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  1. Zachowon

    History Where did Western Civilization go wrong?

    I know more about the north Korean theater then you, it is no where like that, plus they are poorly trained compared to the ROK for instance. A nuke allows their poor training to never be noticed in conflict. That we know of. I am almost positive Iran has nukes, that is without me even looking...
  2. Zachowon

    History Where did Western Civilization go wrong?

    Oh? So How come nK still exists these days when it could be different had they have no nukes. There is a reason we don't want Iran to have nukes either. It eliminates the ability for us to do something to stop them outside of trade sanctions. As we know that did not stop nK from building an...
  3. Zachowon

    History Where did Western Civilization go wrong?

    It failed during the 40s, when the nuke came around. Why you ask? because it allowed for countries to have deterence over others, and instead of needing a large well trained army, a nuke basically makes it that as long as you have one, you can do what ever you want. Add in the COld war and you...