Movies Ad Astra


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.

I literally just learned of this movies existence by browsing theater times and saw this movie poster with Brad Pitt in an astronauts garb.

And the reviews are generally good but the audience tomatometer is a bit low. Still it's being advertised (barely since I never heard about it) as a big realisticish and still epic space film kinda like with Interstellar I suppose so needless to say I'm intrigued.

But I dont wanna dole out money for a stinker. I did some googling but a lot of the article titles look kinda spoilery talking about random film issue BS and whatever.

So I dont wanna read too much about it and get it spoiled since articles nowadays are terrible when it comes to absolutely ruining movies because every digital journalist and critic needs to bloviate their literary babble without any sense of what should be their audience (people wanting to know if a movie is worth watching, not poncey spoiler filled opinions on how they feel the film is a metaphor on todays society or how profound they found it in explicit plot ruining detail blather) in their so called reviews.

So *breathes* anyone hear anything not spoilery about this flick?
Pretty visuals, potentially interesting story being explored, but it doesn't quite come together as a coherent story. Me and the girlfriend both left it somewhat angry and pointing out the small tweaks that would have been necesary to make the story more coherent.

A lot of it felt like they had a couple of set peaces and cool visuals they wanted to show, and worked backwards to try and tie things together. Thus, you'd have a cool visual and then go "what?" during the scene that transitions them to the next then go "oooh, cool visual", then, "wait, how did that happen?" "ohh, ahh". "Wait, why is there a baboon?"

So, if you going to be happy with cool visuals being the primary draw, and can forgive a story that exists to justify the visuals, rather than a story that's supported by the visuals, I don't regret seeing it. It definately wouldn't be worth seeing on the small screen however: its big screen, or nothing really at all.

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