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  1. novussa

    Reclamation (40k Short Story)

    A Waste of life and rescources so in line with imperial policy. The tau Will not forget this Witch Will only cause futher conflict that imperium cant afford. All for a chef. So 40k stupid toaster fucker.
  2. novussa

    Reclamation (40k Short Story)

    For the greater good. Beacuse this bloody invasion only serves to make things worst. Hello chaos and tyranids are probaly eating popcorn while watching this.
  3. novussa

    Reclamation (40k Short Story)

    is it wrong that i am rooting for the tau to win this.
  4. novussa

    Reclamation (40k Short Story)

    go tau screw the imperium escpecily the toaster fuckers.