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  1. liberty90

    White Eagle, Revolutionary Eagle?

    But on the other hand, I can already imagine disgusted Trotsky writing how wasteful it is that in Poland some people own private cars, or how Poland can tolerate individualistic agriculture... XD Anyway, controversial opinion and many people would disagree: Jaruzelski was less stupid than...
  2. liberty90

    White Eagle, Revolutionary Eagle?

    Remember also, please, that polish communists - while MUCH saner than bolsheviks IMHO - were far from always right/good/pleasant/logical/reasonable etc. I understand that writing patriotic "the ideal poland" is tempting, and tech difference is greatly in polish favor, but this was... far from...
  3. liberty90

    White Eagle, Revolutionary Eagle?

    I have great tolerance for one ASB at the start of the story, or for fantasy characters known from the start of the story. So the time-travel of a country if fine, Wędrowycz is fine, even some vampires or some magic would be fine. xd But after initial worldbuilding happens then I would like...
  4. liberty90

    White Eagle, Revolutionary Eagle?

    Importance of war to American economy is greatly overstated; they were the greatest producer of steel, surpassing British Empire, since 1890s. I think that I have different tolerance to amount of silly things in a story in comparision with some other readers.
  5. liberty90

    White Eagle, Revolutionary Eagle?

    That's logistically unfeasible. And the British Empire wouldn't want to ally with communists (even "liberal" ones in comparision with Lenin) nor support such trashed balance of power in Europe. Anglo-US alliance to try to contain Poland/Europe is more probable. At first they had still...
  6. liberty90

    White Eagle, Revolutionary Eagle?

    I mean, would A-H survive? Would Hungary remain in the union? Humph. On the one hand, this is a great time to dissolve the union, with Galicia gone anyway. But on the other... Perhaps, if aristocrats and industrialists, regardless of their nationality, are sufficiently scared of Polish...
  7. liberty90

    White Eagle, Revolutionary Eagle?

    I wonder how people in their 70s would react to their teenage versions living in the Kresy xd Certainly they would need separate paperwork and legal personality.
  8. liberty90

    White Eagle, Revolutionary Eagle?

    I mean, it's not like Kresy is exactly free real estate. I would even say that villages are greatly overpopulated. Of course Kresy CAN sustain much higher population, but after years and years of URBANISATION. Not simply by throwing new people into farmland, that's truly not this sort of...
  9. liberty90

    White Eagle, Revolutionary Eagle?

    And people are fans of living in places without electricity grid, running water, terrible insulation and lack of semi-modern medical care coverage (until many hospitals & clinics are created, and this takes TIME, years and years)? Mass immigration from Kresy can be if course stopped with...