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  1. R

    AHC: industrial action/strikes prevent a world war from starting, or stop it in its tracks

    Full-out civil wars, Spanish Civil War, Russian Civil War style, in both France and Germany, at the *same time* they are fighting at least a half-assed WWI with each other? Or would it be more something like major domestic repression of workers and the left, combined with pretty much being able...
  2. R

    AHC: industrial action/strikes prevent a world war from starting, or stop it in its tracks

    Oh, so you are not just changing the year and the Austro-Hungarian monarch, you are most importantly changing how the war starts - with a Serb invasion of Bosnia, not a Viennese ultimatum to Serbia. well then, …sure
  3. R

    AHC: industrial action/strikes prevent a world war from starting, or stop it in its tracks

    Why that particular timing for that particular change? Do you see a decided trend to the left in France that would weaken commitment to the eastern alliance at all costs? An end to Poincare's term as Prez? Not even sure it would have been over yet.