1. gral

    What If? A Machine meant to directly upload information into someone's brain in a Photographic-Memory-Way had designs spread around the world?

    It's also possible that what you had trouble with was simple, but for whatever reason, you simply don't get it(happened to me in Calculus as well - 4 months trying to understand one thing, and suddenly, 2 days before the final exam, I looked at it for 5 minutes and got it. Closest thing to an...
  2. gral

    What If? A Machine meant to directly upload information into someone's brain in a Photographic-Memory-Way had designs spread around the world?

    You might have had the same problem that we had on my university: Calculus classes were given by mathematicians. This has two problems: - A doctor in mathematics isn't necessarily a good teacher, despite being extremely well-versed in the subject; - What is obvious/simple for a doctor, master...
  3. gral

    What If? A Machine meant to directly upload information into someone's brain in a Photographic-Memory-Way had designs spread around the world?

    My experience with the way Calculus is taught(I'm a mechanical engineer), is that there are two other objectives(as well as the obvious one of teaching you Calculus): - It is supposed to teach you to go out and do research on what you're covering on classes, merely relying on what you're given...
  4. gral

    What If? A Machine meant to directly upload information into someone's brain in a Photographic-Memory-Way had designs spread around the world?

    The way tests are made would change - you don't need to check memorization of a subject; the only thing that needs to be tested is how to apply learned knowledge(that is, problem-solving skills).