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  1. Yinko

    Election 2020 Contemporary Political Ads

    Anyone can have big boobs, if they're obese enough. That lady's probably mostly genetics, but quite a bit of it is also diet.
  2. Yinko

    Election 2020 Contemporary Political Ads

    How can you both be wearing a bra and show your nips? Is this some kind of special product? If you supported Trump after election, and the media called you a Female Trump, and you're mentioning these things on a political ad, then is it really worth it to say "and I don't care"? Obviously...
  3. Yinko

    Election 2020 Contemporary Political Ads

    It's your privacy settings. I had that problem with FireFox, I downgraded my privacy to "Standard" and everything loads. I just rely on VPN's, firewalls and regular system wipes to deal with things instead.
  4. Yinko

    Election 2020 Contemporary Political Ads

    Wait, Shaun King is actually of African American descent? I mean, probably about as much as Rashida Jones, but still... I always thought he was faking. It seems that the Far Left has taken a "with us or against us" approach to minorities. As such, they can't be racist to those that have...
  5. Yinko

    Election 2020 Contemporary Political Ads

    Yeah, but in the current climate there are still plenty of things people could poke at to de-legitimize her. Such as the fact that she doesn't have stereotypical African facial features, or that she's only about as black as a particularly tanned Hispanic woman.