.

Thailand also annexed territory to the south, from British Malaya.

The rest of Northern India became the free Republic of India, under the dictatorship of Subhas Chandra Bose.

The remainder of the Malay states were consolidated as the Kingdom of Malaya, under the rule of Sultan Musa Ghiatuddin Riayat Shah.

The Kingdom of Cambodia was no longer a French protectorate, and was given some territory in Cochinchina which was historically Cambodian. Norodom Sihanouk ruled as king. The new government did away with the romanisation of the Khmer language that the French colonial administration was beginning to enforce and officially reinstated the Khmer script.

The rest of French Indochina (Annam, Laos, and Tonkin) became the Kingdom of Annam, under Emperor Bảo Đại.

All the Japanese puppet nations and allies were united as members of the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, an alliance dominated by Japan, modeled after the Munroe Doctrine. No power outside this sphere would be allowed to interfere within it, where Japan would have supremacy.

Tibet, Bhutan, and Nepal were the only nations in eastern Asia not to join the GEACPS. They did, however, agree to treaties of friendship the Japan and her allies.

Coming up. . . the second interwar period.
Not possible.War in 1938? germans had ammo for two weeks,and only light tanks.Airforces were still partially obsolate.
They would lost quickly.
Sorry,but victory is possible only if everybody surrender without fight here.

But yes,if they,by some miracle,win,they would genocide us and other slavic people,and nobody would care.

Except jews in Madagascar,who would still blame poles,not germans, for their exile.
Axis dream victory - ASB gave Hitler plans for ,let say,1970 year weapons ,and factories to made it.The same goes for Japan and italy.
Then,and only then,they could win with their leaders.

Or..made Hitler smart.If he gave land to soviet peasants in 1941,they would kill commies for him without germans needing to fight.
At the same time smart Japan would not attack USA,only soviets,Dutch India and England.USA do not agree to fight for colonial powers,even with FDR provocations.

You have Axis dream world,again.

Only question is - which miracle would be bigger,giving 1970 weapons to Hitler and japaneese leaders,or made them smart ?
Axis Dream World part 3: The Interwar Years

The 20 years following World War 2 were a period of reconstruction, and government-encouraged population growth (germany authorized vetrans to take multiple wives) in all the fascist countries. It was also a period of extensive military and industrial build-up. Of course, the conquered territories had to be integrated, and in Russia, China, and the former British territories there was still an active resistance movement to be crushed. The Japanese were far more successful at integrating their conquered territories than the Germans, and even the Italians (particularly impressive, considering that the Japanese faced much stronger resistance than their Latin allies). In the mid 1950s, the Japanese began expanding their military in preparation for a future war with the United States. Only when the US' power was broken, and the Pacific Rim annexed to Japan, would their dream of regional supremacy be unchallengeable. While expanding and modernizing their military in the pacific, they also spent time securing the Indian Ocean against any future attacks from their current allies. Included in their naval expansion were several new classes of ship, including the Yamamoto-class (Design A-150 in our world), which surpassed the Yamato-class and equaled the size of the largest German battleships. They also improved their navy with the Heihachirō-class cruisers (Design B-65 in our world). They constructed many new submarine designs, including a full complement of 18 I-400 Class. The largest priority of the Japanese Navy was new landing craft, in preparation for the invasion for the Americas. They also increased their costal security with new defense boats and submersible guns.

The Italians also expanded their navy during the interwar period of growth, in order to guarantee their dominion over the Mediterranean. They also heavily fortified the African coast to this end. There was a constant push during this period to integrate the "Fourth Shore" of Africa into the Italian empire, with a network of rail lines and hydroelectric grids. The population of this region grew extensively, as Mussolini had planned, until it reached 500,000 in 1960. It was the Italians who began the convention, since adopted by the Germans and their allies as well, of abandoning the continental term Eurasia in favor of Eurafrica. Considering that Africa was almost entirely under European rule (and becoming more interconnected everyday), while the Conference of Islamabad had cleanly divided Asia from European influence, this became very popular quickly. Italian art and architecture was dominated by the futurist movement of Filippo Tomaso Marinetti, even as the Reich was dominated by the style of Albert Spear. Nevertheless, Mussolini stuck to his policy of having no official national art style.

The French had much more rebuilding to do than the other members of the Latin Bloc. They particularly focused on restoring the full strength of the French navy. Italy supported them in this endeavor, feeling that it was vital to the interests of the Latin Bloc that France and Spain as well, have strong Atlantic fleets capable of rivaling the fleets of the German and America blocs. In time, the three Latin powers became nearly equals in strengths, with Italy as first among equals.

Germany also felt that their security would be in jeopardy until the new world was also under German influence. Unlike Japan, they had not further territorial aspirations. The Reich was as large as it could be and still sustain itself. But the British government in exile in Canada, the isolationist US and the newly formed Organization of American States were threats that had to be dealt with.

To this end, the Germans began constructing the Atlantic Wall. This consisted primarily of an extensive network of fortresses and bases (primarily air and sea), support services, and military industries stretching from the Arctic Circle to the Cape of Good Hope. This included the heavy fortification of the Reich island territories, Greenland, Iceland, the Shetland, Canary, Azores, Cape Verde and Madeira islands. The hub of this defense network was the former city of Trondheim in former Norway. Spured by the Reich defense industry, it grew into the massive metropolis of Nordstern, the second largest city in the Reich after Germania.

The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht also launched Plan Z, the expansion of the Kriegsmarine to a level where it could actively compete with the US Navy for Atlantic supremacy. When this was completed in 1948, the Germany Navy consisted of 5 Scharnhorst-class battleships, 7 Bismarck-class battleships, 13 Donitz-class battleships (H44-class in our world), 4 Graf Zepplin-class aircraft carriers, 4 Raeder-class aircraft carriers (I-class in our world), 3 Lütjens-class battlecruisers (O-class in our world), 15 Burchardi-class (P-class in our world)heavy cruisers, 5 Admiral Hipper class heavy cruisers, 13 Ciliax-class (M-class in our world)light cruisers, 22 Spähkreuzer 1938 reconnaissance cruisers, 90 torpedo boats, 400 U-Boats, and 150 destroyers. Germany had no intention of relying on its own navy alone. While Britain and Westland recovered fully from the deprecations of the war, Prime Minister Mosley and Chancellor Schmitt prioritized rebuilding their countries' own powerful navies to their former strength, while also rebuilding their armies, air forces, and industries.

The Luftwaffe, while adjusting itself grudgingly to the existence of navy pilots, prioritized the Amerikabomber project, designed to develop military aircraft that could wage war effectively across the Atlantic. It was clear that the current aircraft of the Reich were insufficient to the task of manning their rapidly growing airbases on the Atlantic Wall. With Germany's massive lead in rocket technology, they soon began churning out several effective designs of fighters and bombers, including a new model of Messerschmitt equipped with rockets for aerial combat. It was a Luftwaffe plane that first broke the sound barrier.

Hitler never decreased the military's research budget, dedicated to his various Wunderwaffe projects. Walter Dornberger supervised the V-Rocket program as it eventually blossomed into the first ballistic missile system, SAM missile system, and Cruise missiles, and made it practical to put missiles on U-Boats. This missile technology laid the groundwork for the world's first space program, the Silbervogel Program, established by Germany and directed by Wernher von Braun, starting in 1952. This program was dedicated to landing the first man on the moon, and was the first to put a satellite and a man into orbit, using the perfected A11 and A12 rockets. Erich Warsitz led the first astronaut training program, although he was too old when the time came for actual moon landing. The space program also enabled the German to begin developing the world's first space station, although this would not be completed until long after von Braun's death.

The discovery of Silbervogel spurred a technological arms race between the Japanese Empire and the German Reich, with japan founding it's own space program under Dr. Hideo Itokawa of the Imperial University.The Imperial Japanese Air force was not far behind the Germans in the creation of jet aircraft, all aimed at their eventual invasion of the United States. Both Mitsubushi and Nakajima worked on this jet fighter and bomber program, producing such planes as the famous Nakajima G10N1. Although the Germans started out with the world's first jet fighter, the variety of the Japanese designs came to surpass theirs. They were also not far behind in equipping planes with wing-mounted rocket weapons. The Japanese even developed their own missile system, comparable with but inferior to the German missile programs. In addition to their jet program, Tojo also had as many wonderweapon projects as Hitler did on the burner, maybe even more.

Werner Heisenberg also stubbornly carried on with the Uranium Club Project, the development of nuclear power. This finally produced the world's first nuclear reactor, the Uranmaschine, in 1945 at Haigerloch. In 1950, the first nuclear bomb was successfully tested in secret. After only a few bombs were made, however, Hitler ordered all production on these weapons of mass destruction halted. The prototypes were put in storage, and the project was almost totally abandoned, except for those parts working on improving the Uranmaschine technology. Hitler felt that, like chemical weapons of mass destruction, nuclear bombs should be used only as a weapon of last resort.

The Japanese F-Go Project, under Dr. Yoshio Nishina and Prof. Bunsaku Arakatsu, developed the first functional nuclear reactor a few years after the Germans did. However, they progressed much more quickly to developing the atomic bomb. Prime Minister Tojo, however, took the same opinion of Adolf Hitler on the propagation of WMDs, at least for the present. Several nuclear bombs were constructed and stockpiled, and the project was then concentrated fully on the mass production of nuclear power.

All this military development continued to stimulate the German economy, which had continued to improve since the rapid end of the war and the influx of new natural resources and real-estate. Civilian industries also progressed. The post war era saw the mass production of the Volkswagen Beetle, soon to be the most common car for the average German working man driving the newly expanded road network. The Breitspurbahn railway system has been built, and links all the cities of Europe.

In addition, the Germans did not neglect their Eastern Borders. From the Urals to the Caspian Sea, the border with the Japanese sphere was protected by heavily fortified fortress-communities of "soldier-peasants," drawn from the elite ranks of the Waffen-SS and their eugenically-fit families. Their job was to defend the border even while they colonized the country. In the south, military bases and industrial centers similar too but lesser than those on the Atlantic wall were raised on the Indian Ocean coast of Mittleafrika.

America, while fiercely isolationist, also grew in power during this period. Henry Wallace built on the foundations begun by Franklin D. Roosevelt and in the late 1940s codified the Munroe Doctrine into a formal international organization uniting all the nations of North and South America in a pact of mutual support and defense, dominated primarily by the United States. It was called the Organization of American States. Axis commentators claimed this was an American imitation of the Greater East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. This Organization also included the Georgian (later Elizabethan) British Empire in exile, which held sovereignty over all British territories in North and South America. The rhetoric of the interwar years was that the Americas were the one island of true democracy, where men lived to be free. In the old world, all nations were naturally prone to tyranny (witness this most reason world war!), which was why the wise founding fathers had fought for our independence.

To preserve this island, America pursued a policy, and encouraged it in the other OAS members, of turning the new world into a "Fortress of Democracy." For the next 20 years they would expand their militaries, increase their industries, and make the Americas as impregnable as possible to foreign assault. They also competed with the Axis powers scientifically, if only for the sake of American pride. In every area of development, however, the Americas continued to lag.

Coming up. . . The 1960s and World War 3
They would not lag in A bombs.And,since only reason why they were not mass produced after 1945 was soviet influence,now,without soviets to hold them,USA would have 1000+ A bombs in 1950,and probably first H bomb,too.

If Japan nad Hitler really failed to mass produce there,they must lost badly here.Becouse there is simply no possible for USA here to not mass produce them.

P.S in OTL germans planned to murder almost all of poles,but send rest to Siberia.Which mean,japaneese sphere.
Japan was Poland ally till 1939 against soviet,so you could expect there some kind of polish Legion there.
P.S in OTL germans planned to murder almost all of poles,but send rest to Siberia.Which mean,japaneese sphere.
Japan was Poland ally till 1939 against soviet,so you could expect there some kind of polish Legion there.
Thank you for this information. I will edit the posts as soon as I have time
Thank you for this information. I will edit the posts as soon as I have time
Another thing - except surviving poles from Poland exiled by germans,there would be poles exiled by soviets,at least 1M should survive soviet rule there.
And,they would be educated/soviet arrested elites and their families/,when survivors send by germans would be probably only poor workers and farmers.
@johnreiter ,there is another thing - USA.In OTL they built about more then 300 inter continental missiles with H bombs and have more then 1000 B.58 and B.47 bombers with at least 2000 H bombs,and fighters capable of helping them till they get to their targets.
and few sumbarines,too

There is no logical reasons why they should build less here.Just like there are no logical reasons for germans,Japan and Italy doing the same.
To be honest,when war happen,there should be 1000+ intercontinental missiles flying,and at least 3000 bombers.
But,of course,civilization would survive - only not in germany,USA,Japan or Italy.
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Axis Dream World part 4: The 1960s and World War III.

In 1960, the depopulation of Slavic people in Eastern Europe was officially declared a success. This did not mean the end of Russian resistance, however. Pro-Slavic terrorism by the former Russian underground would persist for decades. At this point, however, the colonization of the eastern Reich was greatly accelerated, and the need for heavily fortified settlements was considered to have ended, enabling more normal urban development. Except on the Eastern Border, it was also no longer considered necessary that all eastern settlers be militarily trained.

1961 was considered a black day for the Greater Germanic Reich. This was the year that Adolf Hitler died. The one and only Fuhrer of the German people passed away due to natural causes at the age of 72, despite the best efforts of his doctors. Despite his age, his death was a shock, since he was publicly believed to be in good health (thanks largely to the propaganda ministry). All the nation mourned this national icon who had created their modern nation-state. After an internationally televised funeral, the Fuhrer was laid to rest in the towering crypt he had prepared in Linz, facing the identical crypt where his parents had been re-interned. Sadly, never had a chance to use his retirement home, except as a retreat. In accordance with his will, his art collection was donated to the Führermuseum, necessitating several additions to the building. His personal fortune was donated to the Nazi Party. Certain of his personal effects when to close friends and loved ones, including his long-suffering lover Eva Braun (portrayed by the famous German movie star Irma Grese in the 1956 movie To Love the Sun, by Leni Riefenstahl). The position of Fuhrer was dissolved and Hermann Goering assumed office as President of the Reich.

His tenure as president would be almost completely dominated by World War III. The global struggle that the last 20+ years had been building up to finally broke out in 1962. It began, unsurprisingly, with the Japanese. Thirsting for new conquests since the mid-50s, the Japanese had already made plans to annex half the Americas to their empire. Unlike the Germans, who saw the war as an unfortunate necessity, the Japanese saw only opportunity. In December 1961, Japan launched an all-out sneak attack on the Philippines and the American pacific territories. This was accompanied by a declaration of war from Japan and the GEACPS. Germany and the European Confederation declared war as well, in support of their allies. The US and the OAS proceeded to declare war on both the GEACPS and the EC. Italy and the Latin Bloc declared neutrality, although France sent their fleet to occupy the French colonies in the Caribbean, just in case of a sneak attack.

This was a war unlike anything the world had seen before. The resources of the space agencies were co-opted to launch spy satellites and anti-spy satellites. Intercontinental bombers, capable of flying halfway around the world, were supplemented by ballistic missiles, everything from submarine launched to ICBMs. Supersonic fighter craft dueled with heat seeking air-to-air missiles, while Surface to Air missiles tried to shoot them down. It was a world war fought with technology roughly equal to the mid cold war in OTL, except without WMDs.

Germany, with their superior missile technology delivered the worst bombings. Their primary targets were La Porte, Indiana; Indianapolis, Indiana; Alcoa, Tennessee; Massena, New York; Badin, North Carolina; Berwick, Pennsylvania; Rochester, New York; Detroit, Michigan; Hartford, Connecticut; Corning, New York; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Beaver, Pennsylvania; Buffalo, New York; Caldwell, New Jersey; East Hartford, Connecticut; Pawcatuck, Connecticut; and New York City, New York. New York was hit the hardest, and fires raged every night. The Japanese bombers were just as efficient, despite having inferior missiles. They were particularly infamous for the savage blitzing of Vancouver, British Columbia. Even while this was going on, the Japanese pressed on through the central Pacific, island by island, toward their goal of controlling the world's largest ocean.

But the allies were not idle in all this, and gave as good as they got. Counter invasions followed the Japanese invasions all across the Pacific. Allied bombers penetrated nearly as deep into axis territory, hitting targets in from Greenland and Iceland to Mittleafrika, as well as in East Asia. Convoys traveling the Mid-Atlantic were routinely harried by both sides; no one was safe between Brazil and Mittleafrika. The strip of water between Bermuda and the Azores became such a killing ground for bombers and fighters that the pilots called it "Dead Man's Alley." The Germans, despite their naval build ups, were forced to depend heavily on the Edwardian British fleet to compete with the massive US and Free British Fleets in the Atlantic. On the other hand, the Japanese fleet was much better prepared to contend with the allies in the Pacific.

The Atlantic front rapidly devolved into a brutal stalemate. The Axis and Allied forces could slug each other black and blue, but neither could make a key landing on the other side. The only good crossing was between Greenland and Quebec, and both sides knew this, so it was a place of heavy build up by both forces.

The Japanese, on the other hand, made slow but steady progress on the Pacific front. After years of war, they had virtually wiped out the US Pacific fleet, and commenced their first wave of amphibious landings. The invasion began in Alaska, from the former Russian Far East, and by sea into the Aleutian Islands. More daring, massive landings followed in support of this invasion, as well as south in Latin America and Mexico. These initial landings suffered from unremitting Guerrilla warfare, which slowed their progress considerably. The invasion of Latin America was not regarded as a true success until the famous Battle of the Panama Canal, where the Japanese Navy and Army successful captured Panama. When Costa Rica and Nicaragua fell, this enabled the Japanese to begin projecting their military assets into the Caribbean, finally shattering the allied Caribbean fortress from the rear.

The European Confederation took this as the perfect time to open a second front and get back into the war. On the legendary night, Der Tag, a massive Anglo-German invasion force crossed the freezing north Atlantic and launched the Invasion of Quebec. They also launched a renewed naval assault into the Caribbean, invading Trinidad, British Guinea, Dutch Guinea, and the British Leeward Islands.

The two-pronged Axis assault pushed south through Canada, while the Japanese continued to invade along the Pacific Coast, conquering more of Central America, and seize more islands in the Caribbean. The war came to an official end in 1972, when the Japanese and Anglo-German invasion of the United States led to several fascist revolts that collapsed the American defense efforts. The Brazilians, Argentinians, and Chileans switched sides and joined the Axis powers. The Japanese halted their advance, but refused to withdrawal from the Maracaibo region of Venezuela. This region, as well as Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, British Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, the Bahamas and Mexico were annexed directly into the Japanese Empire as the Government-General of Central America. The Japanese also annexed the Alaska Territory, the Yukon Territory, Alberta, British Columbia, and the western portion of the Northwest Territories, into their empire as the Alaska Government-General. Hawaii became the fascist Kingdom of Hawaii, and joined the GEACPS along with the new fascist Republic of the Philippines under Ferdinand E. Marcos, and the fascist dictatorship of Chile, which was given control over Peru as well. All the other American island territories in the Pacific were directly annexed to Japan, and added to the current Government-Generals in the Pacific. Meanwhile, in the German sphere, Brazil annexed Uruguay, and Argentina conquered Bolivia and Paraguay. The Latin Bloc also made gains. Spain annexed all of Venezuela, reducing it to a colony called New Spain. All of British and Dutch guinea was merged into the colony of French Guinea, which was under the control of fascist France.

The Germans helped the fascist Native American Federation establish control over the American breadbasket, while the Japanese set up a Nisei puppet state over the mainland western United States. The Eastern United States, along with European-occupied Canada and all British possessions in the Americas except British Honduras, were annexed by the Edwardian British Empire.

Coming up. . . on the road to the modern world
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Where were A and H bombs ? USA in OTL had enough to wipe out soviets in 1961.They should do the same here with Japan and germany.
Your story would be plausible ONLY if A bombs were never discovered.Becouse once discovered,in such situation they would be mass produced and mass used.
In this scenario,war should end after few hours,when both sides wipe each other from world.

And germans helping indians? REALLY? they were underhumans,right?
But ,i see latin countries helping Japan against USA.Everybody there hated yanks.
And germans helping indians? REALLY? they were underhumans,right?
Believe it or not, Hitler actually though the Native Americans were Aryan people (his definition). It was honestly probably because he was a huge fan of cowboy movies
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Axis Dream World part 5: The road to the modern world (2000 AD)

It took twenty years for the victorious powers in World War III to digest their new territory. The longest lasting resistance movements were in the Eastern United States (where martial law and racial purges continued to the present) and in the former territory of Mexico, where patriotic guerillas continue to turn the terrain to their advantage.

Japan and Italy remain firmly under the dictatorships of their Prime Minister and Duce respective, with the Emperor and the King as highly respected figureheads. In Germany, the president nominally rules as dictator, though he is less powerful than Hitler was, since the office of Chancellor has been recreated. In fact, however, the Reichsführer-SS is the ruling power in the Reich.

Politically, tension has been rising higher and higher between the three power blocks of Germany, Italy, and Japan. Military theorists on both sides of the "Bamboo Curtain" as it is called believe that a fourth world war is inevitable, and each side has spent almost a decade preparing to win that war, and prove they are the true, superior human beings. Military technology has continued to advance, producing better tanks, missiles, planes, ships, and a wide variety of other weapons. Both Germany and Japan are close to perfecting their "Death Ray" weapons projects. Nevertheless, the Japanese projects are more advanced in this area. Although the Germans are the leaders in missile technology, the Japanese are the leaders in drone weapons. It is possible, even likely, that the next war will see the deployment of weapons of mass destruction for the first time.

For a time, Japan surpassed Germany in designing cutting edge satellite technology. In 1995, however, Germany announced the creation of the world's first space station, 5,100 miles above the Earth, proving their superiority in the area of manned space travel. The Japanese suspect (correctly) that this is secretly a Nazi weapons platform, though they have no proof. In a more peaceful endeavor, the German space program launched the first manned mission to Mars this year. The Germans are also the only nation known to possess sub-orbital bombers.

It was uncertain which way Italy would flip in the next war, but all indications are that they will ally with Japan. The states of the Latin Bloc have been complaining for decades about how they were cheated out of their conquests in the second war in order to create a German Empire. The Duce would like to see the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant under direct Italian rule, Burgundy and Brittany restored to France, and an enlargement of Italian and French Africa, as well as the Turkish navy crushed, ending any challenge to the Italian Royal Navy in the Mediterranean.

The Japanese have also been increasing their diplomatic ties with vengeful Jewish state of New Israel (formally Madagascar). The Japanese have always been friendly to the Jews, and New Israel has been a massive source of brain power for the Empire. Technically, a formal alliance between New Israel and Japan would break the Islamabad Treaty, so Japan is holding off on that until they are ready.

For the most part, Japan is fully content with all their conquests. They recognize that the Empire is already at its maximum sustainable size. They are preparing for war, but for a defensive war, to keep what they have from the clutches of the Germans (though some factions in the Indian government would like to see the reconquest of Western India from Afghanistan, and the Pacific States of America talk often of regaining all the former continental USA).

Germany, for their part, would like to see the fourth World War end with the complete conquest of Northern Italy by Germany and Burgundy, German domination of the Mediterranean, the end of Italian military power in the Middle East, and the reconquest by Britain and Westland of their colonial empires in Asia and the Pacific.

On the domestic front, the last of the old guard who led their countries through the Second World War have passed away. Hermann Goering's presidency was almost completely dominated by the Third World War. The victory of the Reich left him a legendary hero, with statues all over the country. After his death, his daughter Edda converted the ancestral home of Karinhall into one of the world's greatest art museums, to exhibit her father's collection. It is regarded as second only to the Führermuseum in Linz.

Eugenics has remained popular in the Reich since World War 2, not only for perfecting free citizen, but for controlling their slave populations. Within the Germanic Reich, virtually all trace of Russian culture and language has been erased. The Eugenics programs have been a plus and a minus for the citizens of the empire. On the one hand, genetic diseases are almost eliminated and average health is high. However, genetic diversity has been rapidly fading in favor of the "preferred Aryan type" and without new stock for the gene pool, problems may soon arise in the next few generations. The German population is now 300,000,000, not counting slaves.

It is a merciless world, where globalism was never invented, and the spirit of the League of Nations was never reborn in a United Nations. Nationalism is the dominant philosophy and superpowers rule their "allies" like bullying ganglords while eyeing-up their rivals. It is world of rapid technologic advancement, built on a total disregard of human rights in favor of the national good. It is a world which has not (yet) experienced the deployment of WMDs, but it is also a world where the laws of civilized warfare have been consigned to the dustbin of history. With no Nuremburg trial, the idea that "whatever makes my country great is right" still stands. Massive social engineering has eliminated many evils from society, at the expense of turning people into cogs in a national machine. Fascism is the rule in every corner of the globe. Elected government has vanished, in favor of powerful elites choosing their subordinates, and dictators chosen by the party (or nominating their own successors more often). If you don't have a secret police force and total media control, you are considered a backward state on the brink of anarchy.
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Nice grimdark - but,if you want it made real,you must kill Einstein and few other scientists who run to USA first.
Becouse in OTL USA had more then 2000 H warheads in 1961,and 300 missiles to deliver them.

If you do not remove A and H bomb here,there would be used in WW3 and destroy both sides.

Only good thing here - nobody speak about some mythical nazis,not mention made them poles,becouse everybody knew that germans did their crimes.

P.S I bet,that jews in New izrael still blame Poland for german crimes !
Believe it or not, Hitler actually though the Native Americans were Aryan people (his definition). It was honestly probably because he was a huge fan of cowboy movies
I think,that it was thanks to Karol May books about noble Winnetou,Apache chief.
Back to topic - your TL is not possible,BUT you could made it plausible,if:

1.Kill all scientists who later developed A bombs - for example,gather them on one ship after WW1,and sunk it in natural disaster.
They could go to some cinferency together.
Thanks to tha,you could have first A bomb after 1962.Becouse without tat,WW3 here would last one day and let to burn Europe,Japan and North America.

2.Why bother witch making impossible victories in 1940? just made Hitler gave labd to farmers in 1941 whwere soviets were mass surrender.Of course,take that land from them after,let say,10 years,just like soviets did in OTL.

3.Japan was provoked to attack USA - but they could ignore them,and go for Dutch India and Malaya.All they need was olil and rubber,after all.And take Siberia.
If they take Khazastan,too,they could take polish exiles there.
I think,that it was thanks to Karol May books about noble Winnetou,Apache chief.
Back to topic - your TL is not possible,BUT you could made it plausible,if:

1.Kill all scientists who later developed A bombs - for example,gather them on one ship after WW1,and sunk it in natural disaster.
They could go to some cinferency together.
Thanks to tha,you could have first A bomb after 1962.Becouse without tat,WW3 here would last one day and let to burn Europe,Japan and North America.

2.Why bother witch making impossible victories in 1940? just made Hitler gave labd to farmers in 1941 whwere soviets were mass surrender.Of course,take that land from them after,let say,10 years,just like soviets did in OTL.

3.Japan was provoked to attack USA - but they could ignore them,and go for Dutch India and Malaya.All they need was olil and rubber,after all.And take Siberia.
If they take Khazastan,too,they could take polish exiles there.
I recognize that the timeline is impossible. As I said in the first post, this is completely ASB. It is intended to collate all the dreams and fantasies of the Axis powers into a single place, and create a world where those dreams come true.

I was inspired to make this because so many Axis victory scenarios get bound up in creating a plausible victory, and figuring out how to compromise what the Axis leaders wanted to get the best deal they can get. I wanted to take a look and see what the world would look like if they not only won, but never had to compromise and got everything they wanted.
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I recognize that the timeline is impossible. As I said in the first post, this is completely ASB. It is intended to collate all the dreams and fantasies of the Axis powers into a single place, and create a world where those dreams come true.

I was inspired to make this because so many Axis victory scenarios get bound up in creating a plausible victory, and figuring out how to compromise what the Axis leaders wanted to get the best deal they can get. I wanted to take a look and see what the world would look like if they not only won, but never had to compromise and got everything they wanted.
And you made great work here - but,with killing all important scientists about 1920,germans giving lands to soviet farmers in 1941/and taking it away 10 years later/ and Japan attacking only Dutch and England it could become plausible.
Not very plausible,but not totally ASB,too.

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