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  1. Typhonis

    The Cryptid/ Unexplained Event/ Paranormal Thread.

    Are we sure it isn't a Shoney's Big Boy that got knocked there by a truck losing control?
  2. Typhonis

    The Cryptid/ Unexplained Event/ Paranormal Thread.

    Given how many supposeldy extinct sea creatures have been found to be alive and well.... We know more about the Moon than we do about the depths of Earth's oceans. Remember you could drop Mount Everest into the Marianas Trench and there would be no trace of the mountain.
  3. Typhonis

    The Cryptid/ Unexplained Event/ Paranormal Thread.

    One theory has it the pyramids were built on tamped earth/sand with only the outermost layers of stone being the ones that were cut and fit. So basically the interior of the pyramid is not stone that had to be quarried but something cheap and plentiful and easier to move.
  4. Typhonis

    The Cryptid/ Unexplained Event/ Paranormal Thread.

    Scientists like having things in neat organised cubbyholes. This way they can point at something and say it came from this and this. Nature, however, is a dirty messy pile. Where stuff moves around and does all sorts of interesting things because it likes to spread out and go for new territory.
  5. Typhonis

    The Cryptid/ Unexplained Event/ Paranormal Thread.

    The ocean is a BIG place. Lots...LOTS of things can remain hidden and no one would know they were there. Hell, how long were 'rogue waves' dismissed as tall tales told by sailors?
  6. Typhonis

    The Cryptid/ Unexplained Event/ Paranormal Thread.

    give them thermal sensors. The locals should be warmer than the surrounding land.
  7. Typhonis

    The Cryptid/ Unexplained Event/ Paranormal Thread.

    More Sahara weirdness.
  8. Typhonis

    The Cryptid/ Unexplained Event/ Paranormal Thread.

    Something from my neck of the woods, literally. I live less than a hundred miles from the site.
  9. Typhonis

    The Cryptid/ Unexplained Event/ Paranormal Thread.

    I'm surprised the Catholic Church would not sponsor some things to investigate possible Antediluvian ruins.
  10. Typhonis

    The Cryptid/ Unexplained Event/ Paranormal Thread.

    A civilization that seems to have existed before our own. Multiple locations where flooding has occurred and are still flooded. Look at a map of the Sahara it shows that it was flooded at one point. Every culture seeming to have a flood myth. Also stories of higher beings coming down to mate...