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  1. TyrantTriumphant

    Who else dreads this year?

    Perhaps not. But it's still worth the effort to try for peace rather than jump right into civil war. If nothing else, history will remember that we tried.
  2. TyrantTriumphant

    Who else dreads this year?

    If the Democrats manage to cheat their way to victory in the Georgia Senate elections, then I suspect they will try to pack the Supreme Court within their first year in power. It would be rather difficult to achieve some of their more radical policies with conservatives in the majority in the...
  3. TyrantTriumphant

    Who else dreads this year?

    Justice Ginsberg has died. The Democrats are going to go even crazier than they already are. I don't know why they bother working themselves into such a frenzy. The usual traitors and fools in the Republicans seem happy to do the Democrat's work for them.
  4. TyrantTriumphant

    Who else dreads this year?

    Obama had eight years to insert his preferred officers into the military. It must be remembered that an institution is nothing more than a collection of fallible men. I have no faith that our whole army would side with the constitution should the worst come. Some would certainly. But not all.
  5. TyrantTriumphant

    Who else dreads this year?

    It looks like Coulter has completely lost her mind. I can't say I'm surprised, only disappointed.