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  1. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    The court has already taken the case and required the four states to respond by Thursday evening.
  2. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    Deadlines are not statues of limitations on crimes nor are they suicide pacts.
  3. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    Fox pretty much revealed themselves to be what a lot of people suspected, unprincipled shills. Shit they were callings states with zero percent of the votes counted.
  4. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    It’s just hilarious to me, she’s alleging a whole bunch of things that if any are proven detonate the entire election but she’s not even worth talking about even to refute. Her allegations about Chinese interference on page 9, paragraph 14 should be worth at least a look. Just the allegation...
  5. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    If its a nothing burger why is the entire msm acting like a vampire in front of a cross?
  6. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    A lot of the controversy around the signature matching revolves around claims that it was not done is the first place, thus asking for it to be done again. That the system in place does not allow for that and the outer envelopes were intentionally destroyed is also a major source of complaint...
  7. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    I take it you don’t know about the threats and harassment that are behind that release? The great wonder of this new era of pandemic is that most everything is done over recorded internet video calls. Letting normal people see for themselves how the political sausage gets made.
  8. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    So your complaint is that they are just talking about their case and having evidence and not just telling a totally adversarial media the details of an ongoing court case? Ah yes, how dare they keep a lid on their evidence before bringing it before the relevant authorities.
  9. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    You are aware on how the US treats election fraud on the federal level right? Once a certain threshold of fraud is found to be committed, the courts can just straight up rule the vote count void and call on various groups to decide the electoral votes. Trump does not need to overcome every last...
  10. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    9 Key Points from Trump Campaign Press Conference on Challenges to Election Results Not the biggest fan of the site, but the nine points are concise.
  11. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    Clear trolling. The article literally just says that the SCOTUS has not taken up the case. Not that it rejected it. It’s a nothing article about how nothing has happened yet. Nice one?
  12. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    Well instead of being very concerned for us, the person in question could just be trolling. What with the constant shit stirring and lack of even the most basic engagement. Pretty much every post in this thread is some variation of “lol you’ll be mad when inauguration comes.”.
  13. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    Have you done any investigation for your self? Looked to confirm any of the lists of dead against active voter rolls, taken even the most basic look at the raw election results, spent even a couple minutes looking over the confirmed claims of people having votes cast by their maiden names in...
  14. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    Concerntroll is very concerned for us. Is worried that people seem to disbelieve the always truthful media and are instead using their eyes and brains to work things out for themselves. Would like people to stop because concerntroll only has our best interests in mind and would never have any...
  15. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    There is nothing worse than fucking up a court case because you filed it in the wrong court. Trump’s lawyers are avoiding that by just spending the time and money and filing in every possible court. The ones that don’t have the standing for the case will just dismiss it, while you don’t fuck up...
  16. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    Electronic voting is super vulnerable to shit like this. I don’t know why anyone would use it unless to leave room for them to cheat.
  17. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    So far there’s been two confirmed “glitches”, at what point do they stop being mistakes and start being deliberate?
  18. W

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    My dude an error gets you something like one trillion votes for Biden or negative a million for Trump. Something consistent, small and only one way is not an error or a mistake it’s deliberate.