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  1. bullethead

    T.V. shows with great ideas that failed to deliver

    Well, it didn't help that the writers didn't really do any set up for why everyone on Icarus Base was kind of shitty compared to the SGC/Atlantis crews... which would've easily been explained by saying it was a training base. Also, they refused to show Colonel Young's tragic backstory, and the...
  2. bullethead

    T.V. shows with great ideas that failed to deliver

    I've heard that Brannon Braga at least wanted to do a whole season of Year of Hell, but I don't know if they wanted that from the start. Especially after reading Michael Piller's book on Star Trek: Insurrection, which explicitly pointed out that some of Voyager's blandness was a reaction to...
  3. bullethead

    T.V. shows with great ideas that failed to deliver

    Honestly, reading the excerpts of Berman and Braga's commentaries for the Blu-Rays about how UPN didn't get Trek at all and wanted all sorts of stupid shit makes it astounding that we only got TNG 3.0, instead of something way worse. Don't get me wrong - Berman and Braga definitely sucked at...