Afganistan retreat showed weakness of entire technocrat ruling class.


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I read Gazeta warszawska Nr36/741/ - and article by Robert Kościelny "Schyłek Ameryki czy świata ekspertów?"/End of USA or experts?/
He wrote about article "America:The Chernenko years" by Rod Dreher on American Conservative site.

Basically - Afganistan disaster was not only betreyal of allies and proof of weakness,but mainly proof that current model of politic stopped working.

He citated Malcolm Kyeyunea swedis fake marxist,/Farewell to Bourgeois kings/ who just like Carl Smitt,german writer who belived that system stop work till people belive that elites had right to rule.Once they stop beliving so,elite is dead./problem is not incopetence - rulers could be incopetent as long as people belive that they have right to rule/
Iran refused shah,and Afgans refused first soviets and then americans becouse they do not belived in their right to rule.

Author/Dreher/ belive that it is beginning of fall of entire technocrat class which rule West.Becouse menager logic they used made any problem they try to solve worst - and people see that.
Covid plandemia prowed it even more - when MAGA gathering made people ill,when antifa and blm not.

So,system is going to fall.If authors are right,of course.
Hard to get what you mean, but yes, the current world order got penetrated up the popper with a red hot iron by the events in Afghanistan.
It thoroughly Deboonked Biden's claim that a guerrilla insurgency without "F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons" could never defeat the status quo.

I'm sorry, I know a lot of people get really stoked on the idea of a grand revolution in the US that ends with the technocrats being beheaded, but the way the US functions, those people would be out of office long before it got to the point of widespread rebellion. That's sort of the point behind elections. It prevents widespread bloodshed. You'll only get Civil War 2.0 if enough states are of the same mind that they want to leave the union. And right now, not even Texas is that likeminded to do so.

Hard to get what you mean, but yes, the current world order got penetrated up the popper with a red hot iron by the events in Afghanistan.

Is that what people think? Good Lord, no.

That happened back with the election of Donald J. Trump. And it wasn't because of what he did in Iran, Syria, China, or anywhere else. One might simply have thought of him as a more erratic or dumb Bush. No, what destroyed the order was Trump launching trade wars, demanding monetary restitution for military protection, and rolling his eyes when oil tankers were attacked. Because those were things that attacked the very foundation of the world order itself.

This is really just a chance for European powers to give voice to their mounting concerns with the US. The Biden Administration has been just as aggressive as Trump in going after trade disputes, the one exception being Europe, where Biden has renewed some levels of cooperation in words, but not deeds. He's not sending the Europeans any money or giving them any troops or hardware. If this pattern of Trump/Biden behavior were to hold (and that's the best case scenario here), then the Europeans can enjoy a Trumper who openly attacks any alliance links between America and Europe and a Bidener who gives them all support short of actual help.

You know what the difference between the Biden and Trump admin in Afghanistan is? Trump wouldn't have given two shits about people trapped in Afghanistan or the Afghan people--and would have tweeted out that opinion on Twitter. Biden on the other hands, doesn't give a single shit, but his press secretary tells everybody he does and they put a token effort in helping the weak and needy get out, while ultimately leaving 99% of the population to the tender mercies of the Taliban.

So if you're a country whose security and economic prosperity rests upon the United States caring about what happens to you (which, 98% of them), then the US not caring (which is about 95% of them) is the worst possible scenario.

I told people 4-5 years ago that this was all ending. Biden can't really change it, even if he were inclined to. (spoiler; he isn't) Trump has already moved the goalposts. The only way to undo the damage that Trump inflicted on the world order would be politically untenable. It would require more troops in foreign areas and even more global subsidizing of the rest of the world. It would require feeding places like China and Iran more wealth while at the same time trying to outcompete them and provide them a security umbrella.

It's over. The World Order is dead. It just doesn't know it.
I'm not entirely sure what you just said, outside of your title.

Sorry.Basically,Rod Dreher belive that Carl Smitt was right,and system falls when people stop beliving that they had right to rule,not when they are unefficient or evil.
In his opinion,widraw drom Afganistan is point from which people stop treating ruling technocrat caste as people who have right to rule over us anymore.

Personally,i am not sure.If leftist go all Mao on us,we would not belive in their right to rule - in gulags.And they would rule till we would be back in stone age.
The ruling class has been humiliated. They will seek to shore up thier power at home by doubling down on repression of dissidents and deplorables.
I honestly think they don't see it that way. They probably are cool with how this all went down, and the Taliban just taking over again like this because they are far more concerned about what's going on at home than they are about anything to do with this. The "War on Terror" has always been intended to be against "Right-Wing Terrorism." 😒

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