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  1. T

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Can we have an origin for this other than a Republican senate candidate in a strongly Democratic state (unless of course you think she's more trustworthy than the women from Delaware who once called herself a flat-earther and happens to have come into contact with every controversial...
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    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    (Archive) Are these some of the enlightened POC voices progs tell us we're supposed to hang on their every word to learn how America is falling to authoritarianism? Also, the original thread being quoted in the above comment: But nothing suspicious happened, bro, stop noticing things!
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    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Where's the source? I saw a screenshot from a law firm website that they weren't backing out of any cases, they were involved in a case brought forth by the PAGOP and not Trump. (EDIT): Here:
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    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    They'll be back to doing it in a few weeks as the standoff wears on.
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    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    "Ahhh...ahhhh....I can't hold it in...I'm REEEEEEEESISTING!!!!!!!"
  6. T

    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    There was some cope from the "stop noticing things" group in regards to this because hey, people might've lost faith in Trump after four years. So to play devil's advocate I have to ask if people can find the numbers for people who only voted Biden in places like Iowa and Ohio which, you know...
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    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    That's just Tim doing his usual monthly flip-flop.
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    Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

    Yesterday I read a source claiming that the Democrats were "cannibalizing" their vote with all the mail-in voting. I didn't get what he meant until I saw the reports in that video.