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  1. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    This demands that the state have its own ideological template in mind before it determines what's useless and what's not, does it not? Unless that's determined by democratic vote and which fields are non-subsidized changes depending on the government. This is where the luxury point comes in and...
  2. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    You'll forgive me if I say that it sounds like you have an outcome in mind already? Oddly enough, most people want to work and do not, in fact, enjoy perpetual idleness. But I do firmly believe that democratic principles should extend to the workplace as well as the political sphere, since it...
  3. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    How would that be determined? Some kind of academic inquisitorial commission? Admittedly, they would surely have a fun time making that decision... In theory, but it'll be tricky to accumulate enough money for it under my ideas for mandated worker ownership of businesses. As I said, I believe...
  4. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    I will very firmly argue that chronic poverty is more expensive for society as a whole than protecting people from it would be.
  5. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    I don't believe that making judgments about such things is within the remit of the state, as it's entirely too subjective. I do not believe that privilege should exist. Unless there are physical/medical necessities for it, one citizen should not have more or less than another (and then, it's...
  6. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Firstly, I believe a more educated citizenry will necessarily be a benefit to society anyway. Secondly, in regards to therapy... I'm not sure how you're supposed to prove that you have clinical depression without it? And I would put it as part of the standard UHC package, yes.
  7. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    They may well be. However, tertiary education isn't just for getting employment bona fides, but for generally expanding one's mind and becoming more well-rounded. I consider it enough of a social good that it's worth subsidizing more heavily.
  8. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    It's a problem that can be fixed by just making tertiary education free. You can still have private colleges if you want.
  9. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    I don't know, I think that society bears a proportion of blame for 1. overvaluing college degrees (or undervaluing those without them), 2. vastly overcharging for them, and 3. offering extremely little education in personal financial management, and that's just stuff that could be changed in a...
  10. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Two questions. First, I'm now curious how far the "picks my pocket" idea goes when it comes to taxation. Second, why do you care if other people accept consequences or not if it doesn't affect you?
  11. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Wasn't someone saying a while back that this place was better than Spacebattles because you didn't have the same dogpiling/condemnation for alleged bad faith debating? Because this looks exactly like Spacebattles. Anyway, one area where I think we might be able to come to an agreement: I'm...
  12. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    While I've been deliberately staying out of political news for a while, one thing I am certain of is that Biden's been unequivocal in being opposed to any sort of violence.
  13. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    For the record, I will unequivocally condemn any violence carried out towards innocent people.
  14. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Floyd arguments to the Floyd thread, please?
  15. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Well, I'll bite. Too subjective to be worth arguing over. Personally, I just define personhood as sapience. I also believe that no one has the right to determine what anyone else does with their internal organs, including providing life support. If this is the case, it's a condition...
  16. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Hm. Some of the gun initiatives have gone too far, familial stability (albeit not in a heteronormative sense) is more important than a lot of leftists give credit for, social atomization is an extremely bad thing, and I think we can all agree on breaking up oligarchical control of media...
  17. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Well, when the right has the presidency, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and large swathes of state governments, one questions whether the left as a whole can be said to be "the man."
  18. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Well, I've been harassed and had attempts made to force me out of my job because I'm trans, so your experiences aren't entirely foreign to me. What we've lived has each been skewed in one direction or another, and I have plenty of personal reasons to detest the right. It's just that focusing on...
  19. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    What I'm trying to figure out is what they are specifically, if I may ask.
  20. Xilizhra

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    If you think that I would be safe sharing all of my opinions in public, you clearly don't know me very well. They would have gotten me banned entirely from Spacebattles had I gone into detail. But we're starting to get somewhere, so: what beliefs in particular are you afraid of voicing?