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  1. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    Because it kind've sort'of fits here better/as-good as anywhere else, but seems a bit too 'minor' to start a dedicated thread about (maybe I'm wrong in that assesment, in which case...mods to the rescue, maybe!): Nozomi Entertainment (apparently the folks behind 'Right Stuf') are kickstarting a...
  2. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    I should watch Big-O sometime. Remember catching a few episodes long ago, far away when it was playing on television, but I didn't have the start or episode-order at all and I'm a bit of a stickler for that stuff. Not that it'd help much, from what I understand in how it does the 'anime nonsense...
  3. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    Girls und Panzer is a whole bunch of fun--like some kind of animated whatchagot stew of silliness, simultaneous sports-genre satire and seriousness, and historical allusion/reference, wrapped in a gift box of stereotypes (both character wise and nationality) with a bow of folk/marching-songs...
  4. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    *scoff* What manner of heresy against John Moses Browning is this! *scoff* Of course they do.😑 I'm sure the designer made many boopity-boppity-bullshit noises about how necessary such an appearance was in order to foster a mother-like protection-instinct into the robots or some-such nonsense...
  5. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    Had never heard of this and, based upon the title, probably never would've, but it sounds fun. Right up that alley of half-homage, half-parody of the whole 70s, disco-fever era of spy genre. I'm a sucker for that silliness. That said...having done a little bit of interneting in search of this...
  6. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    [Gundam Discussion--specifically Wing] I have never understood the Gundam franchise. I even like giant robot fighting franchises (Battletech a biggie). But Something about Gundam shows always put me off entirely...Usually, I think, their themes and weird pacifist...absurdity. Gundam Wing has...
  7. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    'Wow' is an understatement and I'm unsure if it entirely applies. But Wow. *Shakes fist in air towards the East* Ja-paaaan. You're letting the fetishists run wild again. Is there an editor in the house? The country? Anyone?
  8. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    My read-through kind've stalled as I did some reorganizing and moving of books and comics. Should get back to it now that everything's accessible easily once again...But, then, I should also finish some writing projects I've had going even longer. Procrastination (and laziness, let's be honest)...
  9. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    The following is definitely a totally unbiased commentary that is totally unrelated to PrinCZess' deep love for the series, usage of it's character as an avatar, having it as one of few shows introducing her to anime or...A variety of things, really...None of those impact this at all. This is a...
  10. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread :cool: PrinCZess watched maybe a half-dozen episodes of Sekirei back when she didn't really grok how to sort out this wild wooly world of Eastern animation shows based upon their probability to be bouncing-booby-obsessions centered around sweater-puppy...
  11. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    I remember Black Lagoon solidly catching my interest by...I forget if it's episode one or two, so it's not much of a spoiler, but when the PT boat goes up against the helicopter in the air and wins by shooting it down with a torpedo. It definitely excels at the 80s/90s-action schlock situations...
  12. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    I heard something similar as the pitch of the series to me by a friend ("Angel strippers that fight demons with transforming panties & stockings!") doesn't quite live up to the sound of that line. I meh'd out of it pretty quick, but probably because the episodic, nothing-really-changes...
  13. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    Really liked Escaflowne when I was younger--it's gorgeous, has a convoluted, 'everything and the kitchen sink' storyline that...kind of works but kind of doesn't but that I enjoyed the campiness of and isn't/wasn't the main draw for me anyways...because most importantly of all it had BOTH a...
  14. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    I have seen a grand-total of one episode of this and one scene from further on (anyone who has seen it will know. It involves a bullet's very bizarre and physically-impossible path of travel), and from that much knew it wasn't really my scene. Because...I dunnow, there's tasteful...
  15. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    Can definitely sympathize with the potential Titan AE had...Between the somewhat meta opportunity of Don Bluth making animation that was geared towards older audiences (that...kind of died in development, I'd suspect due to studio-tampering), the opportunity for an original sci-fi IP getting...
  16. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    Outlaw Star is a lot of fun. It's cheesy and dumb, with a melting-pot of things thrown in basically just for the sake of cool factor (robot wrasslin' arms...IN SPACE. SPACE-Pirates. Ninjas and Samurai-girls...IN SPACE. Cowboys and revolvers...IN SPACE. Magical-girl type bullshit...IN SPACE...
  17. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    I was always a slightly bigger fan of the OVAs over the TV series...But am fully willing to admit that may be because the OVAs seemed to have more outfit-changes per minute of runtime than the series so there's more glamorous animation of crazy 80s-future fashion that is absolutely wonderful...
  18. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    Kei's lady-pompadour is one of the things that makes her better even if it does look like a shaggy dog crawled onto her head.... It's like someone slammed-together David Bowie and Pat Benetar on the girl's head, and then called for some support from Rambo so she could have a battle-bandanna...
  19. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    Girls und Panzer also benefits in the native Japanese of not running into...issues. I dunnow if it was copyright or voice actress capability-to-sing, but...Well: This also gives me the chance to say Girls und Panzer is a lot of good fun, since it's something I've been meaning to mention to...
  20. prinCZess

    Anime & Manga Teh CX Anime Review Thread

    Only ever seen the first Gall Force movie and a very little bit of the second, but I actually rather liked what I saw. It's certainly cheesy, but...The first movie is basically an animated rip-off of Alien with, yes, more shower-scenes and an all-female cast (and some space-battles!). It's hammy...